#indieweb 2023-03-12
2023-03-12 UTC
strugee, geoffo and [aciccarello] joined the channel
Ruxton_, [snarfed], benji, gxt__, jeremycherfas, bterry, vilhalmer, antranigv, angelo, jjuran, petermolnar, tiim, mouse[d], IWDiscordRelay, Salt, pmlnr1, jbrr[m], micheledm[m], jan6, omz13, JaeBeep[m], saptaks, Kaja, oxtyped, joshproehl, rektide, sivoais, plantroon[m], smcttl[m], Jonas[m], cambridgeport90[, reed, chenghiz_, [0x3b0b], chee, BinyaminGreen[m], willnorris, voxpelli, GWG, jbove, ludovicchabant, Seirdy_, starrwulfe[m], apophys_, Zegnat, mcint, aaronpk, sebsel, rrix, Saphire, laker, tommorris, jgee11869225345, BinarySavior, ross[m]123, Gorro_Rojo[m], jonnybarnes_, ren, rvalue, streety, Saphir, antonior[m], Oclair, rocto, plantroon[m]12, asarandi, kandr3s, pharalia, DerekKozel[m], push-f, zfk, guysoft[m], heycaseywattsup[, suzie97[m], mslehto, shreyanjain[m], hedy-, webmind, Xe, rubenwardy, oodani, oenone, aynish, sdk, bekopharm[m], peterrother, frenzcan, cellular, benpate[m], CamWebb[m], BDFOC, benatkin, romangeeko, bleb, cygnoir, Jon, anarchivist_, duncanbeevers, dpk, victorneo, Bitweasil, lawt, mdemo, shreyasminocha, [tantek], [pfefferle], [KevinMarks] and lawt2 joined the channel
antonior[m], tiim, joshproehl, rocto, saptaks, jgee11869225345, Kaja, omz13, rektide, oxtyped, mslehto, heycaseywattsup[, kandr3s, plantroon[m]12, geoffo, benpate[m], shreyanjain[m], DerekKozel[m], bekopharm[m], Seirdy_, suzie97[m], pmlnr1, [0x3b0b], aynish, BinyaminGreen[m], JaeBeep[m], smcttl[m], CamWebb[m], jgee118692253452, sdk, reed, ross[m]123, benatkin, Salt, plantroon[m], micheledm[m], starrwulfe[m], Gorro_Rojo[m], Jonas[m], guysoft[m], cambridgeport90[, jbrr[m], cellular, jgee118692253459 and [jamietanna] joined the channel
[schmarty], jgee118692253451, [marksuth], jeremycherfas, aaronpk, [tantek]1, [pfefferle], [chrisbergr], [jamietanna], [KevinMarks], [aciccarello] and [snarfed] joined the channel
bterry, uxBrad, btrem, Saphir, Guest8480, [felix_wenzel73], jonnybarnes, geoffo, apophys, bleb_, chee, webmind and GWG joined the channel
btrem, geoffo, n8chz, bterry and gRegor joined the channel