#indieweb 2023-01-06

2023-01-06 UTC
agreed [snarfed]
barnaby yeah that was back before we started the practice of auto-archiving sent & received responses
doug_c_im joined the channel
Likes are weird for me. Although I guess I could makes a case bookmarks are even weirder.
starrwulfe, doug_c_im, [jacky], Saloframes, boxframes_, geoffo and [asuh] joined the channel
I’d be less worried about the method of unlinking as long as I was able to archive it locally (preferably immediately after linking to it) on my CMS, whether a screenshot, a copy with metadata, or something similar.
In the same manner, when I get a webmention, and I’m on WordPress, I’d prefer to grab the gravatar icon and keep it locally on my CMS rather than have the icon linked to Gravatar.
[asuh]: We wrote that feature. It's in a PR waiting for merge
I’m looking at this from the same perspective of it being less preferable to use Google fonts hosted on Google. It’s a better idea to have them locally for performance and GDPR compliance
GWG that’s excellent, I’ve been looking forward to it
[asuh]: Me too..really want to finish that project. I've been waiting to use that code for 2 years
doug_c_im, rocto, CrowderSoup, geoffo and [zeina] joined the channel
Hello, I've been following Tantek's 100days of IndieWeb through Mastodon and really related to the most recent post about choosing a domain name. I've been stuck on it for months
The three options I've narrowed it down to (which I all own) are
• zeinaelsayed.com
• zeiels.com (not pronounceable?)
• zelsayed.com
I'm divided on what to go with, but I'm kind of leaning in the direction of zelsayed.com
The other question I had is, when do you decide to put something on a subdomain? Like if I had a blog, I guess it'd be better it sits on your root domain (I hope that's right), but what if it's running on different software? e.g. the root domain is pointing to Webflow, but your blog is on Wordpress or micro.blog... is it better to merge, or try to keep everything housed under one software? Or is there another way to make it work? I've
been scratching my head about this too
I have mine on a subdomain. But that's because I have firstname.lastname.com
jdzero, starrwulfe and n8chz joined the channel
[zeina] welcome! those are three great choices. I'd say you could keep/use all three for different reasons. zeinaelsayed .com is presumably your given & family name, that would be good to use for your canonical site. once you start posting content there it will start showing up in web searches for your name.
zeiels. com is a very good "short-domain" for easier copy/pasting/typing. ideally it should "just" redirect to your longer canonical domain
zelsayed. com sounds very speakable "zel say ed .com" and again should redirect to your longer canonical domain
oodani joined the channel
[tantek] Thank you! I like your suggestions, I think you're right that zeinaelsayed .com would be best as the canonical domain, and the other as redirects
jgee118692, tiim, barnaby, petermolnar, nertzy[d], IWDiscordRelay, starrwulfe and [marksuth] joined the channel
[zeina] Regarding subdomains - It just occurred to me a few days ago that I don’t need separate domains like a .com, ..xyz, .online etc. for all of my experiments such as using FreshRSS feedreader, Moodle, or any other thing and that I could actually just make them a subdomain of the form freshrss.mydomain.com. For me it makes it much simpler. I also have a full name without the first initial domain that redirects to my website
starrwulfe joined the channel
What's the current status of OwnYourGram? Is it working at all? I'm thinking we should move it (or remove it) from https://indieweb.org/Instagram#Why if it no longer works in practice or even if just sign-ups are disabled
starrwulfe joined the channel
wow Archive org fails to archive IG help pages e.g. https://help.instagram.com/1631821640426723 and https://help.instagram.com/1038071743007909 — anyone have alternative suggestions for archiving them, or can do so?
kinduff joined the channel
I've found myself on my website where i can federate content from social networks, but I haven't done that, instead I have a bunch of n8n (alt: zappier) that adds content to my website, for example: when I add a youtube video to a list, this video is added as content and is served in a page, others can be interesting links, stars on GitHub, etc. All these actions, that I can classify or save in a website, can be "copied" to my website as content.
My question is, given this context, is there a standard for this? Are there any other sites doing this?
