#indieweb 2022-12-29

2022-12-29 UTC
discipolo and gRegor joined the channel
I am seeing broken front-end behavior on Twitter, e.g. big "not logged in banner at the bottom", and yet, when I view a profile it shows me followed state (both ways)
geoffo, benatkin and gRegor joined the channel
not just me
Twitter << Outage 2022-12-28: SFGate: [https://www.sfgate.com/tech/article/twitter-website-down-elon-musk-17682225.php Twitter’s website is glitching out around the world] <blockquote>The website version of San Francisco social media site Twitter is seemingly down for users around the world as of Wednesday evening. … users receive an error message: "Something went wrong, but don’t fret — it’s not your fault. Let’s try
again."<br/>…<br/>Twitter no longer has a communications department.</blockquote>
ok, I added "Outage 2022-12-28: SFGate: [https://www.sfgate.com/tech/article/twitter-website-down-elon-musk-17682225.php Twitter’s website is glitching out around the world] <blockquote>The website version of San Francisco social media site Twitter is seemingly down for users around the world as of Wednesday evening. … users receive an error message: "Something went wrong, but don’t fret — it’s not your fault. Let’s try" to the "See Also" section of /Twitter https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85453&oldid=85305
geoffo, push-f, discipolo, mro, gaussianblue, barnaby, mambang and rkta joined the channel
"San Francisco social media site" 😂
bterry, mro_, suzie97[m], geoffo, n8chz and [Rick] joined the channel
Is there an #indieweb t-shirt or stickers? I'd sure buy them. 🙂
ooh i somehow missed that existing
Thanks! Perfect
sp1ff, mro, geoffo, gxt and gRegor joined the channel
If there’s only one post then why is it /4? 🤔
Not shown: "First post!" "Test post!" "Does it work now?" ;)
haha. multiple users https://app.pressnt.net/
gRegor, it it’s for multiuser, shouldn’t that permalonk be /4/post then?
permalonk 😂😂
It's probable
The little known cousin of stonk
Also if they created the site, who are users 1-3?
not seen “what if instant messenger statuses but they were medium articles” before
I don’t really see the appeal, but it’s fun to see weird stuff like this pop up
bterry, Seirdy0 and gxt joined the channel
I saw Instagram has statuses now, though I think it's only available if you post stories
Zuckerberg is user 3 on Facebook
Jack is 12 on twitter
IG's status feature has nothing to do with stories AFAIK, it is a subfeature of their DMs/chat feature
gRegor ^
Huh, haven't found the UI to change it then
top right messages icon, see the row of icons of people on top of list of messages, tap on the left-most icon which should be yours, enter a status and tap share
barnaby, man many years ago at IWS a bunch of us, myself, aaronpk, a few others, joked about a minimal (demo) Micropub client that literally allowed you one of everything. one post, one like, one following
what is Monogram?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Monogram" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Monogram is ____", a sentence describing the term)
ah, I see
I believe we called it "Monogram" at the time, and somewhere in chat archives / notes it's been brought up several times
yep, gRegor remembers 🙂
I think of it every six months or so haha
we would also use it to demonstrate incremental user and developer adoption of IndieWeb features / building blocks
Thanks, [tantek], good to know I can use the IG status/notes thing
e.g. Monogram would have an IndieAuth login like the wiki, but you could regardless post one thing or like one post and it would track that in your view
as a web-based service
I remember a variant where it stores the post by hash, and if you repeat one it counts as a repost.
also demonstrate working with a domain that had IndieAuth but no Micropub server support
friendly reminder [tantek], we try to keep jargon (Micropub) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
jgee118692 joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> Why did RSS do so well with podcasts?
<c​apjamesg#4492> Wrong channel!
<c​apjamesg#4492> Moving to #dev.
gRegor and mro joined the channel
I thought it was a setup for a joke
<c​apjamesg#4492> 🤣
<c​apjamesg#4492> IndieWeb standup, anyone?
mro and discipolo joined the channel
I'd watch it
What are jokes?