#indieweb 2023-02-27

2023-02-27 UTC
IWSlackGateway, [aciccarello], [tantek], gRegor, [schmarty], [snarfed] and [jacky] joined the channel
well lol it seems like no one wants to be a robot if they don't respect `robots.txt` lol
iirc "Archive Team interprets robots.txt as damage and routes around it"
(Archive Team is affiliated with but not the same as Internet Archive. I think.)
bterry1, petermolnar, [KevinMarks], jeremycherfas, jeremy, ren, btrem, bterry, Guest6, gRegor, jjuran, fdsaf, IWSlackGateway, [snarfed], [aciccarello], geoffo, [Murray], AramZS, [tantek], BinarySavior_, BinarySavior and [jamietanna] joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
Micro.blog got a shout out at the start of https://changelog.com/podcast/528 👏
As did Webmentions! (I'm listening to it right now, will maybe avoid live posting all the mentions 😂)
please do live-post the mentions! feel free to put them in #indieweb-meta if you like 🙂
gRegor and btrem joined the channel
aaronpk, and others here who federate directly with AP/Masto servers, perhaps this is an opportunity to demonstrate eating your own cooking and reply to this from your personal site directly (no POSSE) : https://otter.garden/@joel/109938014168087758
(yes using Bridgy Fed is ok, because BF is not POSSE)
I just replied and see aaronpk did too
gRegor++ aaronpk++
gRegor has 8 karma in this channel over the last year (87 in all channels)
aaronpk has 10 karma in this channel over the last year (80 in all channels)
Ooh, and I can try to federate an update since I have a typo, haha
Even after I read it twice XD
And it worked! [snarfed]++
[snarfed] has 33 karma in this channel over the last year (118 in all channels)
Yeah the whole federating updates thing has been pretty magical. Like when I rewrote how all my footnotes worked and then presto
[tw2113_Slack_] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Also I get notified that you updated it if I repost it
wow really? I suppose that makes sense! in case someone edits something to mean something you don't like
what do those notifications look like? just a "this changed" or does it actually show you a diff? or?
"xyz edited a post: new content"
literally "new content" or is that a substitute for the actual new content from the post that is shown like a diff?
[campegg] joined the channel
It shows you the new post and there's a toggle for the previous one
BinarySavior, timdream, ^ilhalmer and n8chz joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> https://jamesg.blog/2023/02/27/iwc-principles/
[preview] [James] IndieWeb Principles
<c​apjamesg#4492> Some exploration:
capjamesg, not sure the principles lend themselves to a "big block of prose text" like that. Hard to easily tell where one starts/ends. I'd say no more than one per line
i think it's fun
I could see more than one per line if neither has to break to another line.
Interesting, dedicated web -> fediverse bridge for a single publisher: https://theverge.space/
vilhalmer joined the channel
I wonder if they figured out federating hashtags from their blog posts -> fediverse 🙂
[snarfed] also NOT MADE BY THAT PUBLISHER! "_Disclosure:_ This website is not affiliated with The Verge or Vox Media"
Involuntary single-publisher federation, that seems a bit bold
Right, hence "Unofficial"
it can be first party and unofficial. third party seems more different
the person who created/built it is not among those who are listed as federated, so that smells third party to me
perhaps there is a feedburner-like opportunity here. fediburner?
lol fediburner sounds like something different
burner fedi account
I mean it could do that too
similarly: fingerburner
There were a bunch of rss to fediverse adaptors before the recent pop
-> dev
gxt__ and bterry joined the channel