#indieweb 2022-10-29

2022-10-29 UTC
geoffo and AramZS joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Expanding the blogroll, owning my follows" https://tracydurnell.com/2022/10/28/expanding-the-blogroll/
TracyDurnell has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (21 in all channels)
ren, ben_thatmustbeme and n8chz joined the channel
In light of everything happening at Twitter, a lot of people are wondering "where to go next". May I suggest, and I am speaking to myself here too, that you invest in your own blog on your own domain? Own your own content, and share your thoughts independently of dingaling CEOs.
aaronpk, indeed, and this longer piece by [benatwork] https://werd.io/2022/thinking-about-leaving-twitter
now what was that hashtag for leaving twitter...
checks trending topics 🙈
Nuve, bozo, mro and barnaby joined the channel
ash[m], re: https://twitter.com/acegiak/status/1586318468042805250 — DNS & the system of registrars is a socio-political solution, much more than a technical solution
so then it's pay-to-play or piggyback off someone else's domain and thus you're beholden to someone else again. There's no equitable technical solution. A social solution is required.
Oh absolutely.
this is something that the entire web3/blockchain crowd misses, they focus on the technical aspect of DNS and completely ignore all the social, political, and frankly legal & regulatory apparatuses that are in place are key to have it function as a system
My conclusion is that it always falls back to social.
and then they handwave about somehow magically "blockchain" solves all socio-political problems (which it obviously doesn't). classic Nirvana fallacy example.
friendly reminder [tantek], it looks like this conversation is getting pretty technical (blockchain, web3), can you take it to #indieweb-dev?
lol yes
ash[m], yes, any system where you have to manage a shared resource (a set of names) like that across lots of people requires a socio-political foundation, regardless of what technology is used
and speaking of "pay-to-play", the crypumpto crowd's proposals are much worse, "pump-dump-to-play"
Oh yeah, no I'm no cryptkiddie
Yup. Using that as a contrasting example
I'm just frustrated cause I want it to be easy to get friends set up with their own sites and technical problems are things that can be solved by one person (me), but if they don't want to pay money, which is the barrier of entry for domains, then we're back to social problems
there are social problems either way
I've given up on the "don't want to pay money" excuses, because they’re no different from not wanting to pay money for a phone number
annual cost of a domain name is a fraction of the annual cost of a phone number
That's legit
and if people don't think it's "worth" the cost, that's ok too. the challenge is not to lower the cost to zero but rather to increase the usefulness so that that fraction-of-a-phone-number-cost is easily considered worth it
part of that usefulness also requires reducing the unnecessary hassles in setup, and minimizing ongoing /admintax
mro, gRegorLove_, shadowkyogre, chimo, S, gRegorLove__, n8chz and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel; shadowkyogre left the channel
Looks like about 50,000 new users to Mastodon servers since Elon's purchase...
[Eugen 💀] Update: 49,215 new users across different Mastodon servers since yesterday. Probably a lot of them are actually from yesterday. My crawler only runs once a day so I get a bit of a delayed view of things.
Indieweb.social is seeing 25-50 new users daily migrating over to it from Twitter.
[tonz], toastloop, [pfefferle], geoffo, mro and kuba_ joined the channel
Hello kuba_!
[tonz], gRegorLove__, freshline and bterry1 joined the channel
That Tweet was quoted in The Guardian.
(Note: I haven't read the whole article)
shadowkyogre, jonnybarnes, mro, geoffo and timdream joined the channel; shadowkyogre left the channel
[timothy_chambe] has 3 karma over the last year
[timothy_chambe]++ congrats on the growth to indieweb.social!
[timothy_chambe] ICYMI, I setup Bridgy Fed now so you can see if "@tantek.com@tantek.com" works for you.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell [snarfed] is there a page on Bridgy Fed where I can view the number of followers for a particular @-@ username handled by Bridgy Fed? Or even an agregate view of "recent Bridgy Fed users / posts", like I think OwnYourGram used to do back in the day
I followed you on xoxo.zone, t I don't see any posts
[KevinMarks] did you follow before after I posted? If you followed after I posted, then you're seeing expected behavior. AP does not show you posts from before you followed.
It is a lot more fragile than the old OStatus model with feeds and WebSub, certainly
certainly. that's partly what my most recent note gets into
[tantek] no real Bridgy Fed UI or stats yet, no, either aggregate or per user
as I mentioned the other day, after experience talking with lots of people about whether to use Bridgy or Bridgy Fed, 99% of people generally want and should use Bridgy. which (rightly!) extremely limits the Bridgy Fed user base, which disincentivizes me to develop it much
geoffo, sebbu2, nertzy and slyduda joined the channel
testing to see if my chat-name works! :)
sweet! it does. curious why others have brackets around their names? :thinking:
Brackets mean a Slack username
got it! very cool :)
geoffo joined the channel