What is PESOS
PESOS is an acronym for Publish Elsewhere, Syndicate (to your) Own Site https://indieweb.org/pesos
it's focused on publishing, instead of archiving no?
Publishing is also archiving if you’re preserving the content somehow.
Me—> backs up all pages to markdown text files on my NAS and In cloud
You might want to make some of your content unlisted so it’s not publicly visible but still accessible by you. That’s also a form of archival
gaussianblue, jeremycherfas and n8chz joined the channel
kinduff: this also may help if you’re into self hosting
What is archivebox?
ArchiveBox is an Open source, self-hosted, offline first, flat file backed Python program web page archiver that produces PDF versions, screenshots, WARC versions, etc as well https://indieweb.org/ArchiveBox
bterry1, geoffo, IWSlackGateway, mro, [schmarty], starrwulfe, gRegor and [tantek] joined the channel
btw anecdotally I am seeing ~10x more /responses via AP than on Twitter, despite having >100x more followers on Twitter than AP.
for anyone who has been waiting / hesitating, I encourage you to hook up your personal site to Bridgy Fed (-> #indieweb-dev for any questions / follow-up)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
This feels like it could be fully indieweb friendly https://home.omg.lol/
[ricola] joined the channel
What is AP
ActivityPub is a decentralized social networking protocol (W3C Recommendation) developed in the Social Web Working Group based on pump.io and ActivityStreams. Conceptually they were all preceded by OStatus. It was briefly known as ActivityPump before being renamed to ActivityPub https://indieweb.org/AP
[KevinMarks] is it OSS and does it have a place to accept PRs? or do you know someone there?
[aciccarello] joined the channel
hey [tantek], [aciccarello], it looks like this conversation is getting pretty technical (OSS), can you take it to #indieweb-dev?
[preview] [neatnik] omg.lol: Cool stuff for omg.lol
I get a weird vibe from them as they try to market themselves as a domain name provider, but you’re just getting subdomains you can’t move elsewhere
which IMO makes their indieweb-friendliness questionable, even if they have a good product otherwise
oh hey
barnaby, that is a weird vibe but perhaps they'd be open to behaving more like micro.blog, i.e. start with subdomain, or bring your domain, or upgrade from the former to the latter and support redirects
yeah, perhaps!
[KevinMarks], [aciccarello], I got pinged when the GitHub link was mentioned :D
welcome neatnik++
neatnik has 1 karma over the last year
if you have any questions about omg.lol, let me know!
I was trying to find any info on custom domains. Is that a feature?
omg totally 😂
(had to)
[aciccarello]: yeah, you can bring your own domains and use them with omg.lol stuff! https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/LEVECfOl/Screenshot%202023-01-06%20at%2011.30.56%20AM.png
omg.lol has 1 karma over the last year
very nice, good to hear neatnik++
neatnik has 2 karma over the last year
what is omg.lol
omg.lol is a platform on which you can build a web presence, offering features like hosting a simple landing page, email forwarding, and URL redirection, and a community around the product https://indieweb.org/omg.lol
does a happy dance!
The OMG.lol guys are pretty cool and open to talking about anything; they had a $5 deal I was going to do but I forgot about it over the holidays and now it’s $20
actually the $5 was the original pricing that I never got around to increasing until last week :D
omg.lol << Feature: supports bringing your own domain name too!
ok, I added "Feature: supports bringing your own domain name too!" to the "See Also" section of /omg.lol https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85774&oldid=83684
It was $5 when it started as an email forwarder and simple web page (in April 2019) and it stayed $5 until I realized how horribly wrong that price is given how much I'd expanded it
I was wondering how $5 would cover all those services!
Loqi: thanks!
Small feature request - add rel=me support to the links page. That you support DNS and are on the public suffix list is great
Yeah— someone told me you were gonna do it a few weeks ago when I was researching domains and stuff. I really should have just put $5 on it right then and asked questions later 😅
whoa per year is totally reasonable
neatnik: how does status work?
