#indieweb 2023-03-06

2023-03-06 UTC
oodani, geoffo, rvalue, [KevinMarks], [capjamesg], btrem, mdemo, jboy, nanoflite, jeremycherfas and mro joined the channel
ok, I added "https://andy-bell.co.uk/how-im-dealing-with-twitter-in-a-hands-off-manner/" to the "See Also" section of /POSSE https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=86886&oldid=85958
nanoflite, asarandi2, joshproehl, mro, mro_ and gxt__ joined the channel
Solid post. That's worth IndieNewsing IMO because it also covers some good Reader how-tos
[benatwork], [jacky], barnaby, geoffo, nanoflite, [aciccarello], [chrisbergr], fcser, gRegor, mro, ren, jonnybarnes, btrem, JaeBeep[m], gxt__, jjuran_, omz13-, gerben_, jan61, schmudde1, plantroon[m]12, micheledm[m], jbrr[m], pmlnr1, antonior[m], kandr3s, bterry and timdream joined the channel
Any word on how the NYC event went yesterday?
geoffo, gerben, mro, mro_, timdream_, schmudde2, n8chz, btrem and Salt joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> yay!
Cool idea, especially if one owns some short urls
hmm, no mention of how it works, whether it uses rel=me like the rest of us etc.
no, it's DNS, probably TXT records
<c​apjamesg#4492> rel=me would be nice.
jjuran joined the channel
as much as your personal home wifi network is a part of your "indie web" presence (or at least access), has anyone here created one of those old-timey "home sweet home" cross-stitches with a QR code for your wifi SSID/pw and hung it up inside your entrance? https://www.popsci.com/diy/cross-stitch-qr-code/
I am going to make a laser cut wooden QR code for that
I thought about it a few times. I think every time I've considered it, I either put it off because if I did that for my guest wifi I'd also feel obligated to get around to MAC filtering my private ones, or thought if I were going to do something like that I'd rather use an NFC tag, or didn't bother because I have a lot of tidying up to do before I would realistically entertain even immediate family as guests.
geoffo joined the channel
I'm thinking of doing it in LEGO
Oh hey, it finally connected me, yay! I've been out of the indieweb world for a bit but excited to get a regular seattle hwc going...
that's a bit easier to modify than a woodcut or needlepoint 🙂
Salt has 1 karma over the last year
anyhoo, I popped by specifically because there is a new FOSS conference that is happening in July in Portland, OR, USA. They are doing a call for community tracks, and I'd love to see an indieweb focused one, though I can't lead the effort myself: https://sfconservancy.org/fossy/community-tracks/
It wasn't a wifi password, but I think somewhere I still have a copy of a friend's old Minecraft world file circa...maybe 13 years ago? ...in which we each built a giant working QR code in the sky. I think mine was made of wool blocks and may have linked to the end of the internet.
Sorry, that was definitely a drift off topic.
(I'm not affiliated with them, just saw that the call closes in a couple of weeks and know what content I'd like to see when down there...)
btrem joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> /waves