#indieweb 2023-02-28

2023-02-28 UTC
pharalia, CobyPear and geoffo joined the channel
geoffo, gRegor, mro, h3rb1, btrem, IWSlackGateway, vilhalmer and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
ok, I added "https://developer.chrome.com/blog/standards-behavior/" to the "See Also" section of /code-of-conduct https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86826&oldid=86172
jarkad_, twinsignal, [Murray], bterry, t0nic, geoffo, mro, vilhalmer, milkii, AramZS, [0x3b0b], pmlnr1, reed, n8chz, plantroon[m]12, petermolnar[m], CamWebb[m], AramZ-S[m], jbrr[m], cambridgeport90[ and [tantek] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] we have a separate page for that. Can you move that to /code-of-conduct-examples and put it in the right section there?
benatkin, Jonas[m], sdk, heycaseywattsup[, geoffo, kandr3s, aynish, guysoft[m], plantroon[m], [aciccarello], smcttl[m], mro, suzie97[m], DerekKozel[m], jonnybarnes, [tantek], AramZ-S[m], cambridgeport90[, jbrr[m], petermolnar[m], reed, pmlnr1, [0x3b0b], AramZS, vilhalmer, [Murray], jarkad_, [KevinMarks], IWSlackGateway, jjuran, jeremycherfas, lanodan, IWDiscordRelay, chee, Skyther[d], sebbu, ehmry, ben_thatmustbeme, raucao, chenghiz_, BinyaminGreen[m], omz13, BigShip, strugee, willnorris, voxpelli, rektide_, Kaja, klez_, jan6, GWG, jbove, Seirdy_, ludovicchabant, starrwulfe[m], sivoais, antranigv, Zegnat, mcint, aaronpk, wagle, Ruxton_, ancarda, capjamesg, sebsel, vikanezrimaya, tommorris, benji, laker, joshproehl, Saphire, saptaks, n8chz, CamWebb[m], h3rb1, plantroon[m]12, gxt__, pharalia, timdream, ren, BinarySavior, rocto, shreyanjain[m], bozo_, anarchivist_, Alphabet4220, gerben, rvalue, bekopharm[m], seekr, joj, hedy-, lockywolf, tiim, schmudde1, retronav, bleb, asarandi, moose333, oenone, Saphir, rubenwardy, cellular, webmind, ross[m]12, jboy, Xe, zfk, oodani, frenzcan, benpate[m], shreyasminocha, kloenk, toastloop, Jon, fcser__, rrix, duncanbeevers, Oclair, romangeeko, sm2n, toastal, apophys_, helveticamono, cygnoir, alecjonathon, eb, paulgrmn, srushe, peterrother, Bitweasil, streety, dpk, victorneo, ullbeking, lawt, jmac, neatnik, BDFOC, vroman, oxtyped, yar, push-f, gRegor, btrem, petermolnar and [jacky] joined the channel
a lot of companies are leaning _heavy_ into AP (they say Mastodon here b/c -gestures-) and I wonder how/if we could lean on this here
in some way
hard to compete with that when mastodon gets them the similar measurable engagement as twitter, whereas a regular blog doesn't
gerben and [snarfed] joined the channel
I guess as usual, we work on integrating as much as competing
mro joined the channel
for sure, the fediverse has definitely benefited from the rel=me work here (almost _every_ verification thing I've seen uses it)
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
Shame they dropped the mf2 though
I'm confused, nothing in that engadget article is about rel me verification
[schmarty] joined the channel
I'm talking more about services in the fediverse that talk about verification, tend to mention and utilize verification
that was def a side note
ah ok 🙂
[jacky] We had some similar conversations at last week's Pacific HWC about if it's possible to tap into some of the momentum around the decentralized community.
indieweb-visitor joined the channel
also at https://decentsocial.net/ a couple weeks ago, and probably at [j12t] et al's https://fediforum.org/ next month
web-visitor, vilhalmer, vrnc, mro and mro_ joined the channel; web-visitor left the channel
If folks here are going/went to these events, please feel free to create a wiki page for them and add links to session recordings, notes etc.
mdemo, mro, btrem, bterry, [manton], vrnc, Guest8219 and angelo joined the channel; Guest8219 left the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> I should make an IndieWeb thing…
<c​apjamesg#4492> But what!