#indieweb 2022-11-02

2022-11-02 UTC
pharalia, sp1ff``, RossABaker[m], RossABaker[m]1, geoffo, AramZS_ and Gabe joined the channel
What is a blue checkmark?
It looks like we don't have a page for "blue checkmark" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "blue checkmark is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is it for?
what is verified
A verified profile or identity is one that has been confirmed by either an algorithm (like rel-me) or an authority (usually a silo) as belonging to a particular entity like a person or organization, or another independent website, and often indicated with a colored checkmark next to its name https://indieweb.org/verified
gRegor: but who would want that and why?
Which RSS collector services would people here recommend? I am using tt-rss, but I can't say it has a particularly friendly developer community. Also I do not know much php.
And its Android app does not have notifications.
sciamp[m] joined the channel
what is a social reader?
A social reader is a modern interactive reader that allows you to directly respond to posts (with a like, comment, etc) right there inline with posts as you read them (as people do in social media), in contrast to legacy feed readers which were one-way read-only experiences and provided no mechanisms to interact with or respond to posts https://indieweb.org/social_reader
^ check out those lockywolf
Just a reminder, if you are selling a thing or have a thing to share, set up a website and a newsletter. We saw Vine disappear overnight and tumblr fall flat on its face. Have a home base where people can still find you and your THING, when social media eats it.
AramZS and frenzcan joined the channel
So the daemon is now called "Microsub server".
blahblah441_, gerben, petermolnar and mro joined the channel
lockywolf: miniflux is easy to self-host and works great
jboy: Zegnat left you a message on 2016-11-21 at 10:50am UTC: We are looking at a possible HWC on 2016-11-30 somewhere at Schiphol. Interested?
jboy: miniflux is... very-very basic
Loqi: you are such a helpful bot!
It does everything I need from a feed reader.
I understand 🤷
lanodan, blahblah441, [marksuth], mro, [marksuth]1, IWDiscordGateway, barnaby, pharalia, [KevinMarks], [KevinMarks]1, mro_, toastloop, rvalue, saptaks, omz13 and gxt joined the channel
chenghiz_, [campegg] and geoffo joined the channel
> but the original masters are lost to the label
that's a really nice way of putting it 🙂
[Murray] that was the line that jumped out to me, too
I love the wiki style about page on rossabaker.com 😆
mro and pharalia joined the channel
Wow, Facebook memory unlocked with the Pieces of Flair app. That was huge for a while: https://www.spudart.org/blog/new-art-monday-pieces-flair/
Reminds me of my itch to make an indieweb version of /star.me
[manton], n8chz, [manton]1 and Zagura[m] joined the channel
could somebody point me to some indie web resources for dummies, please? the official wiki is to big brain for me
I especially have trouble understanding webmentions. Are they just like activity pub posts, but without a social platform below them, or something else?
welcome Zagura[m]! I guess you’ve already skimmed over https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started? if not, there are plenty of introductory resources linked there
and I’m happy to answer webmention questions over in #indieweb-dev (the channel for technical topics)
thanks, i did read it, but didnt open the links
jacky joined the channel
There's a lot of rabbit holes/links in the wiki 😁
o/ Welcome Zagura[m]. Do you have a website currently, or starting from scratch?
<capjamesg> Welcome Zagura[m]!
rubenwardy joined the channel
Indieweb question: if I'm hosting my own Mastodon instance on my own domain, do my "toots" there qualify as indieweb posts? (I know not in the mf2 sense.)
[benatwork]: afaik mastodon has excellent mf2 support, and if they’re hosted on your domain and fetchable without running client-side javascript, it’s definitely indieweb IMO
friendly reminder [benatwork], barnaby, that's a lot of dev jargon! mf2, client-side, JavaScript... can you move to #indieweb-dev?
If you send the webmentions for them they work, and there is a good h-feed
I actually had no idea. That's neat!
That reminds me I should chase tumblr again when I'm feeling less sick
Hi all, I discovered Indie Web today. I thought about something similar, and it's cool to see that it already exists
rubenwardy++ welcome!
rubenwardy has 1 karma over the last year
greetings rubenwardy
There's so many different structured data formats. ld+json, microdata, and now microformats...
need a standard to unify them all
Snarfed is being modest there https://granary.io/
<a class="d-none p-author h-card" rel="author" href="http://rubenwardy.com">rubenwardy</a>
Ok, so the docs led me to believe that I can add a h-card to my homepage and then reference that as rel=author from other pages. But the IndieWebify.me tool doesn't seem to be picking that up.
Andrew Ward
maybe it's just p-author rel=author, no h-cord?
rubenwardy: happy to debug this with you in #indieweb-dev (the channel for technical discussion)
jarkad, [snarfed], moose333, sivoais and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
what is miniflux?
Miniflux is minimalist feed reader software written in Go https://indieweb.org/Miniflux
[manton] joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "The Lie That Facebook Sold You" https://havenweb.org/2022/11/02/facebook-lie.html
barnaby joined the channel; barnaby left the channel