2022-12-31 UTC
ben_thatmustbeme, gRegor, geoffo, angelo, n8chz, rvalue, barnaby, mro and tnttime1 joined the channel
barnaby, [Michelle_Moore], DerekKozel[m], GregL1, IWSlackGateway, mro, petermolnar, nertzy[d], IWDiscordRelay and n8chz joined the channel; GregL[m] left the channel
# 15:21 IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> Hello!
[TMichelleMoore] and mro joined the channel
# 16:28 DerekKozel[m] Oh wow, that was a several hour lag in joining the Matrix room!
# 16:29 DerekKozel[m] Hi folks. I've been spending the afternoon updating my old Hugo based website to use dependencies from this decade and thought I'd find out where folks are hanging out and chatting these days.
# 16:33 IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> Welcome!
# 16:58 [0x3b0b] Were you still hanging out in the withered husks of the Freenode rooms like I was until a few months ago?
sp1ff and tnttime1 joined the channel
# 17:30 tnttime1 got any tips on how to start making a website?
# 17:30 tnttime1 i kinda wanna make something small and simple
# 17:31 tnttime1 and afordably
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
# 17:36 Loqi [preview] [indieweb] blank-gh-site: Setup a simple new indieweb site on a domain name in mere minutes with this project.
# 17:44 IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> Neocities is great!
# 17:44 IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> There is also micro.blog if you are more interested in a solution that works out of the box and requires no coding.
[Tim_Nolte], [snarfed], [marksuth], geoffo, Nuve, bterry1, [tantek], [schmarty] and tnttime1 joined the channel
# 19:56 tnttime1 im using neocity rn
# 19:56 tnttime1 it really is great for begininners
Nuve, geoffo and bozo_ joined the channel; btrem left the channel