#indieweb 2023-02-09

2023-02-09 UTC
Semi hypothetical question: if the community here had $100/mo of funds available, would we choose to spend it on the Twitter API to keep Bridgy Twitter running? Or would we kiss that goodbye and spend the money elsewhere?
for context, looking at https://opencollective.com/indieweb/expenses, last year we received $5300 in donations and spent ~$1250, so it is doable
It does seem like bridgy is a significant source of webmention interactivity. I would consider it a loss for the community if that ended.
the other hypothetical part whether Bridgy can fit in the $100 tier at all. we don't know its limit yet, but the current limits are 500k and 2M tweet fetches per month, and my best estimate is that Bridgy currently fetches 10-30M/mo. https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/tweet-caps
I would support using OC funds for that. I also wonder how many of those fetches are due to random @/t mismentions 😬
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
lol! max 100 every 30m, which would be .5-1.5%
[cleverdevil], n8chz, bterry1, BigShip5, n8chz1, gRegorLove_, gxt, jjuran_, [KevinMarks], gRegor, [snarfed], angelo, Saloframes, bterry, rvalue, mro, bozo and webrocker joined the channel
hi, it is 9:37 here in germany and I was able to post to twitter via brid.gy and my tweet nest install pulled back that tweet into my archive, so it seems that twitter''s api is still open (here)
jonnybarnes joined the channel
Thanks webrocker! Yeah they postponed it until 2/13: https://twitter.com/TwitterDev/status/1623467615539859456
We have been busy with some updates to the Twitter API so you can continue to build and innovate with us. We’re excited to announce an extension of the current free Twitter API access through February 13. Here’s what we’re shipping then 🧵
webrocker joined the channel
@snarfed ah! thanks for that info. also this is interesting (albeit not for the volumen that brid.gy is handling, I'm afraid): https://twitter.com/TwitterDev/status/1623467618400374784
A new form of free access will be introduced as this is extremely important to our ecosystem – limited to Tweet creation of up to 1,500 Tweets per month for a single authenticated user token, including Login with Twitter.
rocto, piperbomb, kaichanvong, starrwulfe[m], Seirdy_, reed, [0x3b0b], AramZ-S[m], aynish, sdk, benatkin, DerekKozel[m], guysoft[m], sebastianF[m], cambridgeport90[, petermolnar[m], ross[m]12, kandr3s, tallship[m], suzie97[m], micheledm[m], KubaOrlik[m], jo[m], Guest6, lomm, mro, IWSlackGateway, [KevinMarks], gxt, gRegor, gRegorLove_, ludovicchabant and [jacky] joined the channel; kaichanvong left the channel
It came up in my timelines, though it was relevant to /archives and what not
rvalue and [tantek] joined the channel
1500 tweets per months seems like A LOT
!calc minutes in a month / 1500
29.2 minutes
lol "month" as if that's a fixed quantity. Gregorian--
Gregorian has -1 karma over the last year
!calc days in a month
30.42 days
sp1ff joined the channel
if you include replies in that i could see 50 tweets a day being a limit
I guess once every 30 mins is also like what they picked as max for bots that post pictures and such
[snarfed], [manton], gxt, gRegorLove_, [pfefferle], mro, geoffo, n8chz, [campegg], heav, Kaezon and bterry1 joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> Hello!
Welcome, heav o/
timdream joined the channel
ok, I added "https://w3c.social/@w3c/109836177272710553" to the "See Also" section of /Web_3.0 https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86589&oldid=86301
mro, [schmarty], [dave], [tw2113_Slack_] and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
[snarfed] - I'll be the Fediverse community itself would crowdfund to keep it alive as so much of the Bridgely traffic is feeding into ActivtyPub based systems...
thanks [timothy_chambe]! given how big IndieWeb's budget surplus is right now though, I'd probably just pause my own monthly donation and switch it to pay for the Twitter API instead, at least for a while
(I'm a bit allergic to setting up external funding or donations for Bridgy et al, since I'd rather avoid the strings and obligations they inevitably come with. that's just me though!)
[aciccarello], ehmry, caleb and [bneil] joined the channel; caleb left the channel
so ive been trying to find a giant version of personal website xml/rss urls to add to NetNews and I found a few on github and some from tweets like this one but is there any modern way of find swaffs or directories of personal websites in one easy to import opml file?
s/find a giant version/find a giant directory/g
https://ooh.directory/ is a recent directory I heard of
what is directory?
A directory on the web lists websites or pages typically grouped by topic or areas of interest, sometimes using categories or tags, often useful for finding niche communities and discovering new websites https://indieweb.org/directory
Several more on that page ^
[bneil], this is my personal list of ~1000+ feeds in opml or html markup with rss and site url, http://superkuh.com/2023-02-02-feedlist.opml http://superkuh.com/feeds10.html
[bneil] superkuh: we try to keep dev talk (OPML, RSS, XML, markup) out of this channel, can you move to #indieweb-dev?
bleh, sorry
Not sure about a more general site. It'd be cool to have a place to upload and subscribe to or trade opml files.
directories are on topic here if it's not strictly about the underlying plumbing :)
Back in the early 2000s I put my browser session files on my website and traded with other people.
heh, yeah, i just got back into rss again and im starting from scratch. but it feeds my endless scrolling addiction in a much more healthy way
There's stream.indieweb.org for indieweb topics too
ooh thats neat
The "computing but not spammy" category in mine are the most closely aligned to indieweb stuff.
these are some solid links - thank you all very much 🙇