#indieweb 2023-01-14

2023-01-14 UTC
geoffo and starrwulfe joined the channel
breakfastandcoffee has 1 karma over the last year
gxt, superkuh, starrwulfe, geoffo, [tw2113_Slack_] and Seirdy joined the channel; kaichanvong left the channel
[tantek]: lol
cc [snarfed] aaronpk and anyone else who maintains code that POSSEs to Twitter
starrwulfe, rvalue and [zeina] joined the channel
Hey all, I'm having a bit of trouble trying to figure out how to syndicate a Wordpress.com blog's RSS feed to Mastodon (and vice-versa). I've tried IFTTT and it includes HMTL <p> tags. Anyone have any ideas?
To better clarify what I mean, I like the idea of posting status posts on my site under a "status" category, and then getting crossposted to Mastodon (or vice-versa, like posting to Mastodon -> copy gets posted on Wordpress under "status" category)
I guess the backup option is just crossposting manually 🤔
[zeina] there's a handful of ways beyond manual, though manual can be a good way to go
what is manual until it hurts?
manual until it hurts is an IndieWeb development practice of resisting automating something until you have manually done it enough times to really understand it, and know that it is worth doing & automating https://indieweb.org/manual_until_it_hurts
What is Mastodon Autopost?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Mastodon Autopost" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Mastodon Autopost is ____", a sentence describing the term)
There is a pretty simple plugin called Mastodon Autopost that will allow you to pick/choose which posts to syndicate from WP to Mastodon: https://wordpress.org/plugins/autopost-to-mastodon/
[preview] [L1am0] Description A WordPress Plugin that automatically posts your new articles to Mastodon. The best: It is set and forget! With Mastodon Autopost your post always get automatically posted to your Mastodon account. Find the plugin settings: Settings > Ma...
What is Brid.gy?
Bridgy is an open source project and proxy that implements backfeed and POSSE as a service https://indieweb.org/brid.gy
^^ That has functionality for posting to Mastodon or if you've got a bit more technical chops you could try Bridgy Fed.
What is Bridgy Fed?
Bridgy Fed connects IndieWeb sites with Mastodon and the fediverse https://indieweb.org/Bridgy_Fed
Good evening [chrisaldrich]. Hope you have a chance to check out your banner images on our wiki pages!
tantek++ for lots of integration work this afternoon...
tantek has 17 karma in this channel over the last year (81 in all channels)
I did see a few earlier on mobile, but ought to check them out on desktop now....
I see you took the restraint not to use the billion dollar typewriter one for Medium.com. 😂
Wow, those do look quite nice... a lovely pop of color on them as well.
oh haha I wasn't sure where the million dollar typewriter would be appropriate
yes I think it makes those pages look significantly better
I think when I made it I was thinking about this article: https://practicaltypography.com/billionaires-typewriter.html
rocto joined the channel
Hi [m], welcome! For questions about webfinger or any other protocols/specifications, better to ask in #indieweb-dev
[m] joined the channel
↩️ Thanks, I repost the question then 👍
rocto joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Thanks for the suggestions! I think because I'm on Wordpress.com, brid.gy doesn't work (it mentioned something about microformats), and I can't install plugins (I don't think the plugin can post just plain "content" either) so I'll just do manual for now. Though I just remembered micro.blog can crosspost so I'll give that a try too
timdream joined the channel
Update: It worked! Wordpress RSS feed -> micro.blog -> Mastodon
I'm very happy it's figured out now, good night everyone
mro, starrwulfe, tiim, tiim_, tiim1, IWSlackGateway and gxt joined the channel
This has been tough.
When you send a Webmention, all URLs from the location pages are retrieved, h-geos parsed, then an aggregate map is made.
It's woefully inefficient but will do for now.
test4 joined the channel
is there a Docker container for this that includes the special Nginx that is needed for the indieweb chat logger?
[TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
Congratulations @zeina!
Neruthes, [KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
zeina++ 🎉
zeina has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
starrwulfe, gxt, [snarfed], [aciccarello] and mdemo joined the channel
[preview] [Jan Lehnardt 🛋️] As promised, here’s an update on Searchtodon.I have shut it down & deleted all data (as of 14:06 CET today).As implemented, it does not gel *with* the Mastodon community, although the functionality did prove useful to a lot of people.I’m working ...
jarkad, starrwulfe and [schmarty] joined the channel
🍿 indeed, that escalated quickly
saptaks joined the channel
Huh, last I read his announcement post the reactions seemed mostly positive. Guess it has some time to do the rounds now. Would have loved to see a post-mortem post about what did “not gel”
There was a long conversation about consent roughly around here https://chaos.social/@janl/109681467183022977
[preview] [Jan Lehnardt 🛋️] @moiety It’s been 12 hours, so anything is hard to quantify or qualify. There is a strong signal for folks wanting this functionality, but there is also a negative signal that I’m not interested in ignoring. It’s mainly around that this experim...
[preview] [Kevin Marks] @janl @moiety Jan, in a post GDPR world, obtaining consent is not just a good idea, it's the law. Creating profiles of people has been legislated and is being litigated at the moment. Opt in is absolutely the way to go.
i understand the concerns when this is run as a service, but IMO i should be able to archive and search whatever i want for my own purposes myself
n8chz joined the channel
From the other person's view though, the difference between a service and you self-hosting is...fuzzy
<[TMichelleMoore]> "@ross[m]++ Hello! Good job on..." <- [TMichelleMoore]: I'm pleased it was interesting and thanks for the tip on Sparklines
frankly i think this goes back to the idea of whether you're posting on the web or using a messaging service, and mastodon and AP have always treated things more like a messaging service
i don't think anyone would be surprised by the idea of being able to search every blog post you've read
Agreed with aaronpk. It seems like the current Fediverse does not treat posts as part of the wider web, in many of these discussions I read.
But I have never read a clear description of why a toot is different from a tweet. As many were stoked about services that collect tweets, tell you about most tweeted links, archive them, etc...
This is part of why I have not pushed back hard on the microformats removal. Mastodon people are a lot less comfortable with indexing than bloggers were
I haven't seen a mastadon instance that is html.
Pretty clear it's just an application that happens to run in a browser so far.
v3 rendered HTML for profile pages. v4 turned it into a JS app
oxtyped and saptaks joined the channel
[preview] [Ryan Barrett] So Mastodon 4 went js;dr, which means it requires JavaScript to render content. That means that server-side fetches of Mastodon 4 user profiles and posts, eg indieweb.social/@snarfed, no longer return the actual contents in the response. They definit...
geoffo, gxt, JohnBeales, starrwulfe, n8chz and gRegor joined the channel
superkuh, a very large instance, mastodon.cloud, still runs v3
the framing as a messaging service is kinda funny, because you've been able to search every email you've received since like forever
literally gmail being fast at this was a reason to switch to it
so how is searching one inbox any different than searching another inbox?
bterry1 and geoffo joined the channel
The part where you are asking a third party to read all your email for you so they can put search on top of it, I am assuming
https://searchtodon.social/ says they are writing up a post about the experiment. Looking forward to reading what convinced Jan to pull the plug :)
isn't searchtodon exactly that 3rd party though?