#indieweb 2022-12-23

2022-12-23 UTC
tbbrown, win0err, nedzadhrnjica and geoffo joined the channel
[Michelle_Moore] there is no username. There is the domain you sign-in with
[tantek] When I was experimenting with Brid.gyFed and ActivityPub I discovered I needed to get rid of the www. So if I want to fix this, should I logout and log back in with the updated URL?
What is no-www
no-www is a movement to deprecate use of "www." at the start of URLs as being redundant, unnecessary, and a waste of resources https://indieweb.org/no-www
So why does everyone else’s identity seem to have a name and not a URL?
For me it shows tantek.com in the top right of the site because that’s what I used to sign-in.
All the /Special:RecentChanges show domains as well as authors of edits.
Where are you seeing “name and not a URL”?
ah, that’s https://events.indieweb.org/ , it’s a different site/tool from the wiki
What is deadjournal
It looks like we don't have a page for "deadjournal" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "deadjournal is ____", a sentence describing the term)
gRegor and win0err joined the channel
An interesting potential affordance for UI within the fediverse: https://friend.camp/@jomc/109558328251428997
[preview] [joanne mcneil] it's interesting how often new users begin requesting Mastodon features after they sign up. even if the requests are sometimes phrased in an entitled way, it shows they understand the experience is flexible and users/developers have more control. Com...
bterry1 and win0err joined the channel
[Michelle_Moore] that is not a very friendly error message from IndieLogin!
What is IndieLogin
indielogin.com is a service that developers can use to log users in to a website https://indieweb.org/IndieLogin
Hmm no Troubleshooting section
aaronpk, can you help decrypt the error message from IndieLogin in the screenshot posted above by [Michelle_Moore] ?
Also what does events.indieweb
use for displaying RSVP names?
[snarfed] yes events.indieweb is a separate site however it does share signin with the main domain
[chrisaldrich], mdemo, win0err, mro, nedzadhrnjica, barnaby, tiim, gRegor, vilhalmer and toastloop joined the channel
[tantek] I did a lot of things of which I am not sure if any had anything to do with the fact that I can now log back into indieweb.org with my URL (the one without the www.) 🙂
[tantek] ++
[tantek] has 15 karma in this channel over the last year (75 in all channels)
mro joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Re the Fediverse UI and Instagram: Very interesting points. The Instagram no URLs issue has irritated me, but I have never asked for this to be added. But over here in the Mastodon and IndieWeb plugins world, I have asked “does it do” this or that or if its broken in the example with [snarfed] (Mastodon publicize authentication), then I will ask if they have reconsidered. And if someone asks how would you like
anywhere, but I did just assume since it is a very large company that it was a policy to keep users on the website instead of referring them out.
to work or what is your use case, such as [dshanske], I will quickly and happily provide my answer. Its not an ask, its a hope, especially since the work is an act of love. In my job, its a different story, I will ask for features persistently and ask can we invest in it or is it on the roadmap and when is the expected delivery if its on the roadmap. Specifically for Instagram, I don’t think I have ever voted up that feature
mro, jjuran, [jamietanna], win0err, nedzadhrnjica, nedzadhrnjica_ and gerben joined the channel
It also cuts down on link spam
geoffo, vilhalmer, gRegorLove_ and bterry1 joined the channel
IWDiscordRelay: we try to keep dev talk (RSS) out of this channel, can you move to #indieweb-dev?
Sorry, I couldn't find a page named "<c​apjamesg#4492> RSS" or similar
what’s goin on Loqi
tantek: doesn’t events.IndieWeb.org use the h-card in the RSVP? Because those are webmentions, right?
From either indie RSVP posts, or clicking "I'm going" if you're signed in to indieweb.org
geoffo, mro and [arush] joined the channel
Regarding that link about RSS... why aren't tools like Taproot or Aperture mentioned in there? Whoever wrote that article forgot to do their proper research.
mro joined the channel
There are thousands of RSS/feed tools, and that article is just a relatively short editorial, it isn't trying to dive into the specifics of the product ecosystem at all
hey cambridgeport90[, [snarfed]2, I don't mean to be a bother, but RSS seems like a better conversation for #indieweb-dev
Eh that's debatable
Seeing the words "Tech investment" and feed reader in the same sentence... that scares me, because unless that's potentially handled in a certain way,we could end up with walled gardens again; so, basically trading one walled garden (i.e. Twitter) for another (i.e. some company who decides to capitalize on RSS and then make their software proprietary in some way.)
win0err, [tw2113_Slack_], mro and n8chz joined the channel
This is cool. Site color palette changes with outside temperature in his hometown. You can preview other colors with the slider at the bottom https://joeldueck.com/
that's great, i want to steal that
gerben and n8chz joined the channel
snarfed, nah, format jargon has no place here, and pretending R S S is not format jargon is either denial, or nerdy nostalgia at best.
a good example of that is the mainstream phrase "wherever you get your podcasts" rather than like "your RSS reader". even "podcatcher" died because it was too jargony
this article is 💩
there's not going to be a resurgence of read-only readers
the bar has been raised. read-only readers (like email) are "work". they're not "fun" nor are they by any means "social"
Given some of the temperatures in the midwest I've seen this week, Joel may need to make the set point for his bottom number lower than -40 degrees. GWG, you might appreciate that feature with some of your weather works and sites.
gerben and win0err joined the channel