polezaivsani, mro, gRegor, rvalue, bterry1, gxt_, frenzcan, GWG, DavidDng[m], n8chz, barnaby, GWG-, ren, gaussianblue, aaronpk, mlncn and [jacky] joined the channel; DavidDng[m] left the channel
Loqi[preview] [Kevin Marks] @zephoria your comment about twitter's dementia struck a chord with me too - people were talking about its death a couple of weeks ago, but I am seeing a decay into senescence instead, where it loses coherence and starts repeating itself. It can look...
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "duolingo" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "duolingo is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[tantek]I haven't used Duolingo so wouldn't know. It's for learning a language right? Presumably something like a /book reading post or an /exercise completion post?