[tantek]New topic: I'm going to post raw text instead of tweet links to text that has already obviously been copypasted. I want to find the right place to document this effect, perhaps on /social_media or maybe /publics which is a clear indicator of the challenge of human scaling of "social networks" (whether centralized or decentralized):
[tantek]"Hi, most annoying person you’ve ever encountered here! I noticed this post you wrote in 3 seconds doesn’t line up with every experience I’ve ever had. This is extremely harmful to me, the main character of the universe,"
[tantek]CW: promo. BTW for anyone that has a very recent Firefox, you can now right-click on any image and choose "Copy Text From Image" and Firefox will OCR it (obviously client-side) and show you the found text and put it in the clipboard. It's doing a decent job for me.
[tantek]Now do Moving From One Domain To Another Domain. Would it be something like 1. scp your files over, 2. setup a domain level permanent redirect?
[snarfed]2might be too heterogeneous to be doable in a single tutorial. eg more and more IndieWeb people will be on a higher level host like micro.blog that doesn't do ftp, scp, or shell
[catgirlinspace]for me i just did a redirect from old domain to new domain. didn't worry too much about if i was loosing stuff like webmentions because i had like, maybe 3 or 4 total on my old website lol
paulrobertlloydHello all! Just reviewing my micropub implementation, and had a thought; is there a plan to update the Micropub spec to include what are now considered stable query extensions?
btremcatgirlinspace I may be too late (I don't spend much time in indieweb), but I noticed you have made queries about indieweb, 11ty, and webmentions. You probably already know, but there are several posts by various writers specifically about integrating webmentions with 11ty.
btremAlso, you asked about Liquid templates. Can't find it atm in the archives, but someone else mentioned that they like nunjucks. Me too, but I didn't want to incur the cost of django (in terms of learning and maintenence) for what I figured was going to be a simple site, so I went with 11ty. And I use jinja, which is a port of nunjucks.