[Murray]I wish they did something similar for your own account. For example, I'd love to have my bookmarks generate a feed of some kind, so I could offload content to other readers quickly, but oh well 🙂
[tantek][benatwork] lots of great stuff in that post, and I was going to complain about "RSS nostalgia" (which is something I've seen a bunch of elsewhere, e.g. the nostalgia of "why can't we go back to everyone using RSS?" or related, retconning like "RSS already did federation, why do we need [insert newly popular protocol/format x, y, z]?"), however that post is NOT offering any nostalgia about RSS, but rather a very specific historical
[snarfed]2got an invite to this desktop reader app that we all looked at a while back. don't know if I'll use it, so if you want to try, let me know and I can give you the invitation. https://readwise.io/read