#indieweb 2022-12-26

2022-12-26 UTC
geoffo joined the channel
starrwulfe re https://twitter.com/StarrWulfe/status/1607119508434554880, no need for the fediverse, you're both on the indieweb, just reply directly to his post from your site! https://indieweb.org/reply#How_To
in reply to #TwitterMigration, first time? How do I interact with a post on your site if I haven’t followed from ActivityWeb yet since I can’t just stick the URL into my search bar in Mastodon…? https://tantek.com/2022/301/t1/twittermigration-bridgyfed-mastodon-indieweb
geoffo and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
[capjamesg] if you're making the fragment that complicated you may as well use the chrome syntax
[preview] [James] Joining my first W3C Sustainability CG meeting
[preview] [James] Joining my first W3C Sustainability CG meeting
mro, [aciccarello] and gerben joined the channel
Interesting. I had looked up fragmentations and found a ## syntax and an extension that supported it. Didn't know there was a Chrome syntax that could accomplish something similar.
yeah it's an unfortunate bit of NIH from Google, after fragmentions were already an implemented and deployed thing
I suppose a little bit of what I think is interesting about it is the fact that I hadn't found that detail when I was looking it up...
mro, tiim, barnaby, [jamietanna], aaronpk and lamantine joined the channel
mro and j12t joined the channel
Is there a zoom?
geoffo, mro_ and gxt joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "What is the IndieWeb?" https://beesbuzz.biz/articles/11127-What-is-the-IndieWeb
jgee11869, mro, mro_, [ggirelli], rvalue, lamantine and geoffo joined the channel
[preview] [James] IndieWeb New Years' Eve Commitment: Expanding my person tags
njmm and tiim joined the channel
capjamesg cool! Looks like the ​@boffosocko.com example in the post didn't work though?
njmm, geoffo, barnaby and [manton] joined the channel
Forgot to say I’m here for Create Day, but I’ve been messing around with Bridgy, Micro.Blog and trying to get comments to show up there along with maybe seeing how I can make my Tumblr appear on the Fediverse using Bridgy.Fed…
Tumblr is supposedly going to be adding ActivityPub natively after the influx from the Twitter exodus stabilizes, I think, although there's no clear ETA yet. That might or might not affect where you want to allocate effort.
0x3b0b: I’m aware of that— Just need a sandbox to play with AW/IW and such as I figure out what would be a good place for me to make into a “home base” of sorts.
Also can’t really count on Matt to put that at the top of his list over there anytime soon as it still seems more reactionary to that one small toot/tweet and hasn’t been added to an official roadmap that I’ve seen yet.
<c​apjamesg#4492> [chrisaldrich] I think you might find this interesting: https://indieweb.org/highlight.js
<c​apjamesg#4492> [snarfed] Yeah. I built this feature a year ago and I think it needs some work.
<c​apjamesg#4492> (this feature = person tags, not highlight.js)
That's fair. And I'd be able to sympathize even just with "I wanna do it anyway." :D But I could also sympathize with "Darn it, if I'd known that I'd have spent my time on something else," so I figured I'd mention it.
0x3b0b: There’s a big part of the former right now, and probably will be a little bit of the latter if I see something else cool in the meantime. 😉
Eventually once I get things going, I just want to have two sites that do everything because I have two of everything else. One for professional and one for personal. Might even be able to do that from one site; I don’t know.
n8chz, jeremycherfas and [iambismark] joined the channel