#indieweb 2023-01-05

2023-01-05 UTC
i just used that post to stream from OBS to youtube and twitch successfully
what benefits would you say owncast brings?
a couple of my indieweb posts have attracted tweet replies about "web3"/crypumpto/blkchain "solutions". Zero Mastodon replies about any of that nonsense
oh for streaming to youtube and twitch that's good. owncast is like a self-hosted replacement for youtube and twitch livestreaming
oh right my alarm went off I'm supposed to get dinner out of the oven
do you think owncast is using a more sophisticated stream than the HLS in your post?
i like the idea of using an update to give the post a "during" and "after"
no it is also HLS
it's just a lot easier to set up than installing nginx plugins and hacking up nginx config files and such
geoffo and TechLIfeWeb joined the channel
petermolnar, nertzy[d], IWDiscordRelay, gRegor and TechLIfeWeb joined the channel
Not sure if this belongs here or in the DEV channel.. I'm trying bridgy fed and when I try to send a webmention the link isn't found unless I put it within the e-content block. Perhaps I've munged up my html in some other way. Example non-working post https://techlifeweb.com/blog/2023/post-11/
[preview] [Scott Kingery] Testing bridgy fed again. I think I have the right syntax for my post but I still have more testing to do.
welcome TechLIfeWeb! sounds like a -dev conversation to me :)
Thanks barnaby, I'll post over the
starrwulfe, TechLIfeWeb and SRG joined the channel
im on the indie web!!!
ren, doug_c_im, bterry1 and [TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
[gRegorLove] [dshanske] [tantek] Thank you for the tips at this evenings Homebrew event. Have a good night!
[tantek] joined the channel
Welcome! Have a good night
geoffo, doug_c_im, jgee118692, shadowkyogre, tiim, rvalue, TechLIfeWeb, [jeremycherfas], [jamietanna], rocto, barnaby, starrwulfe, gRegor, pharalia_, ralf1983, gaussianblue, njmm and rocto92 joined the channel; shadowkyogre left the channel
Working on my steps to get setup indieweb style. 🙂
doug_c_im, starrwulfe, geoffo and gaussianblue joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> Yay!
<c​apjamesg#4492> Let us know if you have any questions as you get started!
“We were all just running our own little blogs in a corner of the internet and keeping up with each other with RSS readers. Social media was just our own little websites. Why can’t we just go back to that?” https://paulstamatiou.com/mastodon/
mro and doug_c_im joined the channel
^ More RSS nostalgia
doug_c_im joined the channel
Yes, but also some actual indieweb discussion at the end
starrwulfe joined the channel
What is social reader?
A social reader is a modern interactive reader that allows you to directly respond to posts (with a like, comment, etc) right there inline with posts as you read them (as people do in social media), in contrast to legacy feed readers which were one-way read-only experiences and provided no mechanisms to interact with or respond to posts https://indieweb.org/social_reader
social reader << 2023-01-05 [[Feedbin]] now supports [https://feedbin.com/blog/2023/01/05/mastodon-and-microposts/ posting straight to Mastodon].
ok, I added "2023-01-05 [[Feedbin]] now supports [https://feedbin.com/blog/2023/01/05/mastodon-and-microposts/ posting straight to Mastodon]." to the "See Also" section of /social_reader https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85714&oldid=78222
Really nice to see some "one-way" services becomes two-way!
doug_c_im, mro, barnaby, starrwulfe, Seirdy and geoffo joined the channel
what is openRSS?
It looks like we don't have a page for "openRSS" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "openRSS is ____", a sentence describing the term)
openRSS is a website where the mission is to mission is to provide RSS content for all websites with dynamic content even if there is no RSS feed to surface. This includes YouTube, Twitter, Mastodon, Instagram and more. The mission exists so that RSS feeds can continue to be a reliable way for internet users to stay up to date with content throughout the web. By making feeds available for
websites that don't have them will encourage their usage and adoption as a more private and personalized alternative to overwhelming email newsletter subscriptions and doom-scrolling social media feeds that are controlled and monitored by big technology companies.
starrwulfe, can you edit the page to fix that cropped definition and add a link to the actual site?
doing it now
thank you!
barnaby and doug_c_im joined the channel
also they don't actually do Instagram, https://openrss.org/changelog#202211021744-d20caeb, I'll update the page
gRegor and doug_c_im joined the channel
[snarfed]: and anyone else, feel free to give some examples you may think of at http://indieweb.org/openrss
starrwulfe, you may also want to join #indieweb-meta for discussions of improving the wiki itself
thanx [tantek], I'll step in there and see what's going on
While I was away a bit over the holiday, I remember tangentially seeing a few people talk about Twitter and Mastodon threaded/multi-branching conversations and associated reply context failures and couldn't remember the name of an interesting browser tool that helps fend against this pattern, at least with respect to Twitter.
doug_c_im and tiim joined the channel
thread << https://treeverse.app/, a reply thread tool/browser extension for visualizing branching conversations on Twitter
ok, I added "https://treeverse.app/, a reply thread tool/browser extension for visualizing branching conversations on Twitter" to the "See Also" section of /reply-chain https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85731&oldid=75812
doug_c_im joined the channel
Oh, that looks really interesting [chrisaldrich]!
