#indieweb 2023-03-13

2023-03-13 UTC
geoffo, n8chz, ren, Soni, [tw2113_Slack_], gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Good testimonial in this comment (in reply to a good post, too): "Fully embracing the very IndieWeb concept of a personal website has helped me shake this feeling of FOMO" https://www.zinzy.website/2023-03-05-07-41-54
[preview] [Zinzy Waleson Geene] I love this essay, Simone. Fully embracing the very IndieWeb concept of a personal website has helped me shake this feeling of FOMO, I imagine the same way it did for you. Don’t be hard on yourself, though, we all fell for this concept, and many of...
n8chz, btrem, mro and [Murray] joined the channel
A nice write-up on authoring friction in SSGs/flat-file systems, versus complexity of content management systems, and just blogging in general (feels relevant, but unsure for where): https://darthmall.net/weblog/2023/thoughts-on-my-publishing-workflow/
gRegor joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> Typora — mentioned in that article — is a great editor.
Alphabet4220, rvalue, jgee11869225345, mro, ShoesNSocks, Loqi, lawt, hedy-, geoffo, gRegor, [dave], n8chz, IWSlackGateway, [tantek], danjalical, btrem and [benatwork] joined the channel; danjalical left the channel
big news!
[snarfed] joined the channel
seriously! huge. congrats [pfefferle]!!!
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Thanks a lot! 😍
Now it seems official 😂
I will join automattic next month to work full time on open web stuff for WordPress and the automattic products
That's extremely cool
I am so excited!!
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
pretty sure i interviewed with Automattic once many years ago, I believe I got turned down because they figured I’d be too bored with the position?
may have been more support than anything
Nonetheless, this sounds like a promising position
Coming soon: ActivityPub in Jetpack 😛
[pfefferle]: Does this mean you can get me free swag?
Congrats [pfefferle]++
[pfefferle] has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (24 in all channels)
On another note, 10 years ago today Google Reader shutdown: https://googleblog.blogspot.com/2013/03/a-second-spring-of-cleaning.html
[pfefferle]: Also joking, congratulations
<c​apjamesg#4492> Congratulations [pfefferle]!
congrats [pfefferle], daumen gedrückt it goes well!
[KevinMarks] and [TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
what is OpenAI
OpenAI is the creator of many notable AI tools, including an Embeddings API and the GPT series of models that, combined, can be used to create a generative search index for your website https://indieweb.org/OpenAI
trying to imagine a world where people can query our personal sites in conversational fashion when either not reachable or people don't want to bother/reach out in a synchronous way or with chat
vrnc joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> An interesting use case is to make company documentation queryable.
<c​apjamesg#4492> Like what Supabase is doing (url on the wiki page).
gRegor, [schmarty], bterry, btrem, [aciccarello], [asuh] and moose333 joined the channel
Thanks tantek and sknebel!
GWG sure, I have some contingents
[pfefferle]: I'd rather just see more of you
Now that open web is my job, I hope I will be able to attend some indiewebcamps
[pfefferle]: And review PRs... I still owe you one.
Maybe Dusseldorf?
When is that?
[pfefferle]: Tentative end of April..see wiki
what is btconf
Beyond Tellerrand is (often abbreviated btconf) an annual web conference in Düsseldorf, Germany since 2011 (additional cities since), which has supported and helped sponsor the adjacent IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf annually since 2015 https://indieweb.org/btconf
Tantek, why didn't you ask me?
capjamesg, it's not a competition between your bot and Loqi 😂
we're trying to organize an IWC for the weekend before (15-16 April) however we are having difficulties finding a venue
-> #indieweb-meta for more on that 🙂
It looks like my bot doesn't want to take over Loqi's responsibilities: https://jamesg.blog/bot/prompt/02e5a2b9-da83-43ea-a33e-93f2761ef379
[chrisbergr], [Tim_Nolte] and gRegor joined the channel
because this was before I was blogging about every session (which, tbh, always blog about every session you go to at every conference, because it's very likely you'll want to refer to lt years later), and because web search is very bad at finding things 20 years old, I have to go look something up in print
2003 SXSW and various IndieWeb things