#indieweb 2023-02-08

2023-02-08 UTC
BigShip, geoffo, angelo, bterry and Saloframes joined the channel
As long as I don’t have to cruise looking for them.
mro, Saloframes, gRegor, janboddez, rvalue, schmudde, [dave], [pfefferle], [tantek], [tw2113_Slack_], moose333, gxt and AramZS joined the channel
[tantek]: the hugo blog post does have the outdated warning at the top
sp1ff, IWSlackGateway, geoffo, ehmry, [snarfed], [tw2113_Slack_], [dave], mro, [manton] and [tantek] joined the channel
good to see at least one example is eating their own cooking πŸ™‚
mro and geoffo joined the channel
I'm hearing reports of setups that auto-post to Twitter breaking (depending on time zone). Anybody else?
well, if this bot is ending, let's go out in style. what's up, @infinite_bees
depending on time zone!?
[snarfed] I've heard rumors of Japanese news sites/bots losing access (it's the 9th there already)
perhaps the Europeans here can report back what happens at 15:01 PST
that would be...surprisingly sophisticated for them
AramZS, mro and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
they do still have more than one datacentre, don't they?
gRegor, [hollie], mro, [jamietanna], timdream, [schmarty], [aciccarello], [asuh] and bterry1 joined the channel
Interesting take from Dan - have we seen cohort migration to Mastodon? I fell like indieweb.social and front-end.social have been a bit like that. https://newsletter.danhon.com/archive/s14e14-someone-comes-to-town-someone-leaves-town/
Feels relevant to anyone publishing content that gets indexed by Google: https://xoxo.zone/@andybaio/109821039887160756
(and thread)
[preview] [Andy Baio] Google used to take pride in minimizing time we spent there, guiding us to relevant pages as quickly as possible. Over time, they tried to answer everything themselves: longer snippets, inline FAQs, search results full of knowledge panels.Today's Bar... https://xoxo-media.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/media_attachments/files/109/820/994/823/362/913/original/4abbb6abe9daef46.png
[preview] [Andy Baio] Personally, I wish that the "code red" response that ChatGPT inspired at Google wasn't to launch a dozen AI products that their red teams and AI ethicists have warned them not to release, but to combat the tsunami of AI-generated SEO spam bullshit th...
barnaby joined the channel