#indieweb 2022-12-25

2022-12-25 UTC
ehmry and win0err joined the channel
[KevinMarks] what happened to known.kevinmarks.com and the permalinks there? like http://known.kevinmarks.com/2016/yes-the-facepalm-emoji-shows-up-in-android-n-2016 (found on https://aaronparecki.com/2016/05/16/11/)
ok that's weird it seems to work for me now. previously it was redirecting to withknown.com
[KevinMarks] heads-up now I'm seeing https://kevinmarks.com/ time-out while http://kevinmarks.com redirects to https://www.kevinmarks.com/
win0err joined the channel
The hosted known sometimes loses the dns, yes
at least my reply that mentioned your home page showed up there! emojis intact: https://www.kevinmarks.com/
Regards joined the channel
I just wrote a draft of a rather lengthy article about the indieweb. It’s soft-hidden for now with a future publish date; I’d appreciate anyone giving it a once-over and feedback before it goes live on, let’s say, Monday. https://beesbuzz.biz/11127
[preview] [fluffy] What is the IndieWeb?
looks good at first glance [fluffy], I will read it more thoroughly when it’s not 3am
same, gave it a quick skim [fluffy] and it reads well and has a logical flow. will also give it a longer read later
ren, Nuve and lamantine joined the channel; gtlsgamr left the channel
This is interesting and I wonder if there’s a way to capture this more positive silo history (even with caveats) on the wiki: https://ev.medium.com/this-is-true-4f14b72e2db3
lamantine, lamantine_, mro and tiim joined the channel
[preview] [Dare Obasanjo] ‘Tis the season for breaches. I’m still reeling from the LastPass breach and now Twitter got pwned. A hacker is claiming they have the data of 400,000,000 Twitter users and attempting to sell it. They provided a valid sample of 1,000 notable acc...
barnaby, win0err, ren, lamantine_, [marksuth], mro, rvalue, n8chz, geoffo, nedzadhrnjica and lamantine joined the channel
<s​tarrwulfe#4969> 😲
<s​tarrwulfe#4969> @[tantek] that toot was removed though…
gerben joined the channel
[preview] [BrianKrebs] A user on the cybercrime forum Breached is selling what they claim is info scraped via Twitter APIs from 400 million Twitter profiles, including email, name, account name, follower count and in many cases phone number. This was first brought to my at... https://media.infosec.exchange/infosecmedia/media_attachments/files/109/569/468/076/858/567/original/72ea849aff7d5e5f.png
gxt and mro joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> I am playing around with new fragmention changes.
<c​apjamesg#4492> I can highlight two parts of a document with this change.
[preview] [James] Joining my first W3C Sustainability CG meeting