[tantek]as much as your personal home wifi network is a part of your "indie web" presence (or at least access), has anyone here created one of those old-timey "home sweet home" cross-stitches with a QR code for your wifi SSID/pw and hung it up inside your entrance? https://www.popsci.com/diy/cross-stitch-qr-code/
[0x3b0b]I thought about it a few times. I think every time I've considered it, I either put it off because if I did that for my guest wifi I'd also feel obligated to get around to MAC filtering my private ones, or thought if I were going to do something like that I'd rather use an NFC tag, or didn't bother because I have a lot of tidying up to do before I would realistically entertain even immediate family as guests.
Saltanyhoo, I popped by specifically because there is a new FOSS conference that is happening in July in Portland, OR, USA. They are doing a call for community tracks, and I'd love to see an indieweb focused one, though I can't lead the effort myself: https://sfconservancy.org/fossy/community-tracks/
[0x3b0b]It wasn't a wifi password, but I think somewhere I still have a copy of a friend's old Minecraft world file circa...maybe 13 years ago? ...in which we each built a giant working QR code in the sky. I think mine was made of wool blocks and may have linked to the end of the internet.