#indieweb 2023-04-04

2023-04-04 UTC
geoffo, pharalia, gRegor and [snarfed] joined the channel
shreyanjain no, Twitter API changes have definitely not happened yet
[indienews] New post: "So long, Twitter API, and thanks for all the fish" https://snarfed.org/2023-04-03_so-long-twitter-api-and-thanks-for-all-the-fish
sad it had to end like this
[jamietanna] joined the channel
Is aperture.p3k.io down for anyone else? Connections time out for me
Sorry ignore 👆 looks like my WiFi is a bit bust
gxt__, [pfefferle] and bret joined the channel
snarfed has 33 karma in this channel over the last year (134 in all channels)
bterry, rvalue, gaussianblue, gRegor, jonnybarnes, btrem, geoffo and n8chz joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> https://colorid.es/@peachymist/109882294947454474
geoffo, [tw2113_Slack_], BinarySavior, bozo, gRegor and bterry joined the channel
I'm thinking about using Mastodon...
BinarySavior joined the channel
capjamesg, can you be more specific? web UI? some native app? or just federating directly from your website with Bridgy Fed the way a bunch of us do
Web UI.
For reading, not posting.
Have you tried any of the Social Readers?
It's a pity that as Mastodon is a heavyweight server, most operators opted to disable server side rendering, especially after the recent exodus. Many better servers exist that are much lighter and have it enabled unconditionally: https://fediverse.party/
Social Readers [tantek]?
What is the best way to discover new people who post on Mastodon via an IndieWeb social reader?
I already see Toots(?) in my social reader.
geoffo and bret joined the channel
I don't think there's discovery via social readers
discovery is like anything else, through the web
discovery covers a lot of different things
one method of discovery is when someone you follow reposts someone else's stuff, which does appear in social readers
For discovery, you can follow tags on Diaspora, Friendica and Hubzilla (perhaps on a few other servers as well). Friendica also has a user directory where you can search for user profiles https://dir.friendica.social/search?q=php
You could also use an old-school manually curated & endorsed link directory listing user profiles https://communitywiki.org/trunk
you can follow tags in Social Readers too
pretty sure aaronpk does that and documented how in his article
what is a social reader
A social reader is a modern interactive reader that allows you to directly respond to posts (with a like, comment, etc) right there inline with posts as you read them (as people do in social media), in contrast to legacy feed readers which were one-way read-only experiences and provided no mechanisms to interact with or respond to posts https://indieweb.org/social_reader
wow that post is almost 5 years old
<c​apjamesg#4492> Yes 🙂
[manton], mro, [chrisbergr], IWSlackGateway, [aaronpk], [snarfed], [tantek], jarkad, [aciccarello], hhh1111, [jacky], [KevinMarks] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[tantek]: It happened in the past but I was too afraid to ask up to now. I did not find an answer to my question in your reference. Could you mention a few words of why any given link answers my query and/or potentially provide deep link or scroll-to-text anchors to what you mean?
Following the tag "caturday" over Hubzilla, Diaspora or Friendica on the instance I am registered on means that whenever anybody posts something with that tag (either locally or by one followed, follower or interacter or other cached content), it will appear in my feed.
This is not the same thing as just adding the categorical subfeed URL of /bob/tags/caturday.rss to your feed reader (if the given blog engine supports it that is).
bkil, indeed, we should create subsections as necessary to link to specific answers to questions!
I have lost the context of the specific question however
what is a tag page
A tag page is a page that provides a way to browse and navigate posts on that site with a specific tag https://indieweb.org/tag_page
what is tag aggregation
tag aggregation is a feature of some search, indexing, and bookmarking sites that collect tagged posts from many different sites, including IndieWeb sites, and present them for exploration by topic, and sometimes related or highly correlated topics https://indieweb.org/tag_aggregation
tag aggregation << Software Examples: Hubzilla, Diaspora, and Friendica have tag aggregation pages that show all posts with a particular tag from anyone on that instance, or followed by anyone on that instance.
ok, I added "Software Examples: Hubzilla, Diaspora, and Friendica have tag aggregation pages that show all posts with a particular tag from anyone on that instance, or followed by anyone on that instance." to the "See Also" section of /tag_aggregation https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=87316&oldid=78030
what is categorical subfeed
It looks like we don't have a page for "categorical subfeed" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "categorical subfeed is ____", a sentence describing the term)
categorical subfeed is /tag_page
bkil ^ does that help better describe the distinction?
Yes, those two seem more related.
These concepts are a bit differently factored on the fediverse than those two, though.
But yeah, tag_aggregation is a good answer to the problem of capjamesg
Also sort of implemented on the fediverse: https://indieweb.org/hashtag-cache https://indieweb.org/nickname-cache
By the way, is there a reason why the slug of a wiki page is delimited by underscores in some cases and by hyphens in others?
earlier on we preferred hyphens because it was better supported by search engine indexing. these days it appears to make no difference so multi-word phrases get _ by default between words
some hyphenated terms are actually hyphenated
Also note that the definition of tag_aggregation is a bit vague. It should be noted whether it is basically a search engine with an automated indexer or if it is built up on user endorsement: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_social_bookmarking_websites https://indieweb.org/indiewebring
curious what [KevinMarks] thinks of these distinctions
I think some of these should be interlinked to the original question that is something like https://indieweb.org/who_to_follow https://indieweb.org/discovery https://indieweb.org/statistics
The basic problem is information overload - there are too many good answers all over the place (vs. a newbie only looking for a button or heading to show related posts) https://indieweb.org/planet It might prove useful to have a TLDR subwiki where FAQ is distilled on a single page. I find the existing page a mixed back of mostly politics campaigning - not about what a newbie really asks https://indieweb.org/FAQ
I am primarily a tag fan, because I think that hierarchical categories are a leftover model from a physical shelving problem, and that actual mental categories are more like Rosch's prototype theory.
[snarfed] joined the channel
bkil huh? what in the FAQ seems political to you? it's pretty much technical / operational stuff
[TMichelleMoore], btrem and [schmarty] joined the channel
[tantek]: I think it could improve its utility if we had multiple FAQ pages, each tailored to a very specific audience persona and use case.
[KevinMarks]: Not sure who brought up hierarchies or categories, but what do you think about hierarchical tags?