#indieweb 2023-01-12
2023-01-12 UTC
njmm and EarthboundValkyr joined the channel
starrwulfe[m] I knew it. Something I tweeted one night somehow got piped in by Loqi… thought I did it somehow and dismissed it

EarthboundValkyr, angelo, geoffo, [Tim_Nolte], rvalue and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
tiim, mro and barnaby joined the channel
[TMichelleMoore] ross[m] Are you using WordPress and syndicating to Mastodon with Bridgy? Confirming you could click the Token button and didn’t get an incorrect URL redirection message right? If so, which Mastodon instance out of curiosity?

mro joined the channel
[TMichelleMoore] [ross]m Awesome! What’s your URL (if you want to share it here)?

mro joined the channel
[tantek] TIL: there is a .dm ccTLD https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.dm

mro, rvalue and kaichanvong joined the channel
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> I like that!
kaichanvong having seen T: applied for Telephone, E: for Email... sometimes these are simple placeholders for shortening key and the right input (input for different appliances, applications, phone, fax-machine)
kaichanvong `.online` seems more appropriate for open-chatter... eg. `example.online/direct-message`, `example.online/dm`, `dm.example.online`
kaichanvong from memory, highly recommend against that unless you're XKCD fan...
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> america.online 😅
kaichanvong eg. URL, User Resource Location, is simple a person asking for the resource, the link... to a page, a potential other link
kaichanvong capjamesg: I believe at 1-point my gran, bless her, had AOL... American OnLine
mro joined the channel
kaichanvong what is TLDS
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "TLDS" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "TLDS is ____", a sentence describing the term)

tiim and mro joined the channel; kaichanvong left the channel
[KevinMarks] Web3 << https://flic.kr/p/ZT3xE

Loqi ok, I added "https://flic.kr/p/ZT3xE" to the "See Also" section of /Web_3.0 https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=85908&oldid=84930

[manton] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "TLDs" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "TLDs is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[snarfed] TLDs is /top-level_domain
Loqi A top-level domain (TLD) is the last part of a domain name, such as .com, .net, .org https://indieweb.org/TLDs

[snarfed] question for Bridgy Fed users: BF currently federates articles, ie long-form posts with titles, as just the title and a link. Mastodon happily supports long-form content, though, even if it only supports a small set of formatting, eg no lists, blockquotes, inline images. should we switch it to send the entire contents of articles instead, even if that degrades their formatting?
[snarfed] background: https://fed.brid.gy/docs#which-parts
[snarfed] examples (to see, paste URLs into search on a mastodon instance you're logged into): article: https://indieweb.social/@snarfed.org@snarfed.org/109672864350714807 , long-form note: https://indieweb.social/@tantek.com@tantek.com/109676221037165294
mro joined the channel
[KevinMarks] How about doing the full post unless there's an explicit summary? Or is that in tension with mastodon using summary for CW?

[KevinMarks] Jeremy calling it early https://youtu.be/7kjJ-IaB71A

mro joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Or, if there is a summary use that as well as the name?

[KevinMarks] Mine are weird as I often have a summary on the homepage h-feed but not in the post page, because manual until it hurts.

cambridgeport90[ Titles can just go away on short posts.
cambridgeport90[ By the way, tantek, I eposted your note about at-mentioning people from a while ago. definitely needed to be clarified and there needs to be more work on it. I want to one day fix the Wordpress plugin so that it includes something like I suggested via the https://twitter.com/faebornofficial account.
distopico, geoffo, mro, [Murray], bterry and fady joined the channel
fady hi! since twitter has imploded i've been trying to get my own site up and running. i'm a visual artist and set it all up last night and i wanted to thank this community for building the wiki and making this approachable. thank you!
[aciccarello] Welcome fady!
fady thank you! back in the day i was building blogs on wordpress and then social media became the thing, and it's so cool to be back at it again, (especially with the whole new wysiwyg thing on wp)
mro joined the channel
cambridgeport90[ Welcome. That Twitter account currently doesn't have a web site associated with it, but at the moment having one up is kinda pointless since the project behind it doesn't really have anything going on (that's why I'm learning C# so that I can contribute in the weaker areas.)
cambridgeport90[ <fady> "thank you! back in the day i was..." <- How do you like it?
fady joined the channel
fady the editor? i know it's in beta so i can overlook some fiddly-ness - it took me a little while to learn just for being unfamiliar with the UI - haven't touched wordpress since probably 2014?
fady but all in all i really liked it, i'm learning the little idiosyncrasies of it
fady successfully laid out some shopify buttons, got the blog roughly up on a separate static page, now i'm trying to brainstorm what else to put up :3
cambridgeport90[ Nice. So you run both shopify and WP? I had a friend who originally did that, but then she just decided to let Shopify host the entire thing for her.
fady joined the channel
fady yeah, i considered that, but i'm also trying to learn to code and i figure that setting up on wp will be more friendly to tinkering
mro joined the channel
[TMichelleMoore] @ross[m] There is a list on indieweb.org, but I was just asking so I could see what you did.

[TMichelleMoore] Welcome @fady. If you don’t want to write all of that e-commerce code from scratch, take a look at WooCommerce. But I am biased as I am not a developer. 😊

mro joined the channel
[tantek] me.dm is a very clever use of the .dm ccTLD. https://blog.medium.com/medium-embraces-mastodon-19dcb873eb11

[aciccarello] I'm surprised they didn't use that for a URL shortener
[aciccarello] It'll be interesting to see how they moderate and how the rest of the community responds
[snarfed] motivations are wikified across https://indieweb.org/URL_design#Avoid https://indieweb.org/permashortlink https://indieweb.org/URL_shortener , all thin or out of date (eg "limited characters")
Seirdy and mro joined the channel
[tantek] speaking of personal search: https://chaos.social/@janl/109677140991445140

[KevinMarks] bit.ly j.mp seem to have broken a lot of old custom URLs - I used to have j.mp/k for my old blog and j.mp/DA for the 1999 Douglas Adams piece I refer to a lot, and they're 404 now

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "URL shorteners" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "URL shorteners is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[tantek] URL shorteners are /URL_shortener

mdemo, n8chz, krjst, sebastianF[m], tallship[m]12 and gRegor joined the channel
cambridgeport90[ Heading out for a bit. Will be back with you guys later.
angelo and jgee118692 joined the channel
IWDiscordRelay <capjamesg#4492> Why thank you 😊