#indieweb 2022-12-21

2022-12-21 UTC
nedzadhrnjica, geoffo, [eddie], Nuve, Seirdy_, raucao, mro and gRegor joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> We have a bonus (themed) London / Europe HWC on the books for this evening: https://events.indieweb.org/2022/12/year-in-review-themed-homebrew-website-club-europe-london-ksWIK7cHfmGK
tiim, barnaby, jjuran, ash[m], M0x3b0b[m], walkah, starrwulfe[m], jaklt[m], BobbyGeneric[m], threewordchant, Mike[m]123456, BrandonRozek, dug[m], reed, benatkin, cambridgeport90[, aynish, AramZ-S[m], Seirdy_, diegov, M3bob[m], [Serena], kandr3s, gerben, mambang[m], guysoft[m], ben_thatmustbeme, bterry and johnbikes joined the channel
hwc has 1 karma over the last year
I'm hoping to show up for both
[tantek] that post popped up at work!
Jacky, I’m curious how it was received
mainly a lot of thumbs up reactions 🙂
That’s better than HN! 😂
geoffo, [manton], vilhalmer, mro, gaussianblue, gRegor, [aciccarello] and [marksuth] joined the channel
Bonus HWC Europe/London starts in 10 minutes if folk want to join
[marksuth]: Be there shortly
mro, jgee11869, lqdev, tiim, [James_Van_Dyne] and [Fresno] joined the channel
Hi everyone
Lovely community!
greetings [Fresno]
Thanks! I'm new here, Checking the environment... still not sure about what makes a website part of the indie web or of the corporative web
anyone cares to explain?
if you own the domain and have control over the content, it’s part of the indieweb! and then there are various formats and protocols we use to let our sites interop with each other
do you have a personal site?
I'm interested
not actually, but I administer many sites for my clients
and communities I m part of
(I don't speak english natively so please let me know if I am not clear)
I have a client now that uses wordpress and is looking for a better (more ethical and optimal) way of posting news
is wordpress not ethical?
optimal ^efficient
ah, I see
I'm not sure, I've been told different things
I have nothing against it personally, but maybe there's something better
I work with sociologists and journalists and they need their wysiwyg
so wordpress it is
but other techies roll their eyes every time I say it , so I'm affraid I made a bad choice
We have plenty of people who use wordpress to power their sites.
we have some wordpress experts here, it’s not a bad platform to set up an indieweb personal site on
We need more people helping with the UI
anyway... I'd like to know more about the various formats and protocols we use to let our sites interop with each other
not my platform of choice for most projects, but honestly it’s hard to recommend anything else for a lot of web projects
What are protocols?
protocols on the IndieWeb, such as Webmention, IndieAuth, Micropub, WebSub, and Microsub are standard ways for sites & services to interact with each other and user interfaces on the web or native apps, though sometimes errantly used by some technologists to refer to any kind of even proposed standard, format, or API, and in other contexts may refer to a series of steps to follow, such as a script, checklist, or recipe https://indieweb.org/protocols
Ah yes, building-blocks has a more friendly list
alright, I have a lot to investigate
I'll come back when I have read some
[Fresno]: feel free to ask questions if anything is unclear, we’re always trying to improve the wiki
and #indieweb-dev is a better place for technical questions
thank, you, @barnaby and [aciccarello]!
vroman joined the channel