#indieweb 2022-11-30
2022-11-30 UTC
[chrisaldrich] What is support?

Loqi support is related to all things regarding issues reported to a site or silo, like when you report abuse, and receive a response in a support inbox https://indieweb.org/support

[chrisaldrich] No, not that...

[chrisaldrich] What is donation?

Loqi A donation is a brief post, often a note, indicating an act of giving items or money to another person, or organization; to donate or make a pledge to the IndieWeb community, see the IndieWeb Open Collective https://indieweb.org/donation

[chrisaldrich] What is pledge?

Loqi A pledge is a recurring donation; to pledge a regular amount to the IndieWeb community, see the IndieWeb Open Collective https://indieweb.org/pledge

[chrisaldrich] Spending some time thinking about these for Giving Tuesday...

[tw2113_Slack_] ah givingtuesday
[tw2113_Slack_] the only “holiday” around this long weekend I have legit care for outside of thanksgiving
[benatwork] this is my first one working for a nonprofit and I've got lots of thoughts ... currently looking at building a donate button into my website
[tw2113_Slack_] if it’s a WordPress based website, I appreciate everyone who works at GiveWP
walkah[m] and walkah joined the channel; walkah[m] left the channel
Loqi [indienews] New post: "The fediverse and the indieweb" https://werd.io/2022/the-fediverse-and-the-indieweb (from https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/chatter/8157-The-fediverse-and-the-indieweb)

geoffo joined the channel
lanodan, Oclair_, oodani and gRegor joined the channel
Loqi [indienews] New post: "Screech - a micropub client for podcasting" https://martymcgui.re/2017/03/14/screech-a-micropub-client-for-podcasting/

[schmarty] ha o no

[schmarty] i updated that old post and forgot i had an indienews syndication on there so it's a new post 🤦♂️

[jeremycherfas], timdream, angelo, mro, benatkin, win0err, bterry1, gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> [chrisaldrich] Are you planning on taking any notes on that event?
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> I don't think I'll make it.
mro and alex2 joined the channel
alex2 Hi everyone
alex2 I am new to Indieweb. I have a question. If I host my blog in indieweb, how do I get readers?
petermolnar However, "host my blog in indieweb" is not really a thing, because:

petermolnar alex2: that is one of the big questions: how to get readers.

petermolnar what is indieweb?

Loqi The IndieWeb is a community of independent & personal websites connected by simple standards, based on the principles of: owning your domain & using it as your primary identity, publishing on your own site (optionally syndicating elsewhere), and owning your data https://indieweb.org/indieweb

petermolnar what is discovery?

Loqi Discovery is a variety of methods for finding content, websites, communities, or people to follow on the web including search, directories, recommendation engines, tags, or other serendipitous methods https://indieweb.org/discovery

petermolnar ^^^ this is probably the closest answer to "how to get readers"

IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> The HWC London / Europe meetup is tonight: https://events.indieweb.org/2022/11/homebrew-website-club-europe-london-lmza1W3WbgYr
tiim and bterry joined the channel
IWDiscordRelay <jacky#7226> benatwork: I've been considering the same in expanding my page. I have https://jacky.wtf/patron. There's some stuff I do donate to that's controversial (like funds for abortion) that I think I'd put there (it's my site after all!)
geoffo and victorneo joined the channel; VictorNeo[m] left the channel
[chrisaldrich] capjamesg, I'm hoping to be able to attend all of that event, but have a tentative overlapping work call. We'll see what happens...

[chrisaldrich] What is blue beanie day?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "blue beanie day" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "blue beanie day is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[chrisaldrich] Apparently it's an ongoing thing: https://mastodon.social/@w3c@w3c.social/109432443642157174

superkuh joined the channel
superkuh A bit off-topic, but, does anyone know something like nitter for mastadon? A gateway that converts the javascript application "sites" to actual html pages?
superkuh I'm almost certainly not going to implement it myself. Not unless there's a way to request the json of an activitypub article via cURL or something.
superkuh I looked for that but it didn't seem possible.
superkuh re, -dev.
superkuh Alrighty. Thought this was the better place. Guess not.
superkuh nods.
[chrisaldrich] obligatory, since snarfed's bot missed it: conneg--

barnaby, jgee118, [manton], gRegor, ash[m], reed, threewordchant, sciamp[m], AramZ-S[m], dug[m], kandr3s, h4kor[m], aynish, cambridgeport90[, mambang[m], walkah, Kat[m], guysoft[m], BobbyGeneric[m], tbeseda[m], ermahgerddavid[m, voidcontext[m], jaklt[m], RossABaker[m], avantgardeantler, juunka[m] and ishehadeh[m] joined the channel
[aciccarello] I was wondering that too. I think Mastodon does something like a "see more" on long posts
benatkin and barnaby joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Some servers allow longer posts. The mastodon client does a read more link like monocle

IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> HWC London / Europe is starting in a minute: https://events.indieweb.org/2022/11/homebrew-website-club-europe-london-lmza1W3WbgYr
[snarfed] we debated this for Bridgy Twitter a while back and settled on something similar. https://brid.gy/about#prefers , https://brid.gy/about#prefers
jamietanna, geoffo, mro, [mattl], tiim, bleb_ and neceve joined the channel; tiim left the channel
[snarfed] responding, less so. I'm almost always on my phone. I used to use bookmarklets + WordPress Press This to like/reply/repost, but those broke a while ago, at least for this, https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/issues/2871#issuecomment-1160645111