#indieweb 2023-02-16

2023-02-16 UTC
Interesting. Also I recognize fiatjaf from earlier indieweb days
plantroon, gRegor, btrem, angelo_, rocto, mro, IWSlackGateway, s[_], bozo_, bterry and [snarfed] joined the channel
<j​acky#7226> ah Rabble introduced me to this last night, Nostr
<j​acky#7226> disappointing that this is more-or-less a fork of SSB with bitcoin slapped on top and some safety levers pulled away (blocking for example)
<j​acky#7226> will say, these options (the more 'decentralized'/hybrid-web ones) are beginning to make more sense
<j​acky#7226> it's like fighting a wall attempting to convince people to consider having a site, let alone joining a shared thing like PixelFed or Mastodon
mro, CrowderSoup, jonnybarnes, [schmarty], btrem, geoffo, bterry and [tantek] joined the channel
This is an interesting concept. https://montaigne.io/
jgee1186922 joined the channel
Wow, Montaigne looks great. It looks like it is scraping the output of a “shared” Apple note. There’s no GitHub link on the site, so I’m guessing it’s closed source. Do you know how it’s built?
btrem joined the channel
Not a clue. I appreciate the effort to ease the user experience but it appears to be closed, hosted only at montaigne.io, and doesn't support bringing your own domain. 😕
[aciccarello] joined the channel
I remember someone shared a service that works with text files on cloud drive providers and does support domains
sebbu joined the channel
what is blot?
Blot is an open source flat file blogging platform built by David Merfield that uses Dropbox, Google Drive, or Git to store your content https://indieweb.org/Blot
That's what I was thinking of!
jacky, re: "fighting a wall", I think there's a big difference between people that have a "chat mindset", and a "post/publishing mindset"
SSB feels like it leans more towards the latter, that was feel I got from it.
AP/Masto is somewhere in between, especially with js;dr implementations
gRegor and jarkad joined the channel
has anyone seen / figured out how to use Montaigne for a subfolder on your own domain rather than a subdomain of their domain?
not really interested in publishing on something . Montaigne . io
gxt and jgee1186922 joined the channel
[schmarty]: if Montaigne has figured out the APIs, it means that others can too. I love the inspiration, and might consider something like that. Perhaps a bridge from Apple notes to an open publishing protocol?
geoffo joined the channel
benpate[m] I like that line of reasoning, will follow up in #indieweb-dev
[KevinMarks] joined the channel