#indieweb 2022-12-08
2022-12-08 UTC
lanodan, Saphire, geoffo, mro and superkuh joined the channel
[KevinMarks] This is spot on https://mastodon.social/@PublicChaffinch/109475248014301447

mro, gxt and n8chz joined the channel
[Murray] Disbanding the POSSE: https://cdevroe.com/2022/12/08/disbanding-posse

[snarfed]2 hey, that's what I do
M0x3b0b[m] for clarification, what is? I presume manually decide what goes to each platform?

[snarfed]2 the article is more about manually doing the actual posting, instead of automating
[snarfed]2 which gives you the opportunity to customize for each platform
M0x3b0b[m] I still haven't decided exactly what I want to do about that myself. Although while I also level of respect for communities that might prefer I not cross post, I think my potential reasons for refraining may align more with convenience of interaction (a topic on which I think I have about three of your blog posts set aside to peruse again later) than with customization for the medium.

gxt and geoffo joined the channel
ash[m] I've been manually posseing to twitter since switching to MBP cause I usually need to cut the character count down to an appropriate excerpt
geoffo and mro joined the channel
[tantek] ^ I literally have a display for Twitter remaining-characters count and/or expected text cut-off/ellipsing in my post UI for this reason. I'm considering adding similar char count / text cut-off indications for other destinations as well. https://indieweb.org/Falcon#Design_POSSE_truncations_display

ash[m] Is the current character count for urls on twitter now something like 20?
M0x3b0b[m] Part of what has be somewhat uncertain about where my eventual goal lies is that I had a Fediverse account on a server with a 5000 character limit already. It has an interesting impact on my perception of the convenience-vs-own-domain question.

[tantek] it's been so liberating to not feel the 140 (nay 117), then 280 (nay 257) char limits, and now 500 soft Masto default (is the 5000 char limit a hard limit?), or 2200 hard IG limit. It turns those "limits" from hard boundaries into editorial boundaries where you have to make a decision similar to "above the fold" style copy editing.

rvalue joined the channel
jamietanna joined the channel
[snarfed]2 tantek++ agreed. afaik fediverse limits are all soft since they're implementation-specific, not baked into the protocol, and Mastodon at least gracefully handles longer posts federated in from outside (eg from Bridgy Fed)
M0x3b0b[m] I haven't actually posted on that account yet, so I don't know whether the interface hard-stops me at 5000 or just warns me I'm over, nor whether it could be bypassed by js manipulation or using another client or something. I just know that's what it's counting up to. I'm pretty sure it's running akkoma.

[chrisaldrich] Speaking of syndication limits, Ethan Zuckerman is reporting issues with syndication of Mastodon to Twitter: https://mastodon.social/@ethanz@octodon.social/109479073228980457 Is anyone else who is still on/syndicating to Twitter seeing limits on crossposting, particularly with larger 3rd party tools?

Loqi [preview] [Ethan Zuckerman] Interesting. I have been using a cross-poster to bring tweets between Twitter and Mastodon - http://crossposter.masto.donte.com.br - Mastodon posts no longer are allowed onto Twitter - Twitter is severely limiting third party tools. This is really, r...

[snarfed]2 ^ looks like their organic growth hit a pre-existing rate limit
[snarfed]2 lol
[chrisaldrich] Dairius' Hometown (a fork of Mastodon) allows for setting a higher character count, though his own friend.camp instance adheres to the 500 character limit. I'm on a version of it at hcommons.social which has a 1000 character limit which does a "read more" notice on Mastodon when one goes over. For the curious, one can prepend `/api/v1/instance` to the root domain name of an instance to get a variety of data about it including any

[chrisaldrich] character caps and the number of characters reserved for links. Example: https://hcommons.social/api/v1/instance

[chrisaldrich] a*i included in a url shouldn't count Loqi. 😛 I even included the example to make it more people friendly.

jjuran and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Legible version of that http://www.unmung.com/jsontoxoxo?url=https%3A%2F%2Fhcommons.social%2Fapi%2Fv1%2Finstance

btrem, tiim, gxt, rvalue and [jamietanna] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] kevinmarks++ and particularly for putting the community rules at the top

[chrisaldrich] what is a webring?

Loqi A webring is a collection of websites linked together in a circular structure https://indieweb.org/webring

[chrisaldrich] webring << https://fediverse-webring-enthusiasts.glitch.me/, a [[Glitch]] project for the [[fediverse]]. A requisite example posted on Mastodon: https://wptoots.social/@tomfinley/109457760397078161

Loqi ok, I added "https://fediverse-webring-enthusiasts.glitch.me/, a [[Glitch]] project for the [[fediverse]]. A requisite example posted on Mastodon: https://wptoots.social/@tomfinley/109457760397078161" to the "See Also" section of /webring https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84955&oldid=84501

gxt joined the channel
Loqi [indienews/fr] New post: https://jp.caruana.fr/notes/2022/12/08/i-wrote-a-little-elixir-program/

mro, neceve and geoffo joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Talking of very distinctive sites https://jagtalon.com/2022/12/08/still-going-a-zine-on-using-old-technology/

gRegor joined the channel