LoqiA reader in the context of the indieweb is the portion/feature integrated into an indieweb site that provides a way to read content from other indieweb sites and respond (like, comment, repost, etc) inline on the site itself directly while reading posts https://indieweb.org/reader
[eddie]reader << a new interface experiment for Mastodon, with the idea of reading based on person rather than time-line or sorting algorithm. https://fasiha.github.io/yoyogi/about
[Murray]I've definitely heard of it and occasionally see people advertising newsletters with it (I see Dan Hon on the homepage and that wouldn't surprise me if I saw a message about it recently), but I've never used it
jeremycherfasI have been using Buttondown almost since it launched. I am very happy with it, Justin is very responsive, but there are elements of the UI that continue to confuse me.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "buttondown.email" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "buttondown.email is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[tw2113_Slack_]oh look, medium doesn’t have an RSS feed…i don’t want to sign up to follow danah’s posts. I forget where I first heard of her, but i’ve been aware for a long while