#indieweb 2023-03-12

2023-03-12 UTC
strugee, geoffo and [aciccarello] joined the channel
new weird twitter thing happened to me today. I replied to a tweet that had a ton of engagement, so I started getting replies from randos. (thankfully the discussion was mostly civil) but...
twitter didn't send me any push notifications, there are no indications of the replies in my twitter notifications tab, and I never would have known about these replies if it weren't for...
bridgy sending these replies as webmentions to my website!
Ruxton_, [snarfed], benji, gxt__, jeremycherfas, bterry, vilhalmer, antranigv, angelo, jjuran, petermolnar, tiim, mouse[d], IWDiscordRelay, Salt, pmlnr1, jbrr[m], micheledm[m], jan6, omz13, JaeBeep[m], saptaks, Kaja, oxtyped, joshproehl, rektide, sivoais, plantroon[m], smcttl[m], Jonas[m], cambridgeport90[, reed, chenghiz_, [0x3b0b], chee, BinyaminGreen[m], willnorris, voxpelli, GWG, jbove, ludovicchabant, Seirdy_, starrwulfe[m], apophys_, Zegnat, mcint, aaronpk, sebsel, rrix, Saphire, laker, tommorris, jgee11869225345, BinarySavior, ross[m]123, Gorro_Rojo[m], jonnybarnes_, ren, rvalue, streety, Saphir, antonior[m], Oclair, rocto, plantroon[m]12, asarandi, kandr3s, pharalia, DerekKozel[m], push-f, zfk, guysoft[m], heycaseywattsup[, suzie97[m], mslehto, shreyanjain[m], hedy-, webmind, Xe, rubenwardy, oodani, oenone, aynish, sdk, bekopharm[m], peterrother, frenzcan, cellular, benpate[m], CamWebb[m], BDFOC, benatkin, romangeeko, bleb, cygnoir, Jon, anarchivist_, duncanbeevers, dpk, victorneo, Bitweasil, lawt, mdemo, shreyasminocha, [tantek], [pfefferle], [KevinMarks] and lawt2 joined the channel
aaronpk++ lol love it
aaronpk has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (88 in all channels)
while the API lasts at least
antonior[m], tiim, joshproehl, rocto, saptaks, jgee11869225345, Kaja, omz13, rektide, oxtyped, mslehto, heycaseywattsup[, kandr3s, plantroon[m]12, geoffo, benpate[m], shreyanjain[m], DerekKozel[m], bekopharm[m], Seirdy_, suzie97[m], pmlnr1, [0x3b0b], aynish, BinyaminGreen[m], JaeBeep[m], smcttl[m], CamWebb[m], jgee118692253452, sdk, reed, ross[m]123, benatkin, Salt, plantroon[m], micheledm[m], starrwulfe[m], Gorro_Rojo[m], Jonas[m], guysoft[m], cambridgeport90[, jbrr[m], cellular, jgee118692253459 and [jamietanna] joined the channel
Snarfed don't want to shell out a minimum of $42000/mo? 😂
[schmarty], jgee118692253451, [marksuth], jeremycherfas, aaronpk, [tantek]1, [pfefferle], [chrisbergr], [jamietanna], [KevinMarks], [aciccarello] and [snarfed] joined the channel
aaronpk I have Twitter push notifications disabled, I'm using it via browser most of the times. Every day I have a new blue bubble with a number in it on the Notifications tab, Those numbers are alway suggestions of random ppl I don't know talking about random stuff I don't care.
They are never indicating any mentions or likes and I don't see them on Notifications->All. I have to go to Notifications->Mentions to see them, what I do rarely.
I experience this for about 2 years now, what is one of multiple reasons why I don't participate in many discussions anymore...
bterry, uxBrad, btrem, Saphir, Guest8480, [felix_wenzel73], jonnybarnes, geoffo, apophys, bleb_, chee, webmind and GWG joined the channel
remembered this today, apropos of nothing, still makes me laugh: https://brid.gy/mastodon/@joebuhlig@truthsocial.com
btrem, geoffo, n8chz, bterry and gRegor joined the channel