2022-12-09 UTC
gRegor, neceve, geoffo, rvalue, [schmarty]1, n8chz1, jgee1186, anarchivist__, rubywarden, Dystopia-, jan6, jarkad, feto_bastardo, mro, bozo, tiim, btrem, gxt, jonnybarnes and n8chz joined the channel
gxt, gRegor, barnaby and mro joined the channel; btrem left the channel
# Loqi Countdown set by [tantek] on 2022-11-11 at 9:39am PST
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
# [snarfed]2 ^ it got renewed, it's now valid through 2022-11-14
neceve joined the channel
# [snarfed]2 oh sorry yeah
neceve, tbbrown, geoffo, mro, [Michelle_Moore], btrem, mro_, gxt_ and tiim joined the channel
# [tantek] well at least there's that. and the domains, have they been renewed too?
# [snarfed]2 whois says Registration Expiration Date: 2023-01-21T16:28:17Z
# barnaby looks like they’ve got the basics covered then, at least
# barnaby although that domain expiration date is coming up fairly soon
# [tantek] 42 days until Twitter’s domain name registration was going to expire soon: 2023-01-21T16:28:17Z — has it been renewed?
# Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 2023-01-20 3:33pm PST (#6998)