M0x3b0b[m]Have to admit my first thought was "then why is it on substack," which was definitely ungracious of me and a thought pattern I will be correcting. My second thought was "wait a minute, I know basically nothing about substack except that I've seen maybe three people deriding it." And then I started reading again and didn't think much beyond the reading until somewhere along the line came "if this Diaryland still exists, then is Deadjournal
M0x3b0b[m]still going? ...yep sure is." No idea what shape it's community is in, but it's there. I think I found out Livejournal existed because one of my friends in college had a Deadjournal. I think I actually HAD a deadjournal that I never posted to...darned if I can think what name I'd've been using then, though. At any rate, nice article, good read.
mro, n8chz, gaussianblue, barnaby, jeremycherfas and gtlsgamr joined the channel
Loqi[preview] [Kevin Marks] @catvalente this is wonderful, inspiring and brilliant. You said on Patreon that you welcomed reposting with credit. Would adding it to the indieweb.org wiki qualify?
Loqifriendly reminder IWDiscordRelay, we try to keep jargon (JSON, schema) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?