Loqi[preview] [Andy Baio] who could have ever predicted a student coding project with three people working on it and over 2 million users would have multiple critical vulnerabilities?"The issues we reported allow any attacker to access all data, including private posts, priva...
[tantek]HAHAHA what?!? you get shamed for posting too late?!? "While on-time BeReals show the time it was uploaded, late BeReals uploaded after the two-minute window only show how late the poster is."
Loqislow web is a movement based on deliberately designed web sites focused on more well user-paced experiences instead of real-time, reactive, or frantic experiences, and has principles similar to and compatible with IndieWeb principles https://indieweb.org/slow_web
IWDiscordRelay<capjamesg#4492> We are experimenting with running HWC London / Europe every week instead of every two weeks. Thus, our next session will be on Wednesday, March 8th, hosted by myself and [marksuth].