#indieweb 2022-10-18

2022-10-18 UTC
ren, geoffo, jarkad, jacky__, strugee, ehmry, adstew, gRegorLove_, Nuve, rvalue, barnaby, odnes and jacky joined the channel
geoffo, jacky, bozo_, rvalue and ehmry joined the channel
Please RT for visibility: @heroku leadership just confirmed with me that they will not be helping archiving efforts with the coming free-plan-deletion next month. PLEASE take five minutes to save any free-tier heroku pages on the Internet Archive: https://web.archive.org/save
goes to see if the Archive Time has a Warrior to run
ooh I could join in with that now I have a functional internet connection
Does not look like it. Archive Team has a page about Heroku, but it is about running their Warrior on Heroku free tier
gRegor, [jeremycherfas], jacky, mro and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
The latest from the #BlueSky ecosystem efforts: https://blueskyweb.xyz/blog/10-18-2022-the-at-protocol
-> #indieweb-dev
jacky, [aciccarello], kloenk, [manton], epoch, [snarfed] and rvalue joined the channel