#indieweb 2023-03-05

2023-03-05 UTC
[snarfed] joined the channel
Rabble posted notes from DecentSocial https://11.02.2023.decentsocial.net/
jgee11869225347 joined the channel
weird date format but ok
[KevinMarks] that looks mostly dev-stuff, maybe better there
oh i get it, it's most to least specific, like DNS
that's quite the interesting article [KevinMarks]
in case anyone wants to document /silo Hive Social which will likely be gone within a year https://xoxo.zone/@andybaio/109435055904912441 (thread)
[preview] [Andy Baio] who could have ever predicted a student coding project with three people working on it and over 2 million users would have multiple critical vulnerabilities?"The issues we reported allow any attacker to access all data, including private posts, priva...
what i want to know is how did they do such a PR blitz to get that many users so quick
pretty looking iOS app + early adoption among a certain (young) crowd + Twexodus
what is BeReal
It looks like we don't have a page for "BeReal" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "BeReal is ____", a sentence describing the term)
^ I know people that use this
the silo-via-native-iOS-app pathway is well established, perhaps originally with Path
what is Path
Path was a content hosting silo for private sharing of information among a small (limit 150) group of friends https://indieweb.org/Path
BeReal could be an interesting service (notification via Webmention?) and Micropub client
hah, shades of /Monogram : "Once the daily notification is sent, users lose the ability to see others' BeReals from the previous day"
HAHAHA what?!? you get shamed for posting too late?!? "While on-time BeReals show the time it was uploaded, late BeReals uploaded after the two-minute window only show how late the poster is."
[tantek]: lol
tbh the description of BeReal’s UI makes me anxious. It's like the opposite of slow web
what is slow web
slow web is a movement based on deliberately designed web sites focused on more well user-paced experiences instead of real-time, reactive, or frantic experiences, and has principles similar to and compatible with IndieWeb principles https://indieweb.org/slow_web
gerben, [schmarty], gxt__, bterry, btrem, zfk, geoffo, ren, mro, [manton] and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> We are experimenting with running HWC London / Europe every week instead of every two weeks. Thus, our next session will be on Wednesday, March 8th, hosted by myself and [marksuth].
[capjamesg] joined the channel
capjamesg++ [marksuth]++
capjamesg has 15 karma in this channel over the last year (81 in all channels)
[marksuth] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (13 in all channels)
Oclair, mro, jonnybarnes, btrem, [kimberlyhirsh], [snarfed], sp1ff, jgee1186922534, plantroon, wagle, mslehto, rektide_, klez_, Kaja, sivoais, saptaks, oxtyped, [snarfed]1, vrnc, gxt__, sugoi, geoffo, IWSlackGateway, [KevinMarks] and [capjamesg] joined the channel