#indieweb 2022-10-31

2022-10-31 UTC
[indienews] New post: "Syndicating Posts from Your Personal Website to Twitter and Mastodon · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer" https://matthiasott.com/notes/syndicating-posts-personal-website-twitter-mastodon (from https://aaronparecki.com/2022/10/30/21/)
Evert1 joined the channel
what is verified
A verified profile or identity is one that has been confirmed by either an algorithm (like rel-me) or an authority (usually a silo) as belonging to a particular entity like a person or organization, or another independent website, and often indicated with a colored checkmark next to its name https://indieweb.org/verified
verified << Twitter planning to charge for verified badges, as part of Twitter Blue: 2022-10-30 The Verge: [https://www.theverge.com/2022/10/30/23431931/twitter-paid-verification-elon-musk-blue-monthly-subscription Twitter is planning to start charging $20 per month for verification] / And if the employees building it don’t meet their deadline, they’ll be fired by Elon Musk.
ok, I added "Twitter planning to charge for verified badges, as part of Twitter Blue: 2022-10-30 The Verge: [https://www.theverge.com/2022/10/30/23431931/twitter-paid-verification-elon-musk-blue-monthly-subscription Twitter is planning to start charging $20 per month for verification] / And if the employees building it don’t meet their deadline, they’ll be fired by Elon Musk." to the "See Also" section of /verified https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84098&oldid=80885
lol $20/mo for a blue checkmark I can't even
aaronpk [benatwork] going to pay $20/mo for your checkmark?
supposedly launching Nov 7
oodani and [benatwork] joined the channel
Evert2, mro, barnaby, mro_, [kimberlyhirsh] and Oclair joined the channel
Crazy. 20 a month for a safety feature. I am a proud nobody non blue checker
Mia1 joined the channel
Hi 👋
greetings MiaCrow
I came across IndieWeb by chance, and I'm really interested in what it represents
I don't yet have a personal website but I think IndieWeb convinced me to start my own
cool! feel free to ask here if you have any questions (or in #indieweb-dev for technical things)
Welcome MiaCrow!
Let us know how we can help!
This page might be helpful as you get started: https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started
haha yeah I've had a look at a few pages on the wiki already ☺️
I've not made a static site since the 2010s so I just gotta find a good tech for compromising flexibility and minimal dev work
mro joined the channel
My IndieWeb goal this week is to simplify my archive navigation into a list, I tried to make fancy article cards and monthly calendar pages but too much manual till it hurts
voxpelli, willnorris, anarchivist_, thedoctrier[m], TheDocTrier and brooksb joined the channel
Now I am trying to grt last year's Halloween costume to fit, but I think I bloated my website too much and can't squeeze into my CSS grid
brooksb, michael_ and jboy joined the channel; thedoctrier[m] left the channel
Oh here's a fun one: microformats markup for portfolio content?
AramZS joined the channel
Also: have indieweb people talked to these people: https://small-tech.org/ ?
ash[m]: re mf for portfolios, what consuming use-cases are you thinking of?
...oh yeah good point
Just feels weird putting portfolio content on the same page as my h-feed without marking it up in any way 😅
ha ha yeah I totally understand the urge to make everything machine readable once you get started xD
but in my experience microformats (and machine-readable data in general) are at their best when informed by a practical consuming use-case
and I guess the consuming use case for portfolios is mostly “people looking at it on your website”
geoffo joined the channel
Zegnat, some interesting quotes in that article, didn't know about this drama: "However, due to the combination of mismanagement of the Pleroma project and an absolutely absurd fediverse turf war, admins of Pleroma instances are written off by some Mastodon admins as being evil, even if they are otherwise harmless."
I feel we have criticisms documented somewhere similar to this: "And this is ultimately the problem with the fediverse: everything on the fediverse is a clone of a proprietary platform, with basically the same social downsides."
What is pleroma?
Pleroma is an open source, federated social network implementation compatible with Mastodon and GNU social https://indieweb.org/Pleroma
[indienews] New post: "What IndieBlocks Does, and Why" https://jan.boddez.net/articles/what-indieblocks-does-and-why
^ fascinating! GWG, curious about your opinions on that
feel free to reply in #indieweb-dev if the opinions are more technical in nature
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
(or #indieweb-wordpress)
also whoa awesome janboddez++
janboddez has 1 karma over the last year
If you really want a better Twitter you need to go back to the web's roots: net neutrality, surfing for pleasure, and communities of interest. Kill off the search algorithms that prioritise outrage and influence: make the online world human-centic again. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FgaG19lWQAATOIN.jpg
^ that's a bit of an artificial dichotomy / throwing out the baby with the bath water.
and it completely devalues the value of discovery provided by search
mro joined the channel
yeah they meant s/search/ad/
does anyone update their site with a Halloween theme for today?
e.g. GitHub changed activity colors in the past: https://indieweb.org/holiday_theme#Github
oh and again this year too!
my pixel art on my home page has been halloween themed all month!
geoffo, janboddez and AramZS joined the channel
I do...but broke my costume....no time to debug.....may just revert to last October build and fix it that way
jonnybarnes and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
I should make up my site for Early Voting day
gRegor and boek joined the channel
ok that's enough to create a separate page 🙂
[aciccarello], janboddez1, jonnybarnes and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
beyond this? https://indieweb.org/holiday_theme I have different stylesheets for different holidays
yeah there's enough Halloween items there for a new page for this week, seemed timely
see look more than a scrollful: https://indieweb.org/Halloween
timdream joined the channel
though currently the silos are "winning" (more silo examples than IndieWeb examples)
[jeremycherfas], Evert3, [Murray], [benatwork], gRegor, mcint, jgee11, [jeremycherfas]1 and barnaby joined the channel; barnaby left the channel