#indieweb 2022-12-27

2022-12-27 UTC
n8chz, BDFOC, geoffo, jbrr[m] and jgee11869 joined the channel
Can a venue have no latitude and longitude coordinates?
sure. some venues are boats.
or virtual
or food trucks that move
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
what they said
or "Home" and you move a lot
like a, mobile home
virtue joined the channel
just felt like sharing this absolutely haunting embodiment of the modern internet
like at the very least they certainly maintain their honesty
but still holy shit
and yes this is it's own individual page on the website that it just redirects you to if you click deny on the cookie policy pop-up
rvalue, jbrr, bterry1, petermolnar, mro, jamietanna, tiim, njmm, barnaby, mambang, G1, geoffo, [Michelle_Moore], Spacebuffer[m], chenghiz_, gxt, [jacky], Nuve and [aciccarello] joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
Glad to see IndieWeb in the comments of this post https://chriscoyier.net/2022/12/26/bring-back-blogging/
Okay....because I had checked in at airports, airport terminals, and airport terminal gates, I've made my airport venues a parent of my terminal venues which are a parent of my gate venues
Am I spending too much time on this, you think?
<c​apjamesg#4492> I'm still waiting to hear back from the Mozilla extension store with regard to the highlight.js extension.
<c​apjamesg#4492> In the interim I made a few minor improvements. It isn't working on some sites right now but I can fix that.
<c​apjamesg#4492> GWG Are "airport venues" cafes / restaurants / shops?
If they are inside the airport, yes.
It is just so I can generate a list of checkins to 'sub-venues'
geoffo joined the channel
Hey guys... this might be the entirely wrong chat for this question... but I'm trying to create a directory of Indieweb and Fediverse projects to go on my community Indieweb/Fediverse site. What CMS are people using for this? My mind goes initially to Wordpress, but you know how it goes...right tool for the job. Is WP the right tool for this particular job?
I have two sites: my personal one, which you have seen before. I'm trying to create my community site endeavor, but I'm getting stuck on which CMS to use since I do have access to the entire Softaculous library of scripts.
The Activity Pub Social Hub working group is doing their stuff as a duocracy, which means that no one is assigning tasks to anyone, but relying on individuals to pick up work themselves.
What kind of content is this? A list of projects? How often would it be updated?
[aciccarello]: It's a project directory of both others' projects and our own... I haven't decided whether I want to have it support webmentions yet, but probably will.
Cerins joined the channel
This is probably getting more #indieweb-dev but I would probably go with a bare bones static site and file based storage but that's also what I'm familiar with.
[aciccarello]: Oof. Yeah. You're more familiar with that, whereas I'm more familiar with WP and/or Drupal, though I first want to have Composer be available in the web UI for Direct admin,but that's more administrative on my side.
mambang, e-snail and gRegor joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> GWG angelo tracydurnell[d] the project I was working on yesterday was approved for addition to the Mozilla add on store: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/highlight-js/
capjamesg: Mazel tov.
<c​apjamesg#4492> I need an Apple Developer Program account to submit it to the Safari extension library.