Loqi[catgirlinspace]: [Murray] left you a message 1 day, 14 hours ago: you may have already seen it, but there's a page for Eleventy with some examples and tools linked. It's a bit light, but definitely possible to get a few things working 🙂 https://indieweb.org/Eleventy
beefoxHey there! are there any examples of implemented webmention data? so i can see what is the usual information sent back and fourth with webmentions?
[schmarty]haha, hooray! i am gonna keep (re-)building my little micropub clients with the hope that they spark some conversations about how we design good indieweb-posting experiences with the indieweb-plumbing we have so far.
[tantek]yeah yeah we've all heard about Arab Spring. that was before state-level actors learned to outwit Twitter's moderation systems and outpace their moderation armsrace to promote and amplify conspiracy theories, election nonsense etc. and through sheer brute force cause "virality" of whatever they wanted to folks that were looking for easy explanations to hate others