#indieweb 2023-01-03
2023-01-03 UTC
[snarfed] "Should I show some visible icon or link on my posts to indicate that they're available in Mastodon etc? How? Should it work similarly to corresponding links to tweets and silo posts? But there's no direct link to use. Also, should readers be able to use it to respond on Mastodon etc? How would that work?"
starrwulfe[m] “Have something to say? Add your thoughts by <Fediverse> or <from your blog”>

starrwulfe[m] Where you’d press the appropriate button and get either a respond from your instance or a permalink and a space to indieauth into your blog and post a reply

starrwulfe[m] …just some initial thoughts…

starrwulfe[m] Think how Disqus gets around the whole multi SSO via SNS site issues right in the comment text box. Something like that would work but it defeats the minimalistic appeal and aesthetics of IW to me

[snarfed] starrwulfe definitely check out https://indieweb.org/webactions and related history
starrwulfe[m] * Ok

[timothy_chambe] joined the channel
[timothy_chambe] The CEO and there staff of Medium.com just created a #Mastodon instance medium.social where they just migrated to, and appear to be considering Medium.com supporting ActivityPub federation:
[timothy_chambe] https://indieweb.social/@mathowie@xoxo.zone/109621786985432221
gRegor joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Did we have some medium interop issues?

[Tim_Nolte] joined the channel
[Tim_Nolte] Hmm, interesting that Medium is even considering this when they are already a walled garden of content. The fact that with a free account you only get 2 free views of the "member-only" content. I guess not all of their content is member-only but I get real turned off when blog posts are blocked by some pay wall.
[KevinMarks] We hsve a medium pm asking for how to do it well - I know we had some bridging on some versions of medium

Loqi [preview] [Tony Stubblebine] @jeffjarvis @mathowie @buster Re: Medium.com having ActivityPub. I'm still confused by the actual user experience here. This was a pretty good discussion about it:

[snarfed] Yup we have, eg https://brid.gy/about#blogs
geoffo, ehmry, oodani, [manton] and rvalue joined the channel
bterry1 and rvalue joined the channel
[marksuth], strugee_, barnaby and gRegor joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Potentially you can if the federation between instances is set up that way, but unlikely if its your own post that is boosted.

mro and mro_ joined the channel
[KevinMarks] This is very good, and I like the diagram too https://maggieappleton.com/ai-dark-forest

mro joined the channel
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> This is an interesting point:
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492>
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> > Humans who want to engage in informal, unoptimised, personal interactions have to hide in closed spaces like invite-only Slack channels, Discord groups, email newsletters, small-scale blogs, and digital gardens.
petermolnar "have to hide" not the correct choice of words. If I were to have friends over for a chat, I'd do it at a small environment and not on Oxford Street in London.

IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> I agree with your analysis on the word choice. The sentiment is more resonant to me.
[KevinMarks] Well, yes, though Oxford Street is well supplied with venues that provide a choice of small environments to do that in (or was, it is mostly weird money laundering sweet shops now, but there are pubs and cafes nearby)

petermolnar I meant the literal street

IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> [tantek] This article feels like something we should link somewhere: https://manuelmoreale.com/on-the-current-decentralisation-movement
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> > Want to also have discussions? Add comments to your website. Don't care about other people's opinions? Don't add comments to your site. I honestly don't get why people are searching for some new technical solution to a problem that in my opinion doesn't exists. Maybe I'm just too dumb to even realise what the problem is. That's certainly a possibility.
petermolnar > I honestly don't get why people are searching for some new technical solution to a problem that in my opinion doesn't exists

petermolnar That goes much, much further, than websites. Kubernetes is the most overengineered madness I've seen in my life, especially with kube-proxy that essentially ignores IP addresses, because why not ( https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/10921#issuecomment-509013360 ) so we're definitely looking for "solutions" that tends to complicate a lot of things with questionable benefits or results.

jeremycherfas Is that what those huge sweetie shops are [KevinMarks]? I've never been able to understand their existence.

mro joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Apparently they bought up leases during covid and have been several kinds of dodgy https://www.timeout.com/london/news/one-third-of-the-oxford-street-candy-shops-disappear-after-police-raids-111622

mro and gerben joined the channel
jeremycherfas -> chat

n8chz joined the channel
[KevinMarks] I was having a mastodon discussion about this today too https://xoxo.zone/@KevinMarks/109625598573369850

gerben joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Today in outreach https://startafuckingblog.com/

n8chz, mro, n8chz1, tiim1 and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
jeremycherfas Pity it isn't mf2-ready

jeremycherfas But doesn't Kevin Quirk have form here?

