Loqi[preview] [Darius Kazemi] I'm hosting a webinar about trust and safety on the fediverse this Thursday, Dec 8th at 12pm Eastern. It's an introduction to the state of content moderation and community safety here.I hope it will be useful to people at civil society organizations ...
guysoft[m]<[KevinMarks]> "Hi guysoft, that's great. How'..." <- Hey, its going well, I got a small asus mini pc on loan from a friend to handle the load. And people are interested, the largest instance closed registration so mine is the first stop. The two main issues I have is my email server is getting blocked by google all the time - or worse, reports all is good and delivers mesages to spam. And that I need to upgrade the Pleroma software
[snarfed]2launched the instagram-atom browser extensions! if you were using the old version, feel free to try them: https://instagram-atom.appspot.com/
[snarfed]2also interesting that I literally can't get Firefox to load the http version with https-only mode on. usually it offers that fallback if the site doesn't serve on https, but in this case it does
LoqiError establishing a database connection is a common error message often shown as big bold text on sites (often WordPress, nearly daily across sites) that have experienced a loss of connection between their web server (software) and their database server (software) https://indieweb.org/Error_establishing_a_database_connection
[jacky]w.r.t https://jacky.wtf/2022/12/cSjE, does anyone else (I know fluffy does) implemented local site sign-in? I'd like to use it to enable some light /reader like behaviors on my site (like showing a way to interact with posts)
Loqi[preview] I'm making some huge changes in my site in prep of using it for more of my comms and devs, a bit similar to how https://simonwillison.net/ does it. Right now, I'm going to experiment with implementing local sign-in to my site. It'll probably be incom...
gRegorMight add indieauth, but the primary audience is for people from Facebook/Twitter to subscribe to a newsletter of my posts, not people with personal sites.