#indieweb 2022-12-24

2022-12-24 UTC
geoffo joined the channel
oooh that article is part of Journalist wishful thinking for the next year: https://www.niemanlab.org/collection/predictions-2022/
wow that'sl a LOOOOONG list. [benatwork] have you seen / skimmed / read that or even a fraction of the articles therein? Curious on your take since you’ve got some background in that space
[benatwork] joined the channel
I have an article in most of the lists (including thr 2023 one that just came out) but skipped 2022. I read it most years but couldn’t bring myself to last year.
Generally it’s fascinating as a snapshot of where journalism’s head is at - not necessarily as a prediction. I write about some form of indieweb every time I contribute
sp1ff, gerben, barnaby, bterry2, geoffo, angelo, jeremycherfas, petermolnar, tiim, bozo, rvalue, gaussianblue, n8chz, gxt, win0err, ehmry, apophys, chenghiz_ and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
Year in review for the Mastodon instance of Indieweb.social - which was originally created in 2019 in an outrgrowth of discussions in this chat... we just crossed 10,000 users, over 5,000 of which were in the last 8 weeks.
win0err joined the channel
I've been sounding the alarm as a journalist on walled gardens and how we and the organizations we make content for/broadcast from should either own the network or use POSSE-like standards for almost a decade now.
I even gave a few talks about the subject-- "How to bento-box your public persona" was the working title. If interested, I'll dig up the old slide deck and post...
<c​apjamesg#4492> I am interested!
capjamesg: I need to clean it up into a format I can post on my site, but here's the money slide:
That was 2013~2016 when i was giving this particular talk... Still shocked I never knew anything about the Indieweb movement back then...
Welcome starrwulfe[m]++
starrwulfe[m] has 1 karma over the last year
Always good to see the /principles flourishing regardless of what we call them or who is making them happen! The mid-2010s were a very innovative time for all things independent web
tiim joined the channel
Thanks [tantek]
I just knocked something together to post it to my site -- the principles I talked about then are why I'm suddenly here in earnest!
I really want to get back to basics and see if I can make one site my "root" site and use it as journal, archive, statusnet, and conversation hub if possible...
You can do it!
What are commitments?
✍️ commitments are implementation commitments publicly made by the IndieWeb community for things they will launch and use on their personal indieweb sites https://indieweb.org/commitments
oh wow, a real way to light a 🔥 underneath my 🍑 to get this done eh?
That’s what we’re here for. Mutual 🔥 lighting 😂
win0err joined the channel
I'm currently trying to find a way to stick a `rel=me` link on my current website so I can even do webauth... Otherwise I'll have to temporarily do it on my trial micro.blog site for now... not sure if I'm gonna keep it though.
🐰➡️🕳️ time.
win0err joined the channel
What is journalism?
📰 Indieweb for Journalism is the application of Indieweb principles to one's personal site with a particular emphasis on use cases for journalists, photographers, editors, related bloggers and platforms which are publishing their work https://indieweb.org/journalism
I'd love to see anything you could add to this page starrwulfe. ^^
win0err joined the channel
🤔 Interesting... Let me ponder this for a second... Maybe ask some other journo buddies and see what they have to add as well
one very good example would be [Texas Observer (mastodon link)](https://texasobserver.social/@TexasObserver) and their use of their own instance to self-verify
They just came into the Fedi a month or so ago but lead the charge for other indie outlets to use OpenSNS/Fediverse as well as their own sites and syndicate out to silos.
win0err, jordan1, [fluffy], nertzy and [James_Van_Dyne] joined the channel
jgee11869 and win0err joined the channel