#indieweb 2023-02-06

2023-02-06 UTC
fixing footnotes or proposing (lazyweb requesting) Universal Outbox, being indecisive about which to do first
gRegor, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__ and geoffo joined the channel
Bridgy Fed users, I shipped a substantial plumbing change this morning (https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/286), pls let me know if you see any bugs or otherwise odd behavior
[preview] [snarfed] #286 Redesign Activity data model
will keep an eye out [snarfed]. thanks for the heads-up
ren joined the channel
snarfed, that's a little more in the AP weeds than I can follow 😅
Oh yeah sorry no one needs to actually follow that issue, I only linked it for background. Ideally there should be no user visible changes apart from bug fixes etc
petermolnar, gRegor, mro, gerben, Skyther[d], IWDiscordRelay, khurtwilliams, ralismark and Johan joined the channel; Herbi left the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> 👋
[jamietanna], sp1ff, [dave], geoffo, mro and [jacky] joined the channel
so this uses rel-me to build a passive contact list it looks like https://streetpass.social/
I guess then what's the true benefit of this? I guess like you can get a easy way to "follow" someone when browsing the conventional Web
gRegor joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> Very cool!
khurtwilliams joined the channel
oh yes this is quite nice.
Anyone seen Feedseer yet?
[preview] The floodgates of API enabled tools from Twitter to Mastodon has begun in earnest it seems! Here's a tool that will take all the links from your follower's posts in your feed and show them in an easy to parse way. http://news.feedseer.com
I made something like that a while ago
rel-me << Browser add-on: https://streetpass.social/
[KevinMarks]1, sebbu2, geoffo, AramZS, bterry and petermolnar joined the channel
[snarfed]++ the updated Bridgy Fed dashboard and pagination is much nicer! Subtle but fixes some key papercuts. BridgyFed++
BridgyFed has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
[snarfed] has 32 karma in this channel over the last year (112 in all channels)
more folks gave me feedback on footnotes rather than opinions on an Universal Outbox so I went with that.
in the process of thinking/writing about that in praxis prose, I came up with another thing I want to semi-automate, a post glossary
has anyone else put a glossary in one of their blog posts? [KevinMarks] I figure maybe you've done something like this in the past, or perhaps [chrisaldrich] has.
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] In recent posts I’ve used ASCII footnotes like "^1" to indicate more information about a subject in a footnote line starting with "^1" at the bottom of the post. Both inline refs & footer notes should use Unicode superscripts like '¹' and hyperli...
About my Tufte - like sidenotes
[preview] [Kevin Marks] Tantek says: they're link previews out of band - not inline - it doesn't interrupt the flow of reading. Angelo says accordion style menus like Mac OS. Tantek - it's like a glossary as well. (Which is close the the Tufte marginal notes)
sebbu2, geoffo, bozo_ and BinarySavior joined the channel
[KevinMarks] good example of sidebar glossary entries!
in The Quest for a Memex that is
ah and that other post indicates a risk of abuse by glossary
A glossary can be an attack by idiolect - think of the contracts that define terms upfront
There's probably a rdf variant of that, either by too-inclusive inheritance per schema or by abusing :sameAs:
lol [KevinMarks] you know better than to prematurely dive into plumbing conversations without any basis in real world examples, especially here in #indieweb
choosing to ignore architecture astronomy aspirations absent actual addresses and articles
My point was that like any taxonomic model is that it can be used for emergent clarity or preemptive constraint
indeed. worth mentioning in a "look out for" section but not enough to discourage the practice as a whole IMO
Fair. I have definitely built glossaries into internal sites (often using <abbr>
what is a glossary
A glossary is a part of a post or site that defines terms used therein, usually as part of a footer, sometimes as a separate page on a site, and occasionally sprinkled into sidebar content https://indieweb.org/glossary
^ how's that [KevinMarks]
lol I keep adding more structure to notes 😂
when is a note no longer a note 🧐
when the author gives it a name 😆
when it exceeds the presentational structure supported by popular note posting software & platforms 🤓 (like Mastodon)
geoffo joined the channel
^ new post type discovery step #16: "If it exceeds the presentational structure supported by popular note posting software & platforms...then it's an article."
what is note article distinction
It looks like we don't have a page for "note article distinction" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "note article distinction is ____", a sentence describing the term)
and WHY didn't you find that Loqi? all of the words I asked "what is" were present in that article title 😛
notes [snarfed]'s 🤷‍♂️ answer on that page
<aaronpk> "when is a note no longer a note..." <- when it has any of: in-reply-to, repost-of, name, bookmark-of etc?
but then it was never a note in the first place :P
right, those are /response posts
(the properties noted other than 'name' that is)
I guess in terms of how I've just gone about implementing my admittedly prototype micropub endpoint I've dispatched on the presence of certain params along those lines (and luckily it has worked out so far - though I've only implemented for a handful of post types)
<aaronpk> "but then it was never a note..." <- its always a note... write an article basing it on a note and link to the note and/or do something with replies to achieve the same linking - avoid update in place or removing the original?
thought I'd try again
I can see that you could create a note or an article in reply to another post, the others less so
bterry joined the channel