#[tantek]New topic: I'm going to post raw text instead of tweet links to text that has already obviously been copypasted. I want to find the right place to document this effect, perhaps on /social_media or maybe /publics which is a clear indicator of the challenge of human scaling of "social networks" (whether centralized or decentralized):
#[tantek]"Hi, most annoying person you’ve ever encountered here! I noticed this post you wrote in 3 seconds doesn’t line up with every experience I’ve ever had. This is extremely harmful to me, the main character of the universe,"
#[tantek]CW: promo. BTW for anyone that has a very recent Firefox, you can now right-click on any image and choose "Copy Text From Image" and Firefox will OCR it (obviously client-side) and show you the found text and put it in the clipboard. It's doing a decent job for me.
#[tantek]Now do Moving From One Domain To Another Domain. Would it be something like 1. scp your files over, 2. setup a domain level permanent redirect?
#[snarfed]2might be too heterogeneous to be doable in a single tutorial. eg more and more IndieWeb people will be on a higher level host like micro.blog that doesn't do ftp, scp, or shell
#[snarfed]2ideally we'd see a comprehensive archive format like wordpress's get more and more widespread and supported
gRegor joined the channel
#[catgirlinspace]for me i just did a redirect from old domain to new domain. didn't worry too much about if i was loosing stuff like webmentions because i had like, maybe 3 or 4 total on my old website lol
paulrobertlloyd joined the channel
#paulrobertlloydHello all! Just reviewing my micropub implementation, and had a thought; is there a plan to update the Micropub spec to include what are now considered stable query extensions?
#btremcatgirlinspace I may be too late (I don't spend much time in indieweb), but I noticed you have made queries about indieweb, 11ty, and webmentions. You probably already know, but there are several posts by various writers specifically about integrating webmentions with 11ty.
#Loqi[preview] [Sia Karamalegos] An In-Depth Tutorial of Webmentions + Eleventy
#btrem(which seems to have changed quite a bit since I read it several months ago, but maybe my memory fails me)
[benatwork] joined the channel
#btremAlso, you asked about Liquid templates. Can't find it atm in the archives, but someone else mentioned that they like nunjucks. Me too, but I didn't want to incur the cost of django (in terms of learning and maintenence) for what I figured was going to be a simple site, so I went with 11ty. And I use jinja, which is a port of nunjucks.
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
#[tantek]ok something has tipped (for me personally at least). I'm seeing more /reactions via BridgyFed to my posts than on the Twitter POSSE copy
#aaronpki've been meaning to make a little chart at the bottom of my posts to illustrate that
n8chz, [ender], [benji], [campegg] and geoffo joined the channel
#[KevinMarks]Jinja2 is the python one, nunjucks the js one. The template syntax is almost the same (when you do inline code they can diverge a bit)
#[KevinMarks]I think tech twitter has mostly migrated, it's journalism and politics twitter that's not crossed over ywt