#indieweb 2023-03-01

2023-03-01 UTC
Do we have a list of project looking for contributors?
aciccarello, that's more of a #indieweb-dev questions, however usually we steer people toward projects that they’re already using (or want to use) on their own website
AramZS_, bozo and geoffo joined the channel
sorta? we have
what is login wall
login wall (AKA login gate, authwall, or auth wall) is a UI antipattern used by some silos like Medium to prompt returning users with a login UI, sometimes after some number of viewed pages, that blocks viewing or using the site until the user has logged in https://indieweb.org/login_wall
hah that Verge article is a ride. so many quotables
It's very good
login wall << https://www.theverge.com/2023/2/28/23618804/google-facebook-login-ads-web-design-hell “One of the major problems with salesbros is that they think “always be closing” is a mantra to live by because they didn’t understand the point of Glengarry Glen Ross, which is that salespeople are nightmares. That’s why there’s always some silly pop-up chat at the bottom of every website now.”
ok, I added "https://www.theverge.com/2023/2/28/23618804/google-facebook-login-ads-web-design-hell “One of the major problems with salesbros is that they think “always be closing” is a mantra to live by because they didn’t understand the point of Glengarry Glen Ross, which is that salespeople are nightmares. That’s why there’s always some silly pop-up chat at the bottom of every website now.”" to the "See Also" section of /login_wall https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86834&oldid=86296
I mean I would have put that quote on /business-model but yeah
[timothy_chambe] joined the channel
antonior[m], geoffo, lockywolf, bterry, jjuran, oodani, gRegor, wagle, IWSlackGateway, BDFOC, rocto_, pharalia, jan6, rektide_, klez_, Kaja, sivoais, saptaks, zfk, oxtyped, push-f, vrnc, [Murray], [schmarty], [jacky], [KevinMarks], [tantek], n8chz and [snarfed] joined the channel
From [benatwork]'s February article links, this seems quite applicable both to the benefit (establishing reputation) and risks (providing training models) to writing on your own site: https://www.pcmag.com/news/sci-fi-mag-pauses-submissions-amid-flood-of-ai-generated-short-stories
geoffo joined the channel
stuff like this is why I really hate this chatgpt era. what (most) people think of as a toy is going to make work harder (for writers of all types) not b/c it's producing it but the extra effort of moderation that comes with it
same with stable diffusion
um, I don't know how to say this kindly, ChatGPT is going to replace A LOT of writers, especially thing that are small / generic like marketing copy.
it's very good at specific things like following patterns, which sounds an awful lot like how other kinds of automation have replaced people previously doing that work
I could go on a rant about this but 💢
the problem is that there's A LOT of mediocre writing out there, and has been tolerated as such a low bar for so long, that it is absolutely vulnerable to being replaced by what folks used to call "a small shell script"
aaronpk, indeed, a lot of such work (mostly) follows "known" patterns that "work". advertising, marketing, sales.
I don't see anything wrong with automating that. save the human brain power to solve more interesting problems and be creative
sure, easy to say that from a coder perspective 🙂 that doesn't mean whole swaths of people who have careers in those areas aren't going to find themselves effectively either replaced, or paid less as a result
like every wave of automation in the past 🤷‍♂️
I think my response is going to be kinda off-topic (and I didn't mean to bring it off)
gRegor joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> I’ll move my thoughts to #chat.
[pfefferle], cambridgeport90, ShoesNSocks, [aciccarello], [campegg], btrem and bozo joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> HWC London / Europe starting in 3 mins.
[preview] [Martin] This past few months at the other site has me convinced organizations should 100% do whatever they need to do to build outreach capacity independently from social media sites. Make a newsletter, a zine, a big Signal group, whatever you want. But it s...
[preview] LIVE NOW: Homebrew Website Club Europe/London
geoffo, plantroon, Oclair, jjuran, ShoesNSocks, gerben and jgee118692253 joined the channel