#indieweb 2023-02-07

2023-02-07 UTC
[KevinMarks] from another perspective, a /reply can have a name, e.g. an /issue post
See this, I think might be some Indieweb-to-Fediverse project funding here: Maybe help things like Bridgely evolve faster, [snarfed]? Other projects spring up? https://indieweb.social/@davidslifka@mastodon.social/109820394381467890
[preview] [David Slifka] The fediverse has come this far despite being very capital-constrained.What if that constraint were lifted?If you have a project or idea (for- or non-profit) that helps build or grow the fediverse and would benefit from funding, I hope you'll apply h...
distopico joined the channel
thanks [timothy_chambe]! funding isn't a need for Bridgy/Bridgy Fed specifically, but maybe other projects...
[asuh], geoffo, gxt, AramZS, s[_], gRegor, gRegorLove_, mro, ben_thatmustbeme, khurtwilliams, jonnybarnes, bterry and Loqi joined the channel
[KevinMarks] I don’t really understand co-posts (ref Twitter dropping cotweets) in general but they are a thing eg on Instagram. They seem to be something between a multi-author post and a coordinated repost.
AramZS, geoffo and n8chz joined the channel
dtinth and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
Schrödinger's Backup in action. "The condition of any backup is unknown until a restore is attempted."
jjuran and gRegor joined the channel
wait, Myspace has content *after* 2016?!?
MySpace << Criticism: data-loss: 2019-03-18 The Guardian UK: [https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/mar/18/myspace-loses-all-content-uploaded-before-2016 Myspace loses all content uploaded before 2016] / Faulty server migration blamed for mass deletion of songs, photos and video
ok, I added "Criticism: data-loss: 2019-03-18 The Guardian UK: [https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/mar/18/myspace-loses-all-content-uploaded-before-2016 Myspace loses all content uploaded before 2016] / Faulty server migration blamed for mass deletion of songs, photos and video" to the "See Also" section of /MySpace https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86550&oldid=77777
definitely unfortunate, but that was 2019, [jacky] what drew your interest to it now?
Indeed. I especially like the warning headers on old(er) Guardian Articles like that
" 🕒 This article is more than 3 years old" on a yellow background right on top of the article name/heading
has anyone done anything like that (manually or automatically) for their own blog posts? an age of post warning?
I've seen that at a few blogs (esp tech bloggers), but cant remember an example right now...
sknebel, good to know, I'll look for it
is there a term for that feature or practice? I'd like to document it
"old post warning" has a bunch of relevant google hits
or old post notification
ooh those are good. Guardian said: "all older news articles on our site will signpost their age even more emphatically."
and "Our new signposting shows the age of older articles"
Guardian has 1 karma over the last year
caption: "The age of a publication will now be visible on social media before you click on it"
That's a fascinating use-case for *separate* link-preview properties
will take that tangent to #indieweb-dev
<c​apjamesg#4492> I love this.
I could accomplish that with my open graph service.
If dt-published > 1 month, add badge.
hey capjamesg, we try to keep jargon (Open Graph, Microformats) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
-> #dev.
a month feels a bit small for many things
an interesting question though what a good time is, depends on what you write.
"important thing happens tomorrow" < "my cool new JS framework" < "review of $coffeeshop" < "how to make potato salad" :D
(... do I get told off by loqi for the f-word?)
You mean fridge?
yo, I literally said, taking it to #indieweb-dev 🙄 capjamesg 😂
Sorry [tantek]. I moved to IRC and forgot :facepalm:
hah! scrollback context-loss problem, I get it
Plus a device change. Phone -> desktop.
capjamesg, clearly you need Universal Outbox so you can view at least the most recent things you've said elsewhere, on any channel, on any device
capjamesg: there is only one word beginning with f in what I wrote :D)
I read in reverse chronological order.
All the more context loss.
[tantek] Can you explain that idea to me?
I got the Inbox one but not Outbox.
Say everything in one place and it gets routed to the right destination?
capjamesg, I need to write a post about Universal Outbox because from what I can tell it has not been explored beyond a 2011 post that didn't seem to go anywhere. for now, do a chat search on Universal Outbox to see prior context.
