#indieweb 2022-10-30

2022-10-30 UTC
chimo, Ruxton_ and geoffo joined the channel
Eugen just updated that over 70,000 new users across all Mastodon servers today
ehmry, ren, rvalue, [chrisaldrich], gerben, coleman, sivoais, moose333, vroman, [Murray], jjuran, aaronpk, oxtyped, raucao, Zegnat, kuba_, IWSlackGateway, [jgarber], [tw2113_Slack_], angelo, wagle, kloenk, duncanbeevers, peterrother, qa6, shreyasminocha, rockorager, ancarda, eb, alecjonathon, toastal, sm2n, capjamesg, paulgrmn, freshline, wjh18, [fluffy] and wyrdsystems joined the channel
mro joined the channel
rvalue, mro, ren and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Morning all
ren, barnaby, mro, rvalue-, chimo, n8chz, romangeeko, coleman and [Sam_Butler] joined the channel
ash[m] and tantek, I'm also interested in the conversation about making it easier for people to set-up their own websites (and presumably, positioned for POSSE) and reducing the hassles in setup. Are there any active projects aiming to do this? Like, taking an outcome of — a person has their own domain and is able to enjoy POSSEing and is equipped to maintain the setup <--- and abstracting the hassles in that process, to make it
"so easy your boss can use it"?
yunohost is the closest I've seen and at least microblog.pub is getting set up to work with that?
still a long way away though
coleman and ren joined the channel
[Sam_Butler] micro.blog!
fully indieweb compatible, cross posting built in, and crucially, handles domain registration and DNS automatically, which is historically one of the key stumbling blocks that made setting up a domain and web site much harder than eg picking a username on Twitter
This is borderline #indieweb-dev but do we have a page that lists out the various options for setting up ActivityPub/fediverse using your own domain so you don't have to pick an existing mastodon server to join?
@DaanDebie I'm eyeing it up - haven't set up there yet. I'm nervous about picking a host there which I can be confident will be around for the long run. I'm following @jacobian and @andrewgodwin's efforts there with interest https://twitter.com/andrewgodwin/status/1585685746861559808
(at the risk of provoking loqis wrath) all it’d take for Simon to make his existing blog AP-followable would be some mf2 markup and webmention sending
via bridgy fed, that is
aaronpk I assume you aren't talking about eg a single-user Mastodon instance on a subdomain?
CMS plugins like WordPress's?
otherwise, Bridgy Fed is a pretty rough UX, I don't know how much I want to evangelize it
the question is, what alternatives are there which have a better UX if the user has a personal site already?
I want to provide the options available
Bridgy is one, a single user mastodon is another, micro.blog too, and of course DIY
mro joined the channel
I’m sure I saw a new self-hosted CMS in the last few weeks with both webmention and AP support, can’t remember what it was called though
jeremycherfas and ren joined the channel
For new sites, micro.blog is definitely great, and others that build it in. Existing personal sites that want to keep their recurring site are harder
Single user instance on subdomain is less discoverable, since it's a different domain. DIY is obviously limiting. I don't know that I can ever make Bridgy Fed very accessible
Plugins for popular CMSes may be the best path
But agreed, listing the options sounds good!
could webmention also work for non-html backends like at https://demo.mro.name/shaarligo?
strictly speakign webmention “works” regardless of the content type. whether or not the software you’re sending webmentions to will parse ATOM is another matter. I don’t know of any implementations which do so
hey mro, barnaby: I don't mean to be a bother, but backends, ATOM, content type, parse seems like a better conversation for #indieweb-dev
and yes, this is more of a -dev topic
thx, ic
romangeeko, coleman, [Sam_Butler]1, rvalue-, rvalue, geoffo, slyduda, [tw2113_Slack_], sm2n, ren- and mro joined the channel
Aaronpk, re such documentation, it’s borderline user/dev but maybe the existing AP page would be an option or perhaps the /Mastodon page? It depends on how people are searching for it (what it is)
mro and jjuran joined the channel
Was there no “originally posted on” link?
yeah I looked for a version on his own site but was surprised to not find one
aaronpk (or other people who use ≥day-accurate datetimes in their post URLs): what timezone do you use for the datetime in the post URLs? have you ever run into weid timezone issues? do your URLs still work if you changed the server timezone?
barnaby: What do you mean by day accurate?
Mine are stored YY/MM/DD/id. But I display the time adjusted to the location.
barnaby: oh boy do i have feelings about timezones
everything on my site is "local" time, local to where i am at the time the content is created
aaronpk: ha ha that’s why I asked you ;)
Mine is all displayed as local time, just the URL parameter is server time.
it creates interesting side effects when i travel across the date line, since some day permalinks will have essentially two days of content on them
and sometimes days are empty because they didn't really exist for me
mro joined the channel
but i like that, i consider it a feature
yeah I’m re-doing my site to mainly use date(time?) based permalinks and am leaning towards using local time for everything
localtime has 1 karma over the last year
i've spent quite a lot of time designing and building that
but (and this is getting a little more into -dev territory) I’m trying to figure out what that means for how I store and query posts based on datetime internally
happy to spill the deets in #indieweb-dev
At some point I decided having my posts be in my “home” timezone was good enough. Yes including DST changes. I have a habit of NOT changing the tz in my laptop when I travel
No idea what happens if I ever move from the Pacific Time Zone
[tantek]: I’ve lived in three different timezones since I started my site, so if I’m moving to DT-based URL design I want to make sure I can do so again in the future without all my URLs breaking!
Makes sense
Will also add more in dev
pharalia, mro, EncryptedGiraffe, tbbrown, coleman, mro_, geoffo and [denschub] joined the channel