[KevinMarks]: you mean to the profile page, or a different page? I do have the profile page engine adding rel="me" to everything (since in theory people should be linking to their own stuff there, heh)
[tantek]: I agree, I just hate missing out on deals 😆
Excellent! omg.lol++
omg.lol has 2 karma over the last year
starrwulfe[m]: at the moment it's just a tiny update thing, where everyone's statuses wind up here: https://status.lol
starrwulfe[m]: but you can embed your statuses on other pages, link to them individually, etc.
status.lol is the one project that I really want to try to get wired up to ActivityPub
(but haven't had time to dig into it)
I think I might be able to automate bouncing status into my site then it’ll just broadcast it into AP as a normal page
Is it using the old Activity Streams?
neatnik, have a look at https://indieweb.org/friendly — there's a bunch more there that would be great to see omg.lol support
You could run a bridgy fed instance maybe
[jacky] joined the channel
starrwulfe[m]: it's not using anything, heh — it's all just static html at the moment
though there is an API for it
BTW since we're edging closer (and crossing a bit), might be better to take the API / protocol chat to #indieweb-dev
Wow that was an easy sign up!
starrwulfe, mro and [snarfed] joined the channel
started wikifying recent conversations on follow posts vs following in readers: https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?title=follow&type=revision&diff=85789&oldid=84386
...as background for gradually moving Bridgy Fed away from follow posts and toward its own UI: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/351
[snarfed] has 29 karma in this channel over the last year (101 in all channels)
[preview] [snarfed] #351 follow/unfollow UI?
[chrisaldrich], starrwulfe, mro, jonnybarnes and [zeina] joined the channel
[TMichelleMoore] Haha I get that 100%, I'm guilty of being a big domain hoarder. I was thinking subdomains for simplicity too!
mro, gxt and starrwulfe joined the channel
[preview] [spacebuffer] Ask HN: Share Your Personal Site
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
!tell angelo saw you had trouble with Bridgy Fed yesterday, sorry! it was a bug, I've fixed it and pushed your post through, hope you don't mind. https://indieweb.social/@ragt.ag@ragt.ag/109644123476808177
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[preview] testing again
bterry1, mro, [manton] and gxt joined the channel
did anyone else start 100days projects this week?
i'll be starting a 52-weeks project this weekend 😏
not backdating it to December?
CrowderSoup joined the channel
that was a 2022 project :}
jeremycherfas and [TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
I started a 100day project this week but think I need to change my focus. At the Homebrew meeting I mentioned that I wanted to start a Project Memories Journal. And I was thinking it might be more meaningful to use those as my posts instead of photos. I have a huge amount of photos, that’s easy.
neatnik: hey, it's been a while. Pretty sure I remember when you talked about your launch on Keybase, although I was on my old handle then. We were talking about you in the mkbot team this afternoon, but considering here and Hacker News, I guess your ears had plenty of reasons to burn already...
antranigv1 joined the channel
/nick antranigv
I'm thinking I may do the 100DaysToOffload variant (100 days in a year) as a middle ground between 100 days in a row and 52 weeks. Also might do the Bring Back Blogging thing. But that's more something for Tomorrow Bob to think about; tonight I've got Other Stuff going on.
antranigv joined the channel
Hi all! how are you? Here's a silly question :D I have multiple websites: an homepage, an Armenian blog, an English Blog and a photo blog. which one should be integrated with IndieWeb protocols? Is this a common issue that people might have?
which ever ones you want to be followable, send/receive responses from, or post to with micropub!
you can apply whichever building blocks are relevant for each site
and welcome antranigv :)
barnaby so technically, all of them would make sense as well. where I'd use the HY version for my Armenian friends and the EN version for my... international friends, etc :D got it
good thing they are all on WordPress, I just installed most of the plugins.
barnaby thanks! will idle here and learn more. I'll try running a local community as well.
ah yep, in that case it should be fairly easy to get whatever indieweb support you want running on all of them. at the most it could require some template edits? I don’t know much about wordpress, but we have several resident WP experts who I’m sure are happy to help with any issues you might have
hey barnaby, that's a lot of dev jargon! Micropub, template... can you move to #indieweb-dev?
😅 and yes, technical questions are better asked in -dev or -wordpress