#indieweb 2022-12-28

2022-12-28 UTC
what is highlight.js?
highlight.js is a script made by capjamesg that lets you interactively highlight different pieces of text on a web page https://indieweb.org/highlight.js
capjamesg++ nice! the description on that mozilla page says "annotate.js" in a few places
capjamesg has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (85 in all channels)
<c​apjamesg#4492> I have had a lot of fun with this.
<c​apjamesg#4492> One caveat: opening links with highlights using the extension doesn't work at the moment.
<c​apjamesg#4492> I published the version I finished toward the end of Create Day, which had a bug.
<c​apjamesg#4492> We decided to call it highlight.js because the script is for text highlighting.
mambang joined the channel
<k​aeldra#8403> capjamesg[d] that's awesome! And faster than I would have guessed 😂
<k​aeldra#8403> Just curious, has it ever come up to talk to Substack about adding webmention support? I read a lot of newsletters published there (via RSS) and currently manually POSSE comments from my blog
mambang joined the channel
kaeldra feel free to ask them! and document on https://indieweb.org/Substack
and/or feel free to file an issue on https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues
gRegor joined the channel
<k​aeldra#8403> @snarfed 👍 thanks!
bterry1, geoffo, bozo, gerben, petermolnar, nertzy[d] and IWDiscordRelay joined the channel
capjamesg++ congrats on the Firefox add on getting listed! Definitely add that to the gift calendar for 12/27 :jigsaw: !
capjamesg has 13 karma in this channel over the last year (86 in all channels)
ehmry, geoffo, gRegor, n8chz, virtue, rvalue, bterry1, mambang, oshirix, mro, gxt, barnaby and LonelyCat joined the channel; LonelyCat left the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> Chrome’s extension marketplace has a longer turnaround time for reviews.
<c​apjamesg#4492> I have submitted my extension.
<c​apjamesg#4492> I have added it [tantek]. Only one more bug to fix and some docs to write then I’ll feel good about other people using it.
barnaby, tiim, mro, jeremycherfas and [manton] joined the channel
happy birthday [aaronpk]!!! 🎉 🎂 thank you for everything you do for us here!
Aw thanks!
hahaha 😝
excellent snarfed++
snarfed has 32 karma in this channel over the last year (103 in all channels)
at the tippity-top!
mro joined the channel
happy birthday aaronpk! good to see you still have power and internet wherever you are 😅
lol happy bday
geoffo and discipolo joined the channel
reposting since I probably do need to make a decision here eventually:
Bridgy UX question: Bridgy currently backfeeds Mastodon posts that link to your site, like it does with Twitter. Mastodon has no global search, though, so this search is *only on your account’s instance*, so it misses similar link posts on all other instances.
is it worth keeping that home-instance-only link backfeed on? or should I turn it off to avoid confusion? eg https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/1371#issuecomment-1363834391
[preview] [spcbfr] Hey thanks for replying so fast, and also for making such a great project! to test if everything was working properly, I made this post on mastodon https://fosstodon.org/@spacebuffer/109562100003582702 that contained a link to one of my posts and ...
geoffo joined the channel
that still seems useful, [snarfed] - you could maybe accumulate across instances of bridgy fed users, though I know some would be wary of that so you'd need to follow noindex rules for each instance
thanks! oh and this is normal Bridgy, not Fed
barnaby, geoffo and bterry1 joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> The newest version of highlight.js has been submitted for approval to the Mozilla store.
<c​apjamesg#4492> The last version was broken but this one should be fixed.
Guest6370 joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> It's live and working!
<c​apjamesg#4492> https://jamesg.blog/assets/demo.mov
gaussianblue joined the channel
Howdy, this seems like a cool community. I'm actually connected to IRC through my personal website atm. Looking forward to the meeting today to see what it's like.
gRegor joined the channel
capjamesg, the description still has "About annotate.js"
Is there a place I could share a link to my personal website?
Welcome, DustinBrett!
You can share your site in the main channel here. You can also sign in to the wiki with your domain and create your user page to intro yourself and your site, keep track of things you want to work on, etc.
Ok thanks! I looked into signing in but didn't really desire changing my sites code to accommodate. But maybe in the future. As for now my site is https://dustinbrett.com/ if anyone is interested in checking it out. I've been working on this iteration of it for almost 2 years now and the code is open source as well.
<c​apjamesg#4492> Thanks gRegor!
<c​apjamesg#4492> Welcome DustinBrett!
Nice! Love the desktop design :)
<c​apjamesg#4492> I _love_ your website design!
DustinBrett, If you use RelMeAuth it can be pretty minimal HTML to sign in: https://indieweb.org/How_to_set_up_web_sign-in_on_your_own_domain
DustinBrett, gRegor: I don't mean to be a bother, but open source, RelMeAuth seems like a better conversation for #indieweb-dev
We have a few chat channels with different purposes: https://indieweb.org/discuss#Chat_Channels_Purposes
So if you have more specific questions on that, #indieweb-dev is the place
<c​apjamesg#4492> I amended the description gRegor.
