#indieweb 2023-03-04

2023-03-04 UTC
gerben, geoffo, lockywolf and jgee118692253 joined the channel
Choice for users: If you start using the bluesky app, but decide you want to host your own server, or have a username that’s your personal website, you can switch over to doing that. Account portability will let users switch services without losing friends or data.
btrem, gxt__, mro, jeremycherfas, jeremy, gerben, jawaharlal, jgee118692253, vrnc, [manton], jonnybarnes, Xe, jgee1186922535 and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
[snarfed] - if you still have invites would love to try Bluesky
geoffo, jgee118692253, bozo, mro, jgee1186922534 and n8chz joined the channel
[timothy_chambe] I DMed you one a few hrs ago! 😆
n8chz1, btrem, fcser, n8chz, gxt__ and bozo joined the channel
Apropos what [snarfed] was saying about potential IndieWeb advantage of getting Salmentions working: https://mastodon.social/@waldoj/109965209469102577
[preview] [Waldo Jaquith] To have a viral post on Mastodon is to be confronted with a long series of people asking the exact same question or providing the same “well actually” response, for days, because of the limits of federation. They simply can’t see those other re...
<c​apjamesg#4492> I need help with that haha 🙂
<c​apjamesg#4492> I’ve reached what I can do myself on Salmentions.
hey [tantek], IWDiscordRelay, it looks like this conversation is getting pretty technical (salmentions), can you take it to #indieweb-dev?
True, we need a user-feature label for that. Like reply threads perhaps?
yup that
capjamesg, did you add an example permalink of yours displaying a your post, a reply to it, and a reply to that reply?
(To the wiki page)
A way to ignore further replies after a certain number or time would be a good thing for Mastodon or other reply ux
jgee1186922534, IWSlackGateway, [KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel