#indieweb 2022-11-19

2022-11-19 UTC
chimo_ joined the channel
thought for the day: I really didn't expect Flickr to outlast Twitter, but here we are (any day now)
seen elsewhere: What's going to happen to all those Instagram accounts that are nothing but posts of screenshots of tweets?
mlncn, n8chz1, IWSlackGateway, [KevinMarks], [aciccarello] and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
↩️ [tantek] I’m happy to add back anyone here if I accidentally removed someone from the Indieweb instance in error - just need their name. In slack app here it’s hard to tell
↩️ Ok looking for that name in the instance and will fix if he used that name in sign up👍
gRegor, [tw2113_Slack_] and dtinth joined the channel
↩️ OK great, found the account and it's reinstated. Have been personally onboarding 200 to 300 new users per day and dealing with dozens of reports, I don't recall the exact issue that other users reported, but cambridgeport90 is back on Indieweb.social and fully, happily welcome. ✊
↩️ I'd be happy to offer the indieweb social instance just for that purpose and to find any ways to include content there that walked folks thru that process of POSSE notes to it...👍
↩️ Big apologies to Katherine, all is well and she is happily back at the indieweb social instance...
geoffo joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "How I Book Blog" https://b-ark.ca/2021/08/07/how-i-book-blog.html
tbbrown, [aciccarello], jjuran, [jeremycherfas], slyduda1, mro, barnaby, jamietanna, gRegor, n8chz, vroman and claudia1 joined the channel
hello hello! Question for all you fine folk- just set up my new website on wordpress. I am having an issue with micropub on my end (and critical errors whenever I make a post- the post POSTS but it always triggers a critical error on publishing it). Anything you all would recommend? Followed the wiki guide for wordpress and am using autonomie
https://indiewebify.me seems to indicate that my site can recieve pings. But bridgy cant publish and quill can post to my wordpress
mro and rvalue joined the channel
I think the 740 and 960 breakpoints were meant to catch an iPad in portrait and landscape originally by lazy designers who didn't want to do proper fluid layout.
Hello claudia1 You may get more assistance in the #indieweb-wordpress channel
claudia1 joined the channel
Ah ha! I downgraded the php version to 7.4 as it was set to 8.1. That seems to have done the trick
mro, barnaby and Dhalucario joined the channel
Hey, I have a small issue with indieauth, I am trying to auth with my PGP key and it doesn't seem to work.
I am trying to authenticate using my PGP key on https://indieauth.com. I keep getting the following error: "There was an error verifying the signature. Please try again."
mro, Nuve, barnaby, chimo, [aaronpk], tbeseda[m], [pfefferle] and [iambismark] joined the channel
Hey everyone: this is very much an early "apha" effort on the indieweb.social mastodon instance I admin... and it is specifically marked as unofficial, and I have not promoted it yet. Wanted to show it here. And if folks like it happy to promote it around there. Also if if folks dislike it, or something more official like this is built, happy to take this down.
But in essence this is bot set up to let all followers know everytime the This Week In Indieweb blog is updated and link to that.
very nice [timothy_chambe]++
[timothy_chambe] has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
mro joined the channel
my twitter archive arrived. i find it fascinating that there's an "Ads" section of all the ads i've seen
I remember seeing something similar in my facebook archive from years ago. If you dug around enough you could get lists of the terms they used to assign targeted ads to you
my archive still didn’t arrive…
oh weird, apparently i haven't actually backfilled all my tweets to my website. only the ones from July 2009 and forward
that's super random
wow it comes with complete docs too
the archive is really nice
geoffo joined the channel
in other news, i just started archiving my historical twitter follower/following count data so i can watch as people delete their accounts 😂
↩️ How many have?
mro, [jamietanna] and slyduda joined the channel
[snarfed] #296 What should syndication links be?
[aaronpk] looks like you don't do fediverse synd links (yet)
in my view the whole point of BF is that you’re not syndicating but federating, so there are no relevant syndication URLs
mro joined the channel
I suppose you could somehow keep track of which instances you’ve sent something to and list the mirrored URLs for all of the, but why?
off the top of my head the only use I can think of for such URLs would be for manually checking that they’re not broken, which you can only currently do if you’re logged into the relevant instance, where you probably follow yourself anyway
geoffo joined the channel
and even then, it’d only be worth listing mirror URLs for instances where you have accounts
The idea is to have a reader-visible (and ideally followable) indication on a post that it also exists in the fediverse
Like with all synd links
even then, for it to be relevant to a viewer it has to be a mirror link on an instance where they have an account
right, that's one way we know of so far
I'm hoping there are other(s) that work better
eg some independent "fediverse post viewer" service
I don't have syndication links because my posts are fediverse posts
they're not syndicated
yeah ok so back into the philosophy part of the q 😆
what should such a service let you do? interact with the post? because you can only do that from the instance where you’re logged in afaik
this is straying into dev territory, but do mastodon/similar ever fetch posts from URLs directly, or are they always transmitted via pushed AP activities to inboxes?