Wow, even the Winamp player works. So good, DustinBrett++
DustinBrett has 1 karma over the last year
Well I am just sharing my personal site. The fact it's open source doesn't need to be related. The code is generic and my personal site is a customization of it. I could post the open source aspects in the dev channel.
I love the name, too. Just as a heads-up, though, the clock display is cut off at the edges for me, and somewhat to my surprise it doesn't appear to be because of the width of my window.
DustinBrett, That's just our bot, triggers on certain jargon words if they come up a lot
Thanks for the note about the clock. It's a tight area and perhaps your system font is a bit too big. Could you perhaps clarify what system you have?
Don't mind it in this instance :)
Ah ok haha
Thanks in regards to the name, it took a while to think up. And thanks on Winamp also. I added a lot of features to it like Milkdrop and streaming/playlist support. The main app itself for that thing is called Webamp and was not made by me.
Kinda makes me feel at home, though. On my Windows boxes I always have to adjust the width of the taskbar (which has to be vertical, of course; horizontal taskbars belong on Linux only) so my T-Clock display shows the way I want it.
Ah, system font! Good point. I'm running Arch Linux and...uh...hm, what font is that, anyhow? I keep wrestling with my system over the fact that all default fonts should be monospace and it has peculiar results sometimes.
Ah Arch Linux, ya maybe the font is a bit too wide in that case, but I will try and fix it in the future anyway as I try for max compatibility (with modern browsers).
Ya rather than embed the Windows 10 font I just use system which is faster and often has good results. But I have few people who see it on Linux and give me feedback.
Well if that was a bot I can post the open source repo here also if anyone is interested. https://github.com/DustinBrett/daedalOS It's actually decently popular with almost 6k stars.
[preview] [DustinBrett] daedalOS: Desktop environment in the browser
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I just saw the birthday balloons 🎈 on your site aaronpk. Happy birthday.
what is year in review?
Year in Review is a feature on some silos (like Facebook) as well as being a special kind of article on some IndieWeb sites that summarizes important aspects of the past year https://indieweb.org/year_in_review
year in review << Example of a 40 question year in review template for personal websites: https://cagrimmett.com/life/2022/12/27/40-questions-for-2022/; inspired by https://stephanango.com/40-questions
ok, I added "Example of a 40 question year in review template for personal websites: https://cagrimmett.com/life/2022/12/27/40-questions-for-2022/; inspired by https://stephanango.com/40-questions" to the "See Also" section of /year_in_review https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85412&oldid=85039
Year in reviews are a good idea. I actually did a vlog one recently for my project. I think the best part of the year end reviews is the fact you kept at something for another year. https://youtu.be/AMnLsUytCRQ
It's cool you are on Libera.Chat. They offer public websockets proxy so I am able to use purely client side IRC via KiwiIRC embedded in my site as an "app". I wanted to skin it like mIRC which was my favorite, but it's kinda a lot of work with how KiwiIRC has themeing.
I miss Xircon sometimes.
I hadn't even heard of that one actually. I guess I found mIRC and didn't look further. But I'd stopped IRC a long time ago tbh. Slowly coming back now that I found out about these public websocket proxies and added the client to my site.
snarfed, in response to the Mastodon search question and mentions of links, (unless I'm misreading it) like many I wished they'd added webmention, but since they didn't (haven't), mentions from my instance at a minimum are great. I really wish I could get mentions from others (or perhaps even just the larger/major public instances?) Of course, I also realize that some may not want this at all for moderation reasons. I always tend
to wanting more rather than less in these areas... Curious what others think.
Loqi probably doesn't know about them yet, but please take the more technical/jargon-based talk of websocket proxies to the #indieweb-dev channel. 🙂
I'll keep the jargon stuff out of the channel, not that I am telling anyone to do dev. Maybe I just talk like a dev all the time as I am one :-)
n8chz joined the channel
Thanks :) We try to keep the main channel user-centric so it's welcoming to newcomers
[iambismark], gRegor, discipolo, Nuve, PresidentOwO and mro joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> I am working on quotation storage:
mro joined the channel
this is interesting, Twitter is now showing replies to deleted tweets (and tweets from deleted accounts), e.g. https://twitter.com/qhardy/status/1586830534654971904
I think those were always available? Just had to know the link to the post which was hard to find
oh, but via the reply’s URL, not the deleted tweet’s URL. [tantek] is right, the latter may be new
oddhack and vroman joined the channel
deleted << Example of display of a deleted post, silo still showing replies: Twitter is now (as of 2022?) showing replies to deleted tweets (and tweets from deleted accounts), e.g. https://twitter.com/qhardy/status/1586830534654971904
ok, I added "Example of display of a deleted post, silo still showing replies: Twitter is now (as of 2022?) showing replies to deleted tweets (and tweets from deleted accounts), e.g. https://twitter.com/qhardy/status/1586830534654971904" to the "See Also" section of /deleted https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85424&oldid=76066
[James_Van_Dyne], geoffo, n8chz1, discipolo, mro and Guest6370 joined the channel