gRegor joined the channel
starrwulfe[m] OT question:

starrwulfe[m] Is there an xmpp bridge for #indieweb?

starrwulfe[m] …or telegram? I don’t know all the different ways to get here

barnaby these are all the current bridges to chat: https://indieweb.org/discuss#Join_Discussions

starrwulfe[m] Thanks barnaby — I’m engrossed in other chats across all these spaces and it gets a bit confusing

njmm and [Rose] joined the channel; rkta left the channel
barnaby you can always check https://events.indieweb.org/ for planned events, and https://indieweb.org/Planning for potential events

[snarfed] wow, I just learned that Mastodon search doesn't even fully search the local instance. it only searches hashtags, users, and your own posts. evidently by design, to prevent harassment. news to me. https://docs.joinmastodon.org/user/network/#search
gRegor [Rose], barnaby, I just started https://indieweb.org/2023/Pop-ups, and we can review https://indieweb.org/2022/Pop-ups/Sessions to move forward proposed events that didn't happen last year

[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] darius++ for the latest update to Hometown https://friend.camp/@darius/109623189653393791. Apparently it's now much easier to replace an old Mastodon instance with Hometown which has local only posting, a feature that may be useful for those maintaining a site for small groups of friends and family.

Loqi [preview] [Darius Kazemi] Also this means that everyone on a brand new post-Nov-1 server that runs Mastodon 4.0.2 has the option to move to Hometown for their software and get that sweet local-only posting and more :)https://github.com/hometown-fork/hometown/wiki/Or, uh, at l...

[chrisaldrich] Does anyone have a list of Mastodon forks that add/remove functionality? Darius' is one of the few that is making some interesting and deliberate design choices and frequently pushing them back to the main Mastodon instance. Local only posting and the ability to go over 500 characters are interesting directions for experimentation.

[chrisaldrich] One of the other useful changes Darius has made is a warning on posts that have no alt text on images/videos for encouraging better accessibility.

[chrisaldrich] iirc https://microblog.pub/ is another that is adding some additional IndieWeb building blocks including Webmention.

[chrisaldrich] What is a reading challenge?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "reading challenge" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "reading challenge is ____", a sentence describing the term)

tiim joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Something very IndieWebby about this headline "Mastodon Brought a Protocol to a Product Fight", which to me is the most valuable part of the entire piece. https://500ish.com/mastodon-brought-a-protocol-to-a-product-fight-ba9fda767c6a

Loqi [preview] [Kevin Marks] seems like @mgsiegler brought a VC fight mindset to a protocol consensus.
Sorry, you don't get to be the Karen here and demand to speak to Mastodon's manager.

IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> I think this disregards what could be.
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> Mastodon has a few years of history but their product is surely by no means done.
[chrisaldrich] That's an interesting framing as well [KevinMarks], but with respect to eating what you cook, I feel like Mastodon et al. are nudging folks into sous vide and molecular gastronomy in large commercial kitchens instead of starting with beans, rice, and simpler grains.

tiim joined the channel
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> I agree that there is a high barrier for entry. I’m still not on Mastodon properly, or at least I technically am but I have not gotten around to figuring out how my accounts work.
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> I’d rather ask “what can we do to make a solution better” than to say it is not going to be competitive.
[chrisaldrich] As we all know #ItsComplicated

rvalue and geoffo joined the channel; feto_bastardo left the channel
[schmarty] joined the channel
Loqi microblog.pub is a self-hosted, single-user, ActivityPub powered microblog https://indieweb.org/microblog.pub

gRegor The main documentation page linked in the dfn mentions the jargon term I will avoid (👀 Loqi) https://docs.microblog.pub/

[tantek] microblog.pub << Main documentation: https://docs.microblog.pub/

Loqi ok, I added "Main documentation: https://docs.microblog.pub/" to the "See Also" section of /microblog.pub https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85630&oldid=82187

[0x3b0b] Yeah, kind of an interesting choice in my opinion to have the bare domain be a release/announcement stream running on the software itself. There's some code in the project having to do with initial support for arbitrary pages and including links to them in the nav menu; I wonder whether that's what's behind the docs.

[tantek] use what you make << Software example: [[microblog.pub]]’s home page is running the software itself.

Loqi ok, I added "Software example: [[microblog.pub]]’s home page is running the software itself." to the "See Also" section of /use_what_you_make https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85637&oldid=85402