[Zegnat] It reminded me of hand drawn diagrams I made as a kid of all the branching possibilities for Choose Your Own Adventure books so I could do completist readings of them.
I just wish I had it installed last weekend when I was getting deep into #ReceptioGate
gRegorLove_, starrwulfe and doug_c_im joined the channel
What was ReceptioGate?
It looks like we don't have a page for "ReceptioGate" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "ReceptioGate is ____", a sentence describing the term)
doug_c_im joined the channel
From #indieweb-stream showed a preview that was nearly all a quote from someone else, but because of lack of formatting it could easily be mistaken as from him
IMO better to start your blog posts with YOUR point, not with a quote from someone else
It’s both better for previews/summaries, and for people reading your post as an “article”, they internalize your point first, which is what you want
This is also why quote tweets show the added text BEFORE the quoted tweet
The exception is of course a proper /reply post, but in that case you have a reply-context which should be *outside* your entry content so once again your content is shown in link previews, not the thing you’re replying to
[aciccarello] joined the channel
I noticed this comment on Chris's blog. Do people have processes to remove defunct sites/accounts from their replies? https://chriscoyier.net/2023/01/05/i-feel-contractually-obliged-to-link-to-a-post-like-bring-back-personal-blogging/#comment-50467
[preview] Ben Nadel
Nice try Loqi. Here's the comment
"I’ve been meaning to look into Web Mentions as well. But, one thing that was odd when looking at Web Mentions on someone else’ site that used them is that I would click through to the “people who liked this post”, and like of them brought me to profiles on Twitter that no longer exist. I guess that’s no different that someone commenting with a “Website” that doesn’t exist in the future. But, just wasn’t something
the broad answer is https://indieweb.org/archival_copy, https://indieweb.org/reply-context#Why_show, some page on caching profile photos that I can't find, etc
https://github.com/dshanske/syndication-links/issues/97 has some narrow concrete ideas for synd links
[preview] [snarfed] #97 handle silo quits
doug_c_im joined the channel
Ah, that's a great summary
GWG aaronpk et al, you all have worked with profile photo caches, any idea if they're wikified? closest I found is https://indieweb.org/nicknames-cache#Better_Person_Icon_Display
hm not that i know of
geoffo and doug_c_im joined the channel
aciccarello, not processes per se, however sometimes manually changing dead links / domains to their Internet Archive equivalents around the time of the post in which they’re referenced
I believe the same would work for defunct Twitter profiles
to discuss how tools might do a better job at this, I'd say that's better for #indieweb-dev
doug_c_im, starrwulfe, geoffo and CrowderSoup joined the channel
one automatic strategy: unlink any backfed /reactions after a year (or less?). solves much of the problem of silo-quits, or renamed accounts, or silo-deaths
in contrast to say, backfed replies, because at least with links to specific reply tweets, those survive (are redirected) when accounts are renamed
though perhaps even those are worth automatically linking to their Internet Archive version after a year
this is all brainstorming though, not doing this myself, just offering ideas. not sure where to capture it
mro joined the channel
we have pages for how to display collections of specific types of responses like /likes and /reposts but no place for common strategies across different kinds of /reactions
perhaps /likes would be a good place to start to document such brainstorming, since they’re the most common across silos and that was the specific example that aciccarello's comment above noted
what do people think? (sort of a meta question, though it's about a fundamental IndieWeb user experience)
unlinking after a year would be a brute force approach, I’d at least check to see if they’re still live before unlinking
changing the link to an externally archived page seems reasonable, unless it’d be safer to assume that the person no longer wants that content online, and treat it as a delete instead
I have mixed feelings about that. I have comments on my site which are the only records of some of the first cross-site comments (with eschnou, who’s site is long gone and not archived afaik)
CrowderSoup joined the channel
sadly I didn’t have automated HTML archiving of all external content back then, so I only have the parsed results
I think I would lean towards not showing broken links at all. Probably would need to have something smarter than just a 404 check since sites go down in strange ways.
the eschnou example kinda proves my point, after some number of years, those links died, so it makes sense to remove them or better yet link to their Archive.org versions around the time that they were received
as I said, afaik there are no archive.org versions of those specific pages. I think I looked for them already
hence the parsed data on my site being the only record of their existence
could be wrong though, it’s a while since I looked, back when I was adding a lot of old stuff to /timeline
doug_c_im joined the channel
worth distinguishing removing the link and leaving the text vs removing the whole thing
starrwulfe joined the channel