Loqi[preview] [David Slifka] The fediverse has come this far despite being very capital-constrained.What if that constraint were lifted?If you have a project or idea (for- or non-profit) that helps build or grow the fediverse and would benefit from funding, I hope you'll apply h...
[tantek][KevinMarks] I don’t really understand co-posts (ref Twitter dropping cotweets) in general but they are a thing eg on Instagram. They seem to be something between a multi-author post and a coordinated repost.
Loqihey capjamesg, we try to keep jargon (Open Graph, Microformats) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
[tantek]capjamesg, clearly you need Universal Outbox so you can view at least the most recent things you've said elsewhere, on any channel, on any device
[tantek]capjamesg, I need to write a post about Universal Outbox because from what I can tell it has not been explored beyond a 2011 post that didn't seem to go anywhere. for now, do a chat search on Universal Outbox to see prior context.
Loqi[preview] [[tantek]] One unified place where you own all your writing no matter where it goes, public, (possibly dynamic) allowlist audience, or private
Loqi[preview] [Alex King] Beschreibung
Old Post Alert shows a banner in your comments form for posts more than a month old. The banner reminds the commentor that there may be newer information available later in the blog. This may cut down on comments that are irrelevant due...
Loqi[preview] [nofearinc] Description
DX Out of Date allows you to display a notification box on your posts
when a given amount of time has passed. Quite handy when writing tutorials
or any content that might get outdated due to external factors – now you
could automati...
[tantek][KevinMarks] that article is not at all about the points that the The Guardian and Niemanlab are making. It's not about "better/worse" on some popularity scale, it's about providing context to history
[tantek]sknebel, linked to articles about plugins that let you do it but I didn't see any real world blog examples. (Even those semi-old articles about the plugins don't show any such warnings themselves lol)
[jeremycherfas]I feel there’s a somewhat different trend, especially with some kinds of how-to article, for them to have not obvious published date and yet be both out of date and highly ranked in a search. Makes fixing things quite frustrating at times.
[tantek]and to [snarfed]'s point, I have seen that practice advocated in "SEO" articles "Don't put dates on your articles! So you can fool Google into thinking they’re current!"