#indieweb 2023-03-10

2023-03-10 UTC
what's the convention for telling someone how to find me on bluesky? Should I just type out my handle (aaronpk.com) on my website? Can I create a link somehow?
[indienews] New post: "OAuth Support in Bluesky and AT Protocol" https://aaronparecki.com/2023/03/09/5/bluesky-and-oauth
^^ mostly about the UX of OAuth/IndieAuth, vaguely technical but no code
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
maybe at://aaronpk.com ?
I guess without a bluesky webinterface it is difficult...
@aaronpk.com :)
How do you adress someone in a reply via api?
friendly reminder aaronpk [chrisbergr], it looks like this conversation is getting pretty technical (OAuth, API), can you take it to #indieweb-dev?
[tantek]: that's what I did, inside a code block `@aaronpk.com`
antranigv, geoffo and jgee118692253457 joined the channel
Great post aaronpk! This kind of session auth is mostly outside the ATP/Bluesky protocols, so different PDS implementations should be able to do their own thing, like with AP
that's not gonna work well for creating an app ecosystem then!
also the session endpoint is in the atproto docs so it seems pretty official, but now that's getting into #indieweb-dev
geoffo, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__, btrem, gerben, njd and slydacyfa joined the channel
ross[m]123 and [Joel_Auterson] joined the channel
Hi folks, new to indieweb in the last couple of weeks. 🙂 Just recently got things on my website where I wanted them to be and enjoying learning more about this
<c​apjamesg#4492> Welcome!
<c​apjamesg#4492> What is your domain name [Joel_Auterson]?
It is joelotter.com 🙂
<c​apjamesg#4492> Amazing! I love the design!
<c​apjamesg#4492> I am jamesg.blog.
Thank you! I really like yours too, nice to meet a fellow coffee nerd!
i have strong opinions about pizza
[preview] [Joel Auterson] The Good Shit Pizza Manifesto
I have the opposite problem up here in Yorkshire - it's hard to find a proper Napoli style pizza. I have to go to Saltburn.
Mind you a Parmo is pretty much your definition, but without the pizza base
OK, that's not quite fair, there's a good pizza place in Stokesley too.
I mean yeah I am absolutely spoiled rotten by London's food
I have to go to York for Vietnamese
<c​apjamesg#4492> Where do you go in York for Vietnamese food [KevinMarks]?
Côtô Kitchen in York is very good.
Coto Kitchen and Bar
01904 863841
<c​apjamesg#4492> That's where I thought you might recommend 😅
I have more suggestions for San Jose CA
[campegg] joined the channel
[Joel_Auterson] _"A Good Shit Pizza must not… Include chicken. We still have standards."_ As someone married to an Italian, can co-sign on this… even the mention of chicken and pizza in the same sentence is enough to set her off 😆😆
<c​apjamesg#4492> I like spicy pizza.
[Murray] joined the channel
I couldn't disagree more about the chicken issue, but I can fully sympathise with the problem of missing that kind of pizza. Round my way we call it "Dirty Pizza" (and also Dirty Burgers, to describe a similar phenomenon with food van burgers), or Late Night Pizza, but when I lived in Fulham we had the same issue 😂 Too middle-class, not enough nightlife, so no good "dirty" takeaways
bterry1 and [manton] joined the channel
James, you'd like the Saltburn one - the dark red stuff is 'Nduja
[pfefferle], geoffo, strugee_, jgee118692253450, n8chz and [benatwork] joined the channel
Could be an interesting tool for RSS/Fedi interconnectivity: https://feedsin.space/
[aciccarello] joined the channel
I thought Mastodon could already subscribe via RSS. Or is it only the other way around?
hey [Murray], [aciccarello]: that's a lot of dev jargon! RSS... can you move to #indieweb-dev?
btrem joined the channel
I don't believe so; Mastadon feeds can be subscribed to via RSS, but I don't think they can natively import feeds/subscribe to feeds
*feeds outside of the Fediverse, that is
geoffo joined the channel
geoffo and ehmry joined the channel
that's a client (reader) vs server (publisher) distinction right?
there's nothing stopping a masto client from building general social reader support
I make this distinction because anecdotally I hear more and more people accessing their "Mastodon" via special clients, rather than the default Mastodon web UI
[indienews] New post: "On POSSE and IndieWeb | Joel Auterson" https://www.joelotter.com/posts/2023/03/indieweb/ (from https://aaronparecki.com/2023/03/10/6/)
"I want to read feeds alongside my Mastodon timeline" vs "I want everyone in the fediverse to be able to follow this feed"
instead of that first one, how about: "I want to follow my friends regardless of whether they publish on blogs or Mastodon"
sure, of course, social reader
I don't view the concept of a "Mastodon timeline" as useful tbh
certainly not user-centric
true in the ideal world, yes. but it is a user-visible idea in the real world right now. the average person obviously understands the ideas of their facebook timeline vs their "witter timeline vs their tiktok feed, etc as different things, app/network-specific, even if ideally those distinctions would eventually fade away
yeah we still need a page for this for the general concept to have something to say instead of "facebook timeline vs their "witter timeline vs their tiktok feed"
e.g. Facebook originally called it their News Feed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feed_(Facebook)
speaking of "news feed", there's also things like the home page of https://news.google.com/home
which recently got redesigned, they moved categories from a column on the left to a row on the top, and dropped "Covid-19" from that set of categories
bterry1, [keithjgrant], btrem and [TMichelleMoore] joined the channel