(it's within the past week)
I still didn't get it.
you didn't find the search results or the search results didn't make sense to you?
I read the discussion when it happened and the wiki page but I didn't understand.
I don't think there's a wiki page 🤔
I mean the one you linked.
ah nm the "wiki" page I cited reads like a tweet so I forgot it was actually a /wiki/ page
yeah, it names it, and sorta half-hints at something but doesn't really define it
here's where I started defining it more explicitly:
[preview] [[tantek]] One unified place where you own all your writing no matter where it goes, public, (possibly dynamic) allowlist audience, or private
So you'd post in one place and it would be funneled elsewhere?
I wasn't making any assumptions about plumbing
other than a place where you the author could *view* your entire chronological history of everything you wrote anywhere
[pfefferle] joined the channel
back to the old article warning from The Guardian. the posts that sknebel linked to called them different things too
"Old Post Alert" — name of WordPress plugin for this https://de.wordpress.org/plugins/old-post-alert/
[preview] [Alex King] Beschreibung Old Post Alert shows a banner in your comments form for posts more than a month old. The banner reminds the commentor that there may be newer information available later in the blog. This may cut down on comments that are irrelevant due...
I think "notification" is misused here
"Out of Date" — from name of plugin DX Out of Date https://wordpress.org/plugins/dx-out-of-date/ (linked from that prior article)
[preview] [nofearinc] Description DX Out of Date allows you to display a notification box on your posts when a given amount of time has passed. Quite handy when writing tutorials or any content that might get outdated due to external factors – now you could automati...
Slack-- for that dumb [...] link eliding 🤦
Slack has -1 karma over the last year
The notion that old articles are wrong is a bit odd https://softwarecrisis.dev/letters/tech-is-a-pop-culture/
Ah, I see. It's for viewing.
That's cool.
[KevinMarks] that article is not at all about the points that the The Guardian and Niemanlab are making. It's not about "better/worse" on some popularity scale, it's about providing context to history
this has nothing to do with popculture newness fetishization
right, my interpretation of old post warnings is just a reminder that they're not current news, not that they're wrong
[KevinMarks] to put it another way, your expression "notion that old articles are wrong" is a bit of a strawman
Election results stories or annual events seem like relevant things to flag
That was the subtext of a lot of those summaries, but I my have overstated it in my summary of them
[indienews] New post: "What makes RSS better than social timelines?" https://tracydurnell.com/2023/02/07/what-makes-rss-better-than-social-timelines/
see above, I think it really depends on what content it is how necessary/appropriate such notices are
agreed. which is why I appreciated the Nieman article because it addressed different content/contexts with different messages.
interesting article linked from that TracyDurnell post
gxt joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> [tantek] that is how the guardian denotes publish dates in raged articles.
<c​apjamesg#4492> *older
<c​apjamesg#4492> Autocorrect 🤦
No it's separate from "publish dates"
In the articles, the explicit use of a warning display combined with a duration (not a date) makes it quite different
Also the addition of the warning does not alter the existing publication date presentation either
I do like that example of old post warning on an article in the context of a list of articles
Is anyone actually doing this on their own blog?
sknebel, linked to articles about plugins that let you do it but I didn't see any real world blog examples. (Even those semi-old articles about the plugins don't show any such warnings themselves lol)
I suppose we have enough to stub a page
is "old post warning" good enough of a name for now? (See other possibilities / examples above)
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
I feel there’s a somewhat different trend, especially with some kinds of how-to article, for them to have not obvious published date and yet be both out of date and highly ranked in a search. Makes fixing things quite frustrating at times.
sounds like intentional SEO
jeremycherfas hah indeed I've seen that too. we can document that phenom as a related anti-pattern
and to [snarfed]'s point, I have seen that practice advocated in "SEO" articles "Don't put dates on your articles! So you can fool Google into thinking they’re current!"
might make for a good subcategory of anti-patterns: Deceptive Arts
bterry, sebbu and BigShip joined the channel
Add some hot glue and faux jewels and you've got deceptive arts and crafts