[snarfed]2finally got bookmarklets working with firefox mobile! relieved to have a reasonable phone reply/like/follow UX again. still clunkier than Twitter's in-app UX, but getting better
btremTIL that Tantek worked on MSIE 5 for Mac. IIRC, that was the first browser that took web standards seriously. It was certainly one that had a good reputation in comp.infosystems.www.authoring.*.
[chrisaldrich]I've noticed a growing trend for the past month and change for people to put their mastodon handles as their Twitter display names. Others had done this in the past, but it seems to have caught on more lately. Has anyone here switched their Twitter display name to that of their own domain (either out of principle, in protest, or just to promote their own site as their canonical identity online)?
btremI'm not on Mastodon. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure what Mastodon is. In a similar fashion, I'm not sure what Instagram is, or Pinterest, or Grinder, or.... I know they all exist; that's about it. (Note to reader: I realize that Mastodon is probably nothing like the others on the list, for the simple reason that it alone has lots of indieweb folks using it.)
btremI do have a Twitter account. I don't remember the last time I logged in. Years, for sure. I think my total number of posts on Twitter could be counted on one hand by a cast member of the Simpsons. :-D