[Murray]I wouldn't suggest it for long-form editing, but I use WorkFlowy for drafting pretty much everything these days. It works well offline, and will autosync once reconnected, which has pretty much always meant seamless switching between my phone (for jotting down ideas on the go) and PC (for fleshing them out)
[Murray]For longer-form writing and editing (i.e. once I'm getting the final post together), this is one of the main reasons I use Craft as my CMS. Offline capability is awful, but the editor interface is solid and then it's just ready to go once I hit publish 🙂
Nuve, aynish[m], threewordchant, anarchivist, lefuturisteMatth, Pyroxtheythem[m], zack[m], mpardalos[m], reed, jordemort, h4kor[m], olaf[m], npd[m], Rafael[m], tetov-irc, petermolnar, Cerins and bterry joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
[jgmac1106]Most of my notes and drafts random text files in Sublime
bterry1, Nuve, petermolnar, geoffo, n8chz, mro, jacky, Seirdy, crimsonkinda, fuzzy_, [aciccarello], gRegorLove_, tetov-irc and ludovicchabant joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
ludovicchabanthey here -- I'm trying to add some microformats to a Wordpress blog and I can't figure out an easy way to add a `u-photo` class to pictures. Has anybody here done something like that?