#indieweb 2022-12-30

2022-12-30 UTC
gerben, geoffo, [benji], jeremy, [jacky], rvalue, gRegor and schmudde joined the channel
sparkles has 1 karma over the last year
sparkles++ https://www.benji.dog/articles/sparkles/ if your server supports Micropub, check out this very nice looking new client from [benji] that supports quite a variety of post types
[preview] [Benji Encalada Mora] Update (2022-12-13): Did some cleanup to the code so I'm feeling ok about making this public now.Code is available here: https://github.com/benjifs/sparkles I've been working on a micropub client on and off for a few months now and since its IndieWeb...
blahblah441, mro, gerben and push-f joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Announcing highlight.js, an extension to highlight text on web pages" https://jamesg.blog/2022/12/30/highlight-js/
[indienews] New post: "Create a sparkline showing your MediaWiki contributions" https://jamesg.blog/2022/12/30/mediawiki-sparkline/
[indienews] New post: "Seasonal emojis for your personal website" https://jamesg.blog/2022/12/30/seasonal-js/
<c​apjamesg#4492> It's been a long time since I've had a block of time to write blog posts!
barnaby, pharalia, discipolo, gaussianblue and GregL[m] joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Documentation in chat: A case study from the IndieWeb" https://jamesg.blog/2022/12/30/indieweb-documentation/
<c​apjamesg#4492> That's enough writing for one day 😂
gerben, discipolo and mro joined the channel
sneaky “Indieweb” right there at the end
Haha just noticed that
mro, discipolo, [pfefferle] and geoffo joined the channel
Ben demanding a single unified namespace and Blaine claiming he can deliver that is tricky. https://mastodon.social/@blaine/109594849783367401
[KevinMarks]: would you mind moving this conversation (federation, namespace) to #indieweb-dev? thanks!
[preview] [blaine] @ben ❤️Totally agreed – not very online at the moment, but good thoughts, and I agree with all of them!The username thing *is* a solved problem, though, but Mastodon implements the protocols in kind of a dumb way. I invented Webfinger in 2008 s...
Can do, though this is a UX discussion
CrowderSoup, discipolo and gRegor joined the channel
benji++ for https://www.benji.dog/articles/sparkles/ Cool design on the post UI too!
benji has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
[preview] [Benji Encalada Mora] Update (2022-12-13): Did some cleanup to the code so I'm feeling ok about making this public now.Code is available here: https://github.com/benjifs/sparkles I've been working on a micropub client on and off for a few months now and since its IndieWeb...
and it's a PWA! Awesome
barnaby, geoffo, btrem, neceve, gRegor and discipolo joined the channel
More "back to blogging" commitments for the new year: https://mastodon.social/@Popehat/109603870060169533
[preview] [Ken White] A New Year's goal -- write two Substack posts a week about the subjects I like, like the old days of blogging. Meanwhile, I've created a sub-page on the Popehat Report Substack to aggregate and organize all of the free speech posts.https://popehat.s...
Though too bad it's substack and not his site
n8chz and neceve joined the channel
cunningham's law incoming, but substack is not the old days of blogging
but I like the spirit
discipolo, neceve, [manton] and barnaby joined the channel
Have things changed somehow [manton]?
Just tried replying inline on micro.blog to a conversation thread I started (and relying on webmention to send the comment back to my original rather than replying from my website and syndicating into micro.blog) and got the error message "You need to add a payment method to reply during your Micro.blog trial." I've not encountered this before (and don't have a trial going as far as I can tell), has anyone else seen it recently?
Yeah, we changed things recently to make it harder for spammers. I need to tweak this so it doesn’t trip up folks who don’t need a subscription… As a work-around, if you aren’t using Micro.blog for hosting because you only use e.g. WordPress, go into Account and delete the hosted blogs. Then Micro.blog won’t complain.
spammers-- [manton]++
[manton] has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (36 in all channels)
spammers has -1 karma over the last year
Naturally one should back it all up before deleting...