mostly the latter, but the former is also possible via collections, actor URLs, etc
I could imagine imitating the “interact/follow on your instance” webaction UI pattern for this, e.g. having a “view on mastodon” field where you type in your server and it redirects you to the relevant mirror URL
yeah that's the best I can come up with too
aaronpk I'm curious how you feel your silo synd links are useful/actionable to your site's viewers, and how that differs for the fediverse
and if the goal is to enable direct interactions and we need to build somethign to make it happen, then IMO it’d be better to just skip straight to having web actions in-place for reply, like etc
some relevant BF/fediverse discussion in https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/60
[petermolnar] #60 add a "remote follow" page
i'm not sure what's not clear about this
my silo syndication links are useful because the post exists at a separate URL on the silo
there is no syndication happening with the fediverse because if you see my post in your mastodon account the timestamp in mastodon already links to my post on my website
right, I obviously understand the difference btw federation and syndication
the question is about synd links on your original posts
if a reader comes straight to one of your original posts, they see the twitter synd link icon and know they can go see/interact with the syndicated tweet
there's no corresponding fediverse/Mastodon synd link icon, so they don't know they can go see/interact with the federated post inside Mastodon or wherever
hey [snarfed], I don't mean to be a bother, but federation, federated seems like a better conversation for #indieweb-dev
kind of but not really
if they want to interact with it from their mastodon account they would need to search for the post in their mastodon instance
i obviously can't make a link to their instance on my page because i don't know which one they would be using
right! and I'm wondering if some kind of synd link would help make that more discoverable
yeah exactly what we've discussed here just now
syndication link to...where?
anyway, sorry to push, obviously you can do whatever on your site! I don't intend this to be specifically about your site. just a good example
yeah that's exactly what we've been discussing ^
so the goal is to enable users to interact with non-mastodon posts from their fediverse server, then it’s up to them/their server to have a UI for interacting with arbitrary outside content
not sure there’s much we can do for that as publishers
i guess i could see some sort of "remote follow"-like thing but for posts. like "find this post in your server"
well this is the remote follow/login/interact form that Mastodon etc do have, where you type in your instance, and then it does the webaction style thing
but i feel like the remote follow thing is already used extremely rarely and this would be even more fringe
when someone searches for a post on mastodon, what does it do? will it try to fetch the URL with conneg for JSON-LD and provide the user with an interactible post if it finds something?
(braces for Loqi’s wrath)
would be good to see actual usage numbers across the fediverse. I could see the remote reply/like form being used often
but maybe everyone reads in their home timeline, so maybe not, who knows
answering these kinds of questions is is exactly why I built indie map, and why user analytics can be useful
(problematic yes, but still)
from my stats, only 10% of my followers have used the remote follow feature
barnaby something like that yes
fwiw mastodon is getting rid of that popup thing
10% is meaningful! by "extremely rarely" I expected orders of magnitude lower
sknebel whoa yeah? any chance you have a link to details?
looks like yes mastodon does go fetch a URL if you paste it into the search bar
i tested with a post on my site that i did not send out to followers
[snarfed]: so one thing bridgy fed could potentially do then is to offer, say, a URL which parses mf2 and turns it into whatever format mastodon is looking for, and allow publishers to redirect to that URL if the request has conneg headers in
now it gives you a modal that basically says "log in if this is your instance, otherwise copy the url to the post from here and paste it into the search bar on your instance"
and if you search a profile or post URL, the instance goes look that up and load it in the local client ui
that way it could potentially even work as a rewriterule redirect
and could even work for static sites
yes! and you're right that this is basically webactions/remote follow
assuming that mastodon would follow the redirects, that is
not a top priority for me to build inside BF right now, but would be nice to have
("is getting rid" == "has gotten rid of with version 4", so you can try on pretty much any instance by now)
[Chris Trottier] Why Big Social is so *evil*: each network is devoted to building a Frankenstein version of yourself.This Frankenstein has most of your atributes: a face, romantic history, shopping preferences, etc.. Everything that Big Social can find out, catalogue...
If your local instance hasn't seen the post it directs you to the origin instance I think. Might have to construct urls to check that
not anymore
geoffo, slyduda1, gRegor, [manton] and mro joined the channel
Wow, great find [KevinMarks]. That holds up.
jonnybarnes and mro joined the channel
That was via Anil Dash on mastodon
if you wanna get Anil talking, ask him about Prince
[anildash 🤪] @ChrisBoese I was just re-reading this. https://megnut.com/2000/04/14/ive-been-thinking-a-lot/
geoffo, shadowkyogre and mro joined the channel
snarfed, I know you said "syndication" but it sounds like you’re trying to solve a UX problem. "fediverse post viewer" sounds like what you are actually asking for is "all the ways a logged in fediverse viewer (person) can interact with a post on the fediverse" which yes sounds like webactions
note my posts essentially have a proof of concept of this, but with Twitter. If you're logged into the Twitter, you can use the like, repost, reply buttons on my tweets to directly interact with them via your Twitter account.
[tantek] right! UX problem, we want the equivalent for fediverse accounts. and yes, similar to webactions because the target site doesn't know your site or fediverse instance
oh hey my twitter archive arrived too! I’m honestly surprised that it showed up
I guess I can backfill the other ~3000 likes I couldn’t get before now, provided the API stays up long enough for me to make a new archiving script
did you get your dms in either of your archives?
snarfed, in this regard, "remote follow" is similar in need to "remote like", "remote repost", "remote reply" etc.
yup, we concluded that too
[tantek]: yep
I believe such actions must not be hardcoded for Mastodon, or ActivityPub, or Twitter for that matter, and instead should be based on an open standard that any of them could implement
friendly reminder barnaby [tantek], that's a lot of dev jargon! API, ActivityPub, implement... can you move to #indieweb-dev?
omg the twitter archive web UI throws an error if I try scrolling too far back in my likes xD
at least I know the IDs will be hidden in some JSON somewhere
was just about to say my next thoughts take me down a #indieweb-dev line of thinking on this
bozo_ joined the channel
I don't think the Twitter archive of likes is complete either
Or at least mine didn't seem to be