#indieweb 2023-01-09

2023-01-09 UTC
zfk, starrwulfe, gRegor and antranigv joined the channel
Bridgy Fed users, I've deployed a follow UI, feel free to try on your following page, eg https://fed.brid.gy/user/tantek.com/following
unfollow UI coming soon!
[preview] [snarfed] #351 follow/unfollow UI?
bterry1 and n8chz joined the channel
[snarfed] I'm confused by the text "Add a follower". This sounds like I'm making someone else follow me, that can't be correct.
hah yes you're right, thanks, will fix
"Follow someone new" ?
ah, got it. ok this looks pretty cool. Is this a UI to follow folks so you don't have to post a "follow post"?
Yup, this avoids follow posts, which aren't widely supported. Details in the issue
And yes, that follow specifically was early testing in prod, @-@ syntax isn't guaranteed everywhere
[snarfed]++ great idea for the 11th anniversary of Bridgy++
Bridgy has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (10 in all channels)
[snarfed] has 30 karma in this channel over the last year (102 in all channels)
it's so nice replying to people not on Twitter, where if I need to update/fix my reply, all I have to do is edit it and resend a webmention
it's just less stressful and I feel like I can respond more quickly
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
meanwhile i'm getting irritated by Reddit General Health, and calling them out on their bs
is there something they are doing that has to do with #indieweb or was that a general silo complaint?
just me venting in probably the wrong place
my bad
that's ok, that's what we have #indieweb-chat for ๐Ÿ™‚
gRegor, antranigv, gxt, mambang, mro, tiim, blahblah441, barnaby, kaichanvong, mro_, n8chz, jboy, [pfefferle], geoffo and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel; kaichanvong left the channel
mro, IWSlackGateway and [snarfed] joined the channel
it still amuses me occasionally that Bridgy has a perfectly happy, functional Truth Social account: https://brid.gy/mastodon/@joebuhlig@truthsocial.com
account itself seems defunct, they only posted June-Sept 2002, but still
also, unrelated, Gemini syndication links seen in the wild: https://seirdy.one/posts/2022/06/10/cli-best-practices/
[preview] [Rohanย Kumar] Best practices for inclusive CLIs
[tantek] joined the channel
[snarfed] ๐Ÿ’œ
i honestly find that manually re-writing my markdown syntax to flow well in gemini is an excellent way to proofread.
[aciccarello], gRegor, gaussianblue and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Seirdy_ I feel the same way when I take a plain text prose blog post and rewrite it with HTML and add links ๐Ÿ˜‚
also I find it a bit humorous to have to rewrite markdown syntax bc it's supposed to be transparent/seamless with plain text ๐Ÿ™‚
"can be read as plain text" (not that I'm going to argue that its great at meeting that goal) is not the same as "is equivalent to any other markup format out there" (gemtext isnt just unspecified plain text after all)
heh same
i also find that if i'm in the mood for syntax highlighting, gemtext is a lot faster to parse
sknebel, Seirdy: would you mind moving this conversation (markup, parse) to #indieweb-dev? thanks!
hmm...this isn't really a -dev topic since we're talking bout writing posts and proofreading
[tantek]: thing is, gemini uses gemtext which isn't the same as markdown. links get their own lines, and semantics are defined by the characters at the start of a line (or lack thereof)
it actually makes for a pleasant reading experience
writing posts & proofreading yes. the meta-point from Loqi is still reasonably valid, writers should not have to worry about mark-up, it gets in the way of the creative process
since that way links double as a navigational aid and people are encouraged to give links nice names
ok that makes readability sense to me
instead of "click here"
clickhere has -1 karma over the last year
I need to look at gemtext more
what is gemtext
it's praxis to make links very short sentences instead of single words in gemtext
It looks like we don't have a page for "gemtext" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "gemtext is ____", a sentence describing the term)
that's a good praxis, and I believe helps accessibility too
instead of "i like [topic]", in gemtext we say "I like topic" \n "[wikipedia article about 'topic']"
or instead of "seirdy [wrote about topic]" we say "seirdy wrote about topic:" \n "[title of article about topic]"
where does the URL go in those examples?
it's a URL. could be https://, gemini://, gopher://, etc.
what "it"?
the syntax looks like this:
can you show me something with example.com?
-> scheme://example.com/path display this link text
you start the line with "->"
wait no
with "=>"
hmm I don't like that, I could see false positives with that text at the start of a line
gemini is all about line-beginnings
start a line with "#" for heading 1
start a line with "*" for a list
start with "=>" for a hyperlink
and start with "```" to toggle preformatted text
the only major problem i see with gemtext is that people use preformatted text for code snippets and ascii art. after the triple-backtick, just like markdown, you can add optional text for a programming-language indicator or for alt-text for ascii-art; i do not like this conflation and would rather just avoid non-trivial ascii-art
the ascii-art is mostly something that was imported from gopher culture i think
also ASCII art is not accessible (is there a mechanism for providing alt text?)
lemme share an example
<[tantek]> "also I find it a bit humorous to..." <- Have always chuckled at that - its great until you need to be precise in some way
i see two solutions to the conflation between ascii-art and programming-lang indicator
I don't usually say this, but we're quite off topic; this conversation should be in -chat.
continuing there
wait really petermolnar? this is about indieweb authoring, did I miss something?
that's a neat alt text example, thank you Seirdy
misses something too
the part we you usually advocate for storing data in HTML?
I don't understand your point at all petermolnar, we were talking about how to write text content for an IndieWeb site. if you want to discuss storage formats sure that's more of a #indieweb-dev thing
> how to write text content for an IndieWeb site
by (local, indieweb.org) definition wouldn't an indieweb site need to be in html, so microformats apply?
sure, somewhere in-between authoring and publishing, but hopefully your server / CMS handles that
ive seen quite a few personal websites using html generated from gemtext
makes sense
mro, [campegg] and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
ok, I added "https://xeiaso.net/blog/pronouns-service" to the "See Also" section of /pronoun https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85866&oldid=84906
gRegorLove_, mro, btrem and geoffo joined the channel