Loqi[@anildash] You know you've been meaning to set up a personal website for ages. Join us at noon EST for a brief Glitch livestream where we'll show you how to do that, in minutes — for FREE. (We'll even show you how you can use it to "verify" your fediverse pr...
mro, [manton], [jacky], [Jeremy_Keith], [fluffy], vilhalmer and bterry joined the channel
sknebelyeah, glitch projects are git repos, so you can get the files from there (they also have a "just download allfiles" thing and a way to export to GH)
[aciccarello]There's probably some glitch runtime functionality like setting up the ENV variables but most of what I've seen has been either static files or an explicit server command like express
Loqifriendly reminder [tantek], [aciccarello], it looks like this conversation is getting pretty technical (Heroku, env), can you take it to #indieweb-dev?
Loqi[Megan] Watching George Takei go from “We’ll try this mastodon thingie and see if its any good” to “We need to liberate our minds from shackles of billionaire oligarchopathy.” in one week flat, has been an